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G Virus Experiment
Jun 6, 2016
Hudson Valley, NY
Hi Team -

We've been chatting a while. And I thought it'd be nice to have a deeper understanding of the friends/allies/nemeses we're making while loving on Resident Evil. I know we introduce ourselves when we're new, but it's nice to have a reminder of who each other are and where we're from. It helps frame the conversations we make.

Feel free to be as personal as you like or as reserved as you like. This is still the Internet after all.

For those of you who don't know, my name is Wayne and I work for a Tea Company in the Hudson Valley, NY. I am about a 2 hour drive north of New York City.

I like video games obviously. My favorite series/games include: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Pokemon, and about a hundred more items. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature with minors in both Education and Creative Writing.

I have 2 cats - one black named Meep and his brother, an Orange fella named Poggle.

And he is an image of me from the Holi Festival in NYC about 3 years ago.


I'm Chrystal. Been a member of this forum for about 9 years. My first RE experience was RE2 on PS in 2000 and I've been hooked ever sense. I enjoy all kinds of games though - Survival Horror, Racing, Puzzle Games, RPGs, Psychological Horror, stupid sh!t like South Park, even some CoD (but I'm not a rabid fan, just casual so I'm just OK at it lol). I also like table top games and TCGs. My husband has been teaching me how to play DnD and I have an OP Kenku Monk lol. I play Magic The Gathering semi competitively.

As for more about me - I am very intrigued by basically everything. I absolutely love to learn about anything and everything and I get bored if I don't keep my mind occupied and exercised. This is probably why it killed me to work in a grocery store. It's so mundane. I can't wait to start working in IT. I am especially interested in creating, be it drawing, writing, sewing, learning instruments, filmmaking, etc. I am also heavily interested in languages in general. I'm a polyglot at heart with a rather unfortunate case of procrastination.

I am married to the best man in the world, the only person I've ever really been able to trust. May 22nd will be our 7 year anniversary. I couldn't imagine life without him and, because of what we've been through with our marriage I tend to be very protective of it (long story for a different day) as well as him (also another story for another day).

Hmmm what else? I like animals and have a soft spot for dogs and exotics but I gave up on rats because it breaks my heart to put them down and they have short life spans usually.

Perhaps lastly and probably pretty obviously, I'm very stubborn and competitive. I don't tend to speak up on topics I'm not somewhat educated about because I don't like to be wrong (I'm not one of those girls though, I have no issues acknowledging when I am.), so usually when I do speak up it's purposeful and at least somewhat educated.

I feel like that's probably enough for now, I don't want to bore everyone. I'm always open to questions though.
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Awesome. I had no idea your name was Chrystal. You talk about your husband a lot on here (not too much lol) and I think that is very charming. It is good to have someone to rely on at all times. I know it makes my life easier.

I have friends who play DnD, but I have never been able to go. I'd love to because I am a fairly creative guy I think. I do tend to make too many jokes when I am with people and it can get grating after a while. Think Chandler from FRIENDS except somehow worse. haha. Anyway, it's great to know even more about you!
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Well fortunately (unfortunately?) I never watched Friends so I don't level with your reference lol. But yes, my quality of life has been way better (generally speaking) since I met him. As for DnD, pretty much everyone in my entire life has been trying to teach me (same with MtG) but I just didn't care before. Now it's something I can enjoy doing with my husband. I'm still a total newb at DnD but I'm really liking my Monk.
Hey there! I'm Cody. Been here for over 9 years (Though there was about 2 years of inactivity due to some major life changes).

I'm a proud dad, both of my kid and of my cat. In fact, Jury is still out on which one I like better. I'm a huge fan of both anime and movies, and spend my time at work consuming both when I'm not busy. However, my favorite form of entertainment is Stand-Up comedy. I listen to stand up more than just about anything else, as well as love learning about it. The pioneers. The history. The ups and downs of the medium. Comparing the comedic styling of one comic to another. I even write my own, but due to working the night shift, have never gotten to go to an open mic night and see if it's any good.

Video Games have kind of taken a back seat in my life, mainly because modern games are so god damn complicated that I can't wrap my head around them. But you can bet any time a survival horror game comes out, I'm on it.

Other than that, there isn't much. I work in IT. I love it. I play several instruments, and currently I'm leaning the Ukulele. Song of Storms from Ocarina of Time is a BLAST to play on that lol. And I spend my time on here while I'm at work since I don't have a computer at home.

Also, Dragon Ball Z is the greatest thing ever in the history of anything. Fight me.
I have an Ocarina but haven't gotten around to mastering it yet lol.

I love stand up comedy and my tastes for it have varied wildly throughout my life. My first stand up go to was Dane Cook but I don't like him anymore. Then it was Ron White (nobody else in that group though), another comedian I can't remember his name for the life of me :( and more recently I like watching Beau Burnham and Drew Lynch. I almost got to see Drew live but we went to a MtG tournament instead x x. Oh and Howie Mandel is a doll.
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Marvin here. California born in L.A

About me: UMK3 is my childhood... spent most of my childhood playing it on SNES and played somtimes at the arcade around me in a beach. It used to be at this liquor store very close to where im at. This was the time when arcades where HUGE and it was always packed with people (Lines forming all the way to the entrance just to play a particular machine)

I also played the tony hawk series alot and resident evil. Some skateboarding here and there but couldn't turn pro no matter hard I tried.

I learned a kickflip though.
I have an Ocarina but haven't gotten around to mastering it yet lol.

I love stand up comedy and my tastes for it have varied wildly throughout my life. My first stand up go to was Dane Cook but I don't like him anymore. Then it was Ron White (nobody else in that group though), another comedian I can't remember his name for the life of me :( and more recently I like watching Beau Burnham and Drew Lynch. I almost got to see Drew live but we went to a MtG tournament instead x x. Oh and Howie Mandel is a doll.
I could talk to you forever about every name you just mentioned, but that's not what this thread is I'll have to start another XD
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Sharon, 37, dislike kids, wasps and difficulty spikes in games. I'm a filthy casual who is quite handy with a sniper in Ghost Recon Wildlands and the most likely person to scream and hurl a controller across the room if scared.

Got a cat called Skittles who is always half a heartbeat away from being hit over the head with a shovel and buried somewhere remote. I have three children despite my dislike for kids, which just goes to show that some people never learn. One is almost 19, one is 10 and the other is 8.

The eldest child is unbelievably expensive to run. And she doesn't even live here most of the time.

Married to some bloke called @Steve for the last 13 years, been together 10 months longer than that. I work fast. Saves time.

I'm a carer for my disabled son and also a volunteer coordinator at our local community centre. I do online courses for jokes and also because I like certificates and stickers - currently have 4 diplomas for nothing in particular and qualifications in stuff I will never use. But I like certificates.

I also volunteer at the local food bank as a listener which is a bit like something between befriending and guidance counsellor, I guess. We just make clients drinks, sign post where we can and let them talk about their stuff as much or as little as they want. Spend a lot of time with the homeless and addicts, but for various reasons they're kinda my tribe so I enjoy it.

Been a born-again Christian for 30 years which people either get really hacked off about or just crack on and let me be. I don't preach, but I also don't pretend I'm not one to fit in. If I disagree with something with regards to my faith then I will say so respectfully and expect the same respect in return. Rarely happens though.

I love films, music, games, card games, spas, crisps, haribo and sharks.

I'm a singer and lyricist as a hobby and hope to one day open a community recording studio with the aim of giving people who cannot otherwise access that sort of thing the opportunity to have a go and to encourage creativity in disenfranchised demographics.

I really don't like kids. Or wasps.

Like, seriously.
Hello there!

My real name is John, but I've been using the online nick 'Jonipoon' on forums since the early 2000s.

I'm originally from a small island off the west coast of Sweden, but I've lived most of my adult life in big cities, most prominently in Shanghai, China for 4 years. I'm currently 29 about to turn 30 this year, and I'm honestly a bit terrified of that lol. I work and study simultaneously as I'm an aspiring filmmaker, so I'm currently trying to figure out what the future holds (as cliché as it sounds).

Writing and creating stuff is a big part of my life, and my life just wouldn't be complete without arts in all forms. For example, I'm the kind of guy who actually enjoys going on boring art exhibitions. ;P My two favorite genres of fiction is undoubtedly sci-fi and horror, and that's probably why I enjoy Resident Evil so much because it combines both. My other favorite video game franchises include Silent Hill, SSX and The Elder Scrolls, but when it comes to movies I'm a sucker for almost everything. My music taste is pretty wide too, although I listen mostly to techno, house, jazz and classical music.

Additionally, I'm a bit of a gourmet guy when it comes to food as I enjoy going on fine dining and having expensive cocktails and such... Can't do that all the time though, unfortunately!

Anyhow, great reading about you other guys and great topic idea UniqTeas!
I'm finding it really interesting getting to know more about you all!

So here goes...

Hiya, I'm Jennifer (Jen for short, hence my username). I'm 27 years old and I live in northern England. I work for an organisation that helps customers with applying for environmental licences for using water for whatever reason - to irrigate crops, for hydroelectric power generation, for ornamental fish ponds, private water supply or watering golf courses... the list goes on. I've been there for two years, It's a very interesting job and challenging in the right way. I was promoted around eight or so months ago and am learning more about the technical environmental implications of the issue of these licences. It sounds kinda dull, but it really isn't.

I have a bachelor's degree in Forensic Accounting. Didn't really do much with it. The forensics stuff was interesting, but to get any job role in forensic accounting, you have to do about a decade's worth of regular accounting to have the experience. That would have destroyed me, so I decided not to pursue it.

My favourite video games are Resident Evil (of course), The Last of Us, The Legend of Zelda, anything in the Mario universe, Grand Theft Auto, and more recently I've come to love Days Gone (seriously guys, play it, it's awesome). There are plenty of other games that I love too.

I love reading and video games because I love stories and getting myself lost in them.

I'm the youngest of three children. I'm very fortunate in that my family, including my grandma and grandad, are really close. Fun fact: myself, my brother and my sister all have different coloured eyes, but the same parents. A lot of our genes have come from our grandparents so we all look quite different.

I try to be a positive person (though am really negative about myself, but let's not get into that). I like to enjoy simple pleasures - pleasant smells such as scented candles, nice shower products or freshly mown grass, pretty sunsets and sunrises, the feel of a cool breeze in summer and how long daylight lasts in summer. Sounds really cheesy, but it's true. I love nature and one day I really would love to travel and see the amazing things I've only ever seen in pictures.

Random other stuff: I had a great grandma that lived to 106, I have a 25 year old goldfish, and my typing speed is 90 words per minute. I used to dabble in several musical instruments (piano, clarinet, harmonica, ocarina), but haven't played for a few years now. I love doing my nails.

dislike wasps
I'm with you there.
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I'm Kyle, in case you were wondering what the K stands for in KMan. I'm 32 (just turned 32 3 days ago), been a member here since 2015, about 5 years now, though honestly, not much has changed in that time other than I've become something of an Amazon/ junkie in recent months, adding/ordering movies to my Blu-Ray collection every week, it feels like instead of once or twice every month, which you can easily check out in my signature below.

I also work 3rd shift full time as a stock clerk. I know the hours might seem kinda hectic at first sight, but hey, it means I'm free to do whatever I want on both work nights AND days off, plus I'm kinda used to it by now.

I've written several story treatments/plot outlines for fan projects of mine in the past on several Fanon Wikis. They include a hypothetical Jill-Claire Resident Evil spin-off game set after Revelations 2, a Tomb Raider/Uncharted crossover (Nate/Lara is another pairing fans want to see), the 2 Legendary Godzilla sequels after Godzilla 14 (no, Kong is not in the 3rd as Godzilla vs. Kong wasn't announced at the time, sorry), and a Dino Crisis reboot that's long overdue. You can read those here and here and here and here and here.

I'm a huge rock listener, though I'm pretty varied. I listen to pretty much everything from alternative (Killers, Muse, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, etc.) to punk (Blink 182, Sum 41, Green Day, Rise Against, etc.) to classic rock (Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Guns N' Roses) to 80's metal (Pantera, Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, etc.) to modern metal (Tool, Linkin Park, Evanescence, etc.) to industrial (Nine Inch Nails).

My favorite video game series are Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Devil May Cry, Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Dino Crisis, Street Fighter, and many more (can't you tell I'm a huge junkie for Japanese games?).

I'm a HUGE comic book junkie, I own a bunch of superhero shirts and just about every MCU film on DVD and Blu Ray. I'm a Marvel fan first and foremost, but Batman is maybe my favorite superhero of any brand (isn't he everyone's?). The superhero shirts I own include a couple Avengers shirts, DareDevil, Venom, Carnage (yes, I own both), Punisher, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Green Lantern, Captain America, 2 Wolverine shirts, Superman (Man of Steel logo shirt) and several Batman shirts.

My favorite shows are DareDevil (you couldn't figure that out by my avatar and the above paragraph?), both CSI shows, The Following, Hannibal, Watchmen, Euphoria, Game of Thrones, Swamp Thing (damn you DC for cancelling it after one season, hell, one episode), Oragne is the New Black, American Horror Story, The Haunting of Hill House, and New Girl, which brings me to my last point:

I'm also a huge Netflix/HBO/streaming junkie. I'm on there just about every day streaming movies or shows, but I probably spend more time looking for something to watch than I do actually watching something on there when browsing for movies since their collections are usually sh!t.
Okay...I was never too good talking about myself (for someone who makes a living talking...kinda) but here it goes.

My name is Renan, (which sounds French, but it actually is Irish. However, it got nothing to do with my Portuguese roots. It's just because of some volleyball player xD). It's actually fun watching people from all over the world pronouncing my name wrong xD. I'm 30 and I live in Brazil. I'm a historian and a professor (I have a Masters in History & Cultural relations) and I'm also studying my way through a Doctorate. My field of expertise is the Jesuit missions in China and the cultural exchange between Europe and China (through the jesuit lens. I don't speak Chinese. Yet). However, I'm not religious myself.

In the gaming department, I'm a huge survival horror fan. Of course I love Resident Evil and Silent Hill, but I played (and actually enjoyed) some pretty obscure SH games, like Cold Fear, Extermination, Countdown Vampires and stuff like that. I also love fighting games...Street Fighter, the Capcom Crossovers, Soul Calibur, The King of Fighters and so on. I'm also a huuuuge motorsport fan and I've been watching races since I was a baby...Formula One, Indycars, Stock Cars, DTM, Nascar. Give me it all. This also means I love simulation racing games, like the F1 series, Grid, the old TOCA series (Not Gran Turismo. We're in 2020 and Sony still can't make an AI that can race well).

I used to love reading when I was a child and a teenager. Especially classics like Agatha Christie's Poirot stories and Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. But when I started University, reading was basically all I did (History, after all) and when I had free time, my mind just wanted to do something else, so I barely read any fictional books these days, except by comics. All of my reading tolerance is reserved to the academia. Oh well...however...

I am a huge comic book fan too, especially Marvel Comics. I was a kid in the 90's and my passion for comics endured all those mullets and the terrible age of uniforms from that era. I still read to this day, although I'm more careful with what I've read, because Marvel comics is in a pretty low moment right now (all while the MCU is making bucks and bucks). I am and always will be an X-Men fan and I have a tendency to like heroes other people tend to ignore (proof? My favorite characters are Cyclops and Hawkeye). Being a comic book fan, I love to see so many movies and tv series around. I really don't care about if it's deep cinema or not. They're fun flicks, fun series. I like the moment and I'll enjoy for what it is.

Aaaand...that's it, I guess. If I remember anything else, I'll put it here. xD

Okay...I was never too good talking about myself (for someone who makes a living talking...kinda) but here it goes.

My name is Renan, (which sounds French, but it actually is Irish. However, it got nothing to do with my Portuguese roots. It's just because of some volleyball player xD). It's actually fun watching people from all over the world pronouncing my name wrong xD. I'm 30 and I live in Brazil. I'm a historian and a professor (I have a Masters in History & Cultural relations) and I'm also studying my way through a Doctorate. My field of expertise is the Jesuit missions in China and the cultural exchange between Europe and China (through the jesuit lens. I don't speak Chinese. Yet). However, I'm not religious myself.

In the gaming department, I'm a huge survival horror fan. Of course I love Resident Evil and Silent Hill, but I played (and actually enjoyed) some pretty obscure SH games, like Cold Fear, Extermination, Countdown Vampires and stuff like that. I also love fighting games...Street Fighter, the Capcom Crossovers, Soul Calibur, The King of Fighters and so on. I'm also a huuuuge motorsport fan and I've been watching races since I was a baby...Formula One, Indycars, Stock Cars, DTM, Nascar. Give me it all. This also means I love simulation racing games, like the F1 series, Grid, the old TOCA series (Not Gran Turismo. We're in 2020 and Sony still can't make an AI that can race well).

I used to love reading when I was a child and a teenager. Especially classics like Agatha Christie's Poirot stories and Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. But when I started University, reading was basically all I did (History, after all) and when I had free time, my mind just wanted to do something else, so I barely read any fictional books these days, except by comics. All of my reading tolerance is reserved to the academia. Oh well...however...

I am a huge comic book fan too, especially Marvel Comics. I was a kid in the 90's and my passion for comics endured all those mullets and the terrible age of uniforms from that era. I still read to this day, although I'm more careful with what I've read, because Marvel comics is in a pretty low moment right now (all while the MCU is making bucks and bucks). I am and always will be an X-Men fan and I have a tendency to like heroes other people tend to ignore (proof? My favorite characters are Cyclops and Hawkeye). Being a comic book fan, I love to see so many movies and tv series around. I really don't care about if it's deep cinema or not. They're fun flicks, fun series. I like the moment and I'll enjoy for what it is.

Aaaand...that's it, I guess. If I remember anything else, I'll put it here. xD

Wow..I've never heard another soul mention Cold Fear...

And yeah, comics are in an AWFUL place right now. I'd happily go back to 90's comics over what's going on currently XD. And you think Cyclops is a character people never call their favorite? My guy, my favorite is Iceman XD. So I feel you there lol
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Me? Hm... I'm a hobby astronomer, member of the gun club, writer of contemporary fantasy novels and occasional YouTuber, I like dark and scary places, Italian cuisine, learning foreign languages, collecting angels (pictures, figurines, even a rubber duck with wings) and... I never scream on rollercoasters, in case anyone wanted to know that.

To me, the most interesting topic in the world is the world itself. I could spend hours discussing the universe, the history of our planet and the evolution of life, where everything came from and where it might be going, yet I completely suck at small talk and have a hard time remembering even my friends' exact job titles and relationship statuses. Needless to say, I rarely fit in anywhere, quickly get bored at social events and prefer to be alone most of the time.

Besides that, I love music. I listen to it on the road, to get creative and overcome negative emotions (or get into them, if my creativity so requires). Can you imagine movies, TV shows, festivals, or anything really, without music? While I can't read notes fluently, my musical ear has helped me teach myself a few piano pieces. Never learning to properly play an instrument is something I regret, but I do write songs occasionally, and sing them (although I wouldn't recommend listening to my husky evil witch voice to anyone).

That's about it, I think?
This has been great. It has been great knowing more about you all and it'll make life easier to know the people I talk to... just about every day. I talk to you people more than some of my co-workers and I am also the Head of HR at the Company. haha.

You all live such unique and interesting lives. I never assumed I would be talking to a Born Again Christian on a Resident Evil website. But, I guess the bigger message there is that you can't fit people in to boxes based on preconceived notions. I am a man of deep faith myself. I just do not actively go to church and live life in more of a personal spiritual way. But I do believe in the Christian version of God. haha.

Not surprised to see a lot of love for comic books and comedians. I mean, the crossover between Survival Horror and those mediums make a lot sense I guess since they were popular for people like us at the time. And also - we have comic book discussion topics pop up all the time round here. I am personally more of a DC guy because I am huge in to Batman. All things Batman. Comics. Movies. TV series. Haven't watched Gotham all the way through, but I would rather play video games than watch a TV show any day.

Another little tidbit about good old Wayne (me), you can watch me in this movie: