Worst Game in the Series! Poll!

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Worst Game in the Series

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If you leave out half of the games, the poll won't mean anything.
^ this is true but it looks like it's only taking into account the numbered games.

I was torn between RE3 and RE4 but ultimately voted RE3 because as much as I really didn't like RE4, I had to force myself to get through my one and only playthrough of RE3 just to be able to say that I played it. It didn't like anything about it except for maybe the save room music. I thought it was boring and I think Code Veronica should've been RE3 as it might've gotten more exposure then since it's a way better game in my opinion. And as much as I didn't like 4 either, at least I didn't feel like I was forcing myself to complete the game for the sake of completing the game.
If you leave out half of the games, the poll won't mean anything.

Discussing which is the sh*ttiest in a pile of sh*t is pretty meaningless.

Anyway, Resident Evil 7, hands down. I've had no desire to revisit it since I first played it and it never had any business calling itself Resident Evil. It comes off more like a Resident Evil inspired game than an actual Resident Evil game.
How do we include REmake 3 in the list but exclude REmake and REmake 2?

Anyway, I had to go with RE0 for this poll but RE7 is following closely behind.
Both games have good graphics and locations that feel appropriate for Resident Evil but their stories are lacking proper tie-ins with their predecessors. Even Revelations 2 deserves more recognition and praise as a true expansion for the series than either of these titles.

While I don’t find myself wanting to revisit either title all that often (if at all) I can at least say that I get more out of playing RE7 than I do RE0. It’s actually a scary game to play through and I can’t help but love the look of the RE engine.

I would be less kind to RE7 though if it weren’t for the Not a Hero dlc tacked on months after the game’s release. It was the only thing that gave the game any relevance to the core titles as well as a fairly compelling strand of story to follow up on for a sequel.

In regards to the winner of my loser poll, I have to say RE0 is all around forgettable and boring at times. On top of being a meh game, it failed at telling a story that properly and believably leads up to the events of the mansion incident. I wish they would have focused more on the entire Bravo team and their struggles leading up to the first game. I think Forrest could have been a really iconic character to flesh out in a prequel game. I would have also enjoyed seeing more of Enrico’s side of the story as Captain to the Bravo team. But that’s not what we got.
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Like most people here, I got split between Zero, 7 and CVX (the three of them have gameplay problems for me). In the end, 7 takes my vote. At least Zero and CVX had interesting setpieces, scenarios and monsters, alongside some good pieces of lore (especially Zero). While the Baker main mansion is interesting in 7, all the other setpieces are bland and forgettable, same with the lore (except the 'science' thing they throw at you in the end to try to justify how Eveline works) and boring monsters.

I do find weird that the Remakes of 1 and 2 aren't on the list, although I find it very hard to see anyone voting on them anyway.
My list contains mostly disappointments but one is the worst of the worst ranking from 1-4(worst to least bad)

1) Umbrella Corp(If this counts)- By god, this is possibly the worst RE game I have ever had the displeasure of playing. It is a repetitive garbage heap that gets boring quickly, its worse than Operation Raccoon City by a couple of miles! The only good thing about it is that I didn't own it, and only played about an hour before I just put it in the back of my mind.

2)Resident Evil 6- Oh boy, this game. This is one of the disappointments, this game is a unfocused mess that tries to please everyone, but impressed nobody. It is just pure Chaos, and not the fun kind of Chaos, they have taken a page from the RE Movies, which is a bad sign. The controls are janky and slippery, the story is lackluster, the characters are bleh, and it is a shame that there is no alternate outfit options.

3)Resident Evil 0- Yet another disappointment, which is a shame too. In my opinion, it sucks as a prequel as I felt that it accomplished absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. Its just there to be there, it should have been great! I have played it only once or twice before just left it to collect dust.

4) Resident Evil 3 Remake- Ugh...it is a shame that this game just disappointed me, more than the RE2 Remake. The two games sucks as remakes, but this game moreso, its an example of not trying hard enough.
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RE6 hands down. It lacks originality and any real RE feel to it. And even worse, Capcom promised REPEATEDLY they were not going to make an action game and were going to cater to their original fan base only to flip that script and release a Left 4 Dead/Call of Duty hybrid that added nothing to the canon except some cool characters and locations. That game might as well be sponsored by MONSTER Energy Drink. They use tired cliche amnesia storylines. They use tired cliche secret offspring storylines. And Leon's final campaign boss - Simmons - is the worst final boss in the history of the games. Look at the original Tyrant, Birkin, Nemesis, Alexia, Saddler, etc. Every final boss had an iconic fight and boss feel that was unique. Their transformations made sense based on the virus. However, Simmons, for reasons unknown to anyone turns in to a monster dog, a T-rex, and a giant fly. WHY!? Why have all of these animal inspired transformations that do not connect to one another. That is bad design and bad writing. I do like Jake and Piers as new character despite everything else I said. And the game is fun and fraught with interesting enemies. But it is a horrible RE game. Don't remake other peoples games. Give us Resident Evil. Be Capcom.
I do find weird that the Remakes of 1 and 2 aren't on the list, although I find it very hard to see anyone voting on them anyway.
I’d have no faith in any of their thoughts and opinions if anyone voted for either of those games as the worst in the series (the person who voted against REmake 3 has me raising a brow as well). :lol: But to have a complete list of the main games was my reason for pointing it out.

RE6 hands down. It lacks originality and any real RE feel to it. And even worse, Capcom promised REPEATEDLY they were not going to make an action game and were going to cater to their original fan base only to flip that script and release a Left 4 Dead/Call of Duty hybrid that added nothing to the canon except some cool characters and locations. That game might as well be sponsored by MONSTER Energy Drink. They use tired cliche amnesia storylines. They use tired cliche secret offspring storylines. And Leon's final campaign boss - Simmons - is the worst final boss in the history of the games. Look at the original Tyrant, Birkin, Nemesis, Alexia, Saddler, etc. Every final boss had an iconic fight and boss feel that was unique. Their transformations made sense based on the virus. However, Simmons, for reasons unknown to anyone turns in to a monster dog, a T-rex, and a giant fly. WHY!? Why have all of these animal inspired transformations that do not connect to one another. That is bad design and bad writing. I do like Jake and Piers as new character despite everything else I said. And the game is fun and fraught with interesting enemies. But it is a horrible RE game. Don't remake other peoples games. Give us Resident Evil. Be Capcom.
It’s part of the reason why Leon’s campaign is the weakest in that entire game, along with his story arc. Chris honestly has the best monsters and most threatening boss fight at the end, it’s too bad there is a lot wrong with the way things were mashed up.
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RE6. So much wrong with this game; the cluttered story, the underwhelming campaigns, the ridiculous bosses/enemies, especially Simmons' dinosaur form, LOL, 'nuf 'sed about that one.

It's a glaring example of how, by trying to please everyone, you please no one.
I tried most of them but not all (1,2,3,4,5,CV-X,Zero)

I would have to go with 5.. played it at a friends house many years ago and all I remember is that it's mostly action based feeling, it was also in two player mode.
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I wanted to vote for RE6 at first but since I haven't played it myself it just wouldn't be fair. I was also considering voting for RE3 remake but its not a bad game per se, just a horrendous remake.

All in all, I think Zero is the worst out of the main games that I've played. Gameplay is pretty fun but the story is terrible. I've said it many times before in many other threads but they screwed over Bravo team in favor of a spin-off story that does little to serve as a respectable prologue to RE1. And the lack of item boxes does more harm than good. Leeches controlled by an opera-singing anime dude is just stupid.

However, all games considered I'd vote for the first Revelations if that was an option.
Out of these games re7.

Re6 had a bad storyline but had connections to the series and recurring characters. It was fun to play and was multiplayer.

Re7 had no interesting characters barr zoey, the storyline was okay considoring but a main series game with almost no connections to the others, along with having to play in first person doesnt sit well with me. Madhouse mode was fun to play though.
Oh man - toughie! I'll throw in another vote for RE7. It's a spectacular game from a creative standpoint, but it went a little too dark and gruesome for me. I wasn't expecting Resident Evil meets Saw when I signed up!
RE1 for me.

I have some major gripes with RE3, RE3R, RE2R and RE7. All of them can run for contenders for least favorites for a multitude of reasons.

But OG was the only game I could not for the life of me give a rats ass about. Even if the setting is nice, it felt so stiff, dull and lifeless. The lack of memorable and or even atmospheric music in a horror game was crippling. I didn't get a feel for atmosphere because I was struggling to stay awake at all. It was just boring.

I get it was their first rodeo and hey props to them. But It's the only game I won't ever go back to because I legit cannot play it for the life of me.
With the exception of 3 which I feel is on the same level, the voice acting is also atrociously bad and once you know what to do in a game. Stuff like that becomes a focal point to me and I just can't really vibe with it.
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I think that is a legitimate opinion. While the first one started everything, it was too early for a game of its magnitude. Even with tank controls, RE2 and RE3 feel WAY better to play. I appreciate the first game for all of the amazing things it implemented. But I have never finished it because it's hard to look at, hard to appreciate on a minor scale.

LUCKILY, the REmake updated everything that the game was lacking and was a near perfect masterpiece.
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