Resident Evil Infinite Darkness

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Apr 9, 2021
Had no idea this was in development but so far so good! Interesting storyline. What are you guys' thoughts on it so far? Netflix definitely made my heart content with this addition. Hopefully they plan on making multiple seasons covering the backstory of the whole franchise. I have a feeling this forum is about to get a lot more populated in the near future....
I just watched and it here are my thoughts:
It's just what I expected based on the CGI movies. A decent series with a decent story.
The scenes are well made and it really feels like a Hollywood action movie, although there could've been more horror elements, but the movies were also more focused on action.
The new characters had potential but fell short. Also it felt like Claire was more of a side character.
I really liked the ending for a specific reason, but I would be spoiling too much for those who haven't had the chance to see it yet.
Overall I'd recommend it if you enjoyed the CGI movies, but I can imagine that it might be boring for someone who isn't a RE fan.
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i watched all 4 episodes. and i think , it was far better than vendetta. although i hope for next seasons , they include other character status and dont just focus on Claire and Leon.
I just watched all four of the episodes and I really liked it. It was great seeing new characters be introduced and their development was pretty well done in my opinion. It wasn’t all about Leon and Claire which was great. Although, I do feel like Claire could’ve played a bigger role than what she got but overall she made a great impact in the story and it would’ve been different without her. I am heavily bias towards Claire though so it could just be me.

I would go more in depth but I don’t want to give out spoilers. I’ll give it a rating of 8/10.
Claire should have had a bigger part. The story I felt was pretty run-of-the-mill later RE stuff
Haven’t watched yet but does this take place before or after Lost in Nightmares in 2006?
I watched it yesterday night. I thought it was pretty pointless, let alone the fact it felt more like an episode of some TV show 'a la "24". I strongly believe it was originally supposed to be another CG feature film whose release was hampered by the pandemic and, like most recent movies, it got diverted to streaming - and that's when somebody thought of chopping it into 20-minutes episodes and present it as a series. The only thing I liked was that the villains' agendas were revenge and personal gain instead of going "muhahahahah! I will take over the world!" (but that's what happened in "Degeneration", "Damnation" and "Vendetta" too - only Capcom staffers can believe that's a believable motivation, professional screenwriters and directors obviously think they are silly). By the way, how many times in these CG shows can Leon and Claire meet each other by chance and just be casual about it?
I watched it and it seems to allude more to a potential REmake 4. The assets of RE8, they showed Ashley’s photo so she is also in the RE engine by now, Leon’s new voice actor adjusting to the mid 2000’s witty Leon. It’s inevitable folks.

Besides all that, this only leaves more questions than it solves. What was Tricell involvement with Wilson and what happened to him before Tricell shut down? What virus was involved that would make super soldiers? What kind of Tyrant did Jason mutate into? Did Leon keep the chip from Claire to protect Graham from public scrutiny?

This also left Leon and Claire’s friendship on a sour note unlike Degeneration that came 2 years before this mini series. Not a big fan of that, considering their strong connection as survivors of Raccoon City. Overall, it had some neat moments but it felt like it was forced into the timeline to prepare for REmake 4.
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I watched it yesterday night. I thought it was pretty pointless, let alone the fact it felt more like an episode of some TV show 'a la "24". I strongly believe it was originally supposed to be another CG feature film whose release was hampered by the pandemic and, like most recent movies, it got diverted to streaming - and that's when somebody thought of chopping it into 20-minutes episodes and present it as a series. The only thing I liked was that the villains' agendas were revenge and personal gain instead of going "muhahahahah! I will take over the world!" (but that's what happened in "Degeneration", "Damnation" and "Vendetta" too - only Capcom staffers can believe that's a believable motivation, professional screenwriters and directors obviously think they are silly). By the way, how many times in these CG shows can Leon and Claire meet each other by chance and just be casual about it?
Curtis Miller and Glenn Arias both acted out of revenge as well. The former more than the latter. They both lost loved ones that caused them to completely lose their minds and wanted to burn everything. Svetlana was the one who wanted to take over the Eastern Slav Republic using bio/weapons to wipe out the rebels to take their lands for resources. So I doubt she would of became a world conqueror if she succeeded since Tyrants can get steamrolled at the drop of a hat from fighter jets lol.
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Curtis Miller and Glenn Arias both acted out of revenge as well. The former more than the latter. They both lost loved ones that caused them to completely lose their minds and wanted to burn everything. Svetlana was the one who wanted to take over the Eastern Slav Republic using bio/weapons to wipe out the rebels to take their lands for resources. So I doubt she would of became a world conqueror if she succeeded since Tyrants can get steamrolled at the drop of a hat from fighter jets lol.
You misunderstood my post - I said that the CG movies didn't go for the "take over the world" Marvel-style villainous plan...because they were not written by people within Capcom or hired by Capcom to try and fit their design-by-committee-to-appeal-to-everyone game within the RE lore. The people who wrote and directed them do understand pathos and always went for the tragic villain because it's the only believable kind of antagonist for anyone who is older than 13 along with the bad guy who does everything for personal (and material) gain. It's what the classic games did when people like Iwao, Sugimura and Kawamura were in charge of know, before everything went downhill from RE4 onwards.
Well, I watched this today and...It isn't good. The character models, movement, overall design, and visuals are nice. But that's about it...At least they made Claire pretty again, instead of her ugly character model from REmake2.

The direction they gave for Leon's voice is awful. I won't say the voice acting itself is bad. Because it isn't. But the direction the VA was given was bad. This is Leon post RE4, and they're using (I think) the voice actor from REmake2. So you have this super young sounding voice coming out of an older Leon, who we already know at this point in the story has a deeper voice from RE4. Since this show is canon, this really jarring, especially since character design wise, he looks like RE4 Leon.

The main antagonists goal was WAY to similar to Degeneration. Pretty much identical. Which is just flat out lazy.

There's some issue with the pacing, and I'm pretty sure this can be chalked up to the fact that, I'm willing to bet, this was a movie first, then for whatever reason they decided to splice it up into a four episode miniseries. The problem is, movies and TV are different. The way they are written is different. So if you advertise something as a show/series, and really just give us a movie split into 4 parts, you're going to have some tonal and pacing inconsistencies which hurt the overall product.

I also think what they did with Leon's character was bizarre, and Claire's was weak. At this point in his career we know he's AT LEAST survived RE2, RE: Darkside Chronicles, and RE4. He's the Presidents Right. Hand. Man. Why is some nobody soldier telling Leon the mission is "Classified" like he's some lame underling. This dude is the presidents main man. If he's being sent on the mission, I can't imagine it would be classified. As for Claire, she's survived RE2 and RECV:X at this point at least. She has shown WAY more skill than the bumbling and falling over they give her in this series.

The ending also sucks...Leon and Claire having that little argument? When we're supposed to believe in Degeneration they're just back to normal again? Sure this is a series. Maybe we'll have another season or 2 for them to get back to this point. But I somehow doubt it since I doubt this was supposed to be a show in the first place, and really just a movie. IDK. I'm pretty underwhelmed at just about everything in this series save for Leon's witty dialogue, and the political aspect. Actually focusing on that was the freshest thing they've done with RE in a while.
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The direction they gave for Leon's voice is awful. I won't say the voice acting itself is bad. Because it isn't. But the direction the VA was given was bad. This is Leon post RE4, and they're using (I think) the voice actor from REmake2. So you have this super young sounding voice coming out of an older Leon, who we already know at this point in the story has a deeper voice from RE4. Since this show is canon, this really jarring, especially since character design wise, he looks like RE4 Leon.
Well, I agree with everything you wrote (minus Claire being ugly in RE2make), but the bit about Leon's appearance vs his voice is something that bothered me too for exactly the opposite reason: Leon looked older. They very much copied his appearance from RE6 and Vendetta, which take place almost 10 years after RE4. When he was sent to Spain, Leon was about 27, only 6 years older than what he was in RE2 - so it's OK for him to sound young.
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Well, I agree with everything you wrote (minus Claire being ugly in RE2make), but the bit about Leon's appearance vs his voice is something that bothered me too for exactly the opposite reason: Leon looked older. They very much copied his appearance from RE6 and Vendetta, which take place almost 10 years after RE4. When he was sent to Spain, Leon was about 27, only 6 years older than what he was in RE2 - so it's OK for him to sound young.
I mean, I agree and disagree. In this he's 30 or at least almost 30. He shouldn't sound like a 21 year old. As for RE4, I guess I should have specified. He definitely does look Older than RE4, but I just figured this is what they envisioned him looking like in RE4 had the graphics not been quite as limited. A little bit of stubble goes a long way XD. But yeah, at the end of the day I more or less agree.
The ending also sucks...Leon and Claire having that little argument? When we're supposed to believe in Degeneration they're just back to normal again? Sure this is a series. Maybe we'll have another season or 2 for them to get back to this point. But I somehow doubt it since I doubt this was supposed to be a show in the first place, and really just a movie. IDK. I'm pretty underwhelmed at just about everything in this series save for Leon's witty dialogue, and the political aspect. Actually focusing on that was the freshest thing they've done with RE in a while.
Actually, this series takes place after Degeneration. Infinite Darkness was during 2006, while Degeneration was just one year after RE4, which make Degeneration taking its place in 2005.

I also agree about Leon's voice. I was worried that Apostolidis would sound way too much like he did in RE2R, which was fine for young and green Leon, but post RE4 Leon would sound weird, and it did. I miss Matt Mercer as Leon.
Guys, unless you smoke a lot of cigarettes, your voice will sound the same at 21, 30 and beyond. It takes a long time for your vocal cords to change. Paul Mercier was 42\43 when he first voiced Leon in RE4. Paul Haddad was 35-ish when he voiced him in OG RE2. I don't know how old Apostolides is, but he's probably in his early-30s, making him the closest in age to the character in the time of ID.
The main antagonists goal was WAY to similar to Degeneration. Pretty much identical. Which is just flat out lazy.
Also the fact that the entire final boss battle seemed to be ripped out of Degeneration; a gigantic circular room with dropping compartments where Leon fights the boss while Claire is in a side office fiddling with monitors.

I didn't much care for this series at all. Jason's motivations were totally unclear; I have no idea why he burned Shen May's home down, or why he killed her. No matter how many times you say FEEEAR and TERRORRR, I'm not convinced that his actions make sense.

Claire got shafted too. She spent the whole series kind of uncovering the conspiracy involving the Defence Secretary, but it amounted to nothing as she didn't fully figure out what was going on, she didn't do anything with the information she did have except challenge the DS directly and get captured for it... but also Leon has the plot explained to him by Shen May and her family so Claire's investigation contributed nothing. She had maybe 10% the screen time that Leon had and had nothing to show for it by the end.

I don't see what was gained by having Leon and Claire fall out at the end, either. The show didn't really give us anything in exchange for this, it was just a lacklustre series that ended on a dour note. I'd rather I just hadn't seen it at all.
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I will never understand why Capcom keeps changing the likeness of characters and their voices so much. The females in general have been hit the most. You had Alyson Court who was still willing to VA Claire in REmake 2, yet they never contacted her. Her face has literally morphed with every new installment. Julia Voth’s likeness not being used in Revelations, so going to RE5 after and seeing Jill’s face change back is jarring. It’s really frustrating how bad Capcom is with consistency.

It’s like with movies and shows that literally change actors for a character but except the audience to still recognize and resonate with them. It’s so bizarre and weird. I also found it hilarious how Capcom backpeddled and changed Chris’ likeness in RE8 to resemble his RE5/6 likeness more, like why did they even bother changing it in RE7 in the first place just to change his face back?

These clowns in charge of the RE franchise are so out of touch with what fans really want. Turning RE8 into a Far Cry game and making a miniseries Mission Impossible only cemented further that this series’ identity is truly lost… again. It’s a shame because Rev2, RE7, and REmake 2 felt more like traditional RE games, at least to me. Now all this nonsense has happened in the past couple years with REmake 3, RE8, and now ID.

Can’t wait for RE:Verse! -_-
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Guys, unless you smoke a lot of cigarettes, your voice will sound the same at 21, 30 and beyond. It takes a long time for your vocal cords to change. Paul Mercier was 42\43 when he first voiced Leon in RE4. Paul Haddad was 35-ish when he voiced him in OG RE2. I don't know how old Apostolides is, but he's probably in his early-30s, making him the closest in age to the character in the time of ID.
I think you're missing the's not about his age. It's about the inconsistency in the story telling. REmake 2 his voice is high pitched (by comparison), RE4 his voice is much deeper, then you have this show, and it's back to being high pitched...We're complaining about the emmersion breaking aspect of it.