Resident Evil Zero Rewrite Resident Evil Zero

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Professional Sandwich Consumer
Oct 7, 2018
Ever since I first played Zero back in 2018, I've wished for the game to turn out different. My initial reaction after finishing it was rather bland, it didn't feel like I had just played a prequel to RE1 but rather a stand-alone spinoff with only vague connections to the first game. I didn't necessarily feel disappointed, because the game was still fun to play - It was the story that felt disappointing. To simply quote myself in another thread, I feel like the developers tried to cram too many new stories into the same game, in an attempt to make the game appear grander and more important to the overall RE universe. In reality they should've just kept it simple and focused on those "cannibalistic murders" leading up the mansion incident, and not add all this crap about a military convoy transporting a death-row inmate and a public train attacked by a new leech monster - all happening at the same spot in addition to Bravo team's investigation.

That's why I've been wanting to rewrite the game for a while. In other words, change everything from story, locations, monsters, protagonists, gameplay, etc. in an attempt to make the game a "true" prequel to RE1.

First of all, let's list the biggest problems with RE0's story:

  • Rebecca being the main character finding out stuff about Umbrella as well facing a Tyrant creates inconsistencies with her portrayal in RE1
  • The leeches and the Hive Queen creates more problems than it solves trying to expand on the backstory of Umbrella
  • Billy Coen feels out of place and is forced into the story, and when the game is over his arch is complete and is never to be seen again in the series - so what was the point?
  • Bravo team is underutilized and given a backseat in what should have been their game

Being aware of these problems, we can now provide solutions for the above:

  • Make Enrico the main protagonist
  • Have Spencer be the main cause and reduce James Marcus's role (no leeches)
  • Remove Billy Coen completely
  • Focus on Bravo team's efforts

Now let's move onto the more detailed specifics of how the story and gameplay would play out in such a rewrite. Bear in mind that most of the below text is deliberately rushed in many parts to make for a smooth read.

The intro would play out similar at first, but focus solely on Bravo team flying over Raccoon Forest in their helicopter. The windy weather causes an engine failure which forces them to land, damaging the copter in the process. Everyone save Kevin examine their surroundings, but are then attacked by a large group of cerberus and separated in the chaos that ensues. Rebecca and Edward are chased in one direction, Kenneth, Forest and Richard in another, while team leader Enrico is chased down a steep slope. Enrico trips and falls down a high cliff, but fortunately there is a huge lake beneath (Lake Victory). Emerging unharmed from the water onto the shoreline, Enrico tries using his comlink to contact the others, but its been slightly damaged from the water. He swears. To his shock, he finds mutilated corpses on the shoreline and draws his gun before moving forward. There is faint light coming from the distance, which is the first playable level in this rewrite.

Level 1: Lake Victory Resort
While walking towards the light, Enrico passes alongside various signs, benches and trashcans before reaching the main area of "Lake Victory Resort", a mountain resort with a large main hotel building in timber, smaller cabins scattered across a hill, surrounding facility buildings, and a flower garden (Think of it as a somewhat smaller rustic version of the Overlook Hotel from The Shining). However, the resort seems to be closed down undergoing various construction. Enrico enters the main building in search for people but finds zombies instead. After shooting up some more zombies he finds a key and gains access to the Manager's Office. There he reads a document revealing that the resort is actually owned by the Umbrella Corporation. Wondering why a pharmaceutical company secretly operates a mountain resort, his comlink suddenly starts working again and he finally receives some status report from Kenneth, whom says that he, Forest and Richard have taken shelter at an old abandoned mansion, but that Rebecca and Edward's locations are unknown. When Kenneth asks if they should try and come find Enrico, Enrico says that its too dangerous, that "This whole mountain is crawling with zombies! You stay where you are until we've got this situation under control, you hear me? That's an order."

Enrico continues to search the area and finds more clues about the resort's history, its staff and guests. Apparently many guests were family members of people working for Umbrella, and Enrico finds a particulary interesting guest diary in one of the cabins claiming that "there's something sketchy about the swimming pool behind the main building". Upon returning to the main building, Enrico encounters a partly wounded Edward carrying an unconscious Rebecca. "She hit her head", Edward explains. "And the zombies were everywhere, we had to escape, then we lost our radios. I reckoned you'd be down here." Enrico then replies "Well, the others are safe, they're in some kind of abandoned mansion not far from here. Is she alright?". Edward replies "I think so, she hit her head but she's gonna be fine, she's still breathing."
The three move back into the hotel building (Edward carrying Rebecca) to find the swimming pool at the backside. Edward is occasionally making grunt noises, foreshadowing what's about to happen. Enrico instructs Edward to care for Rebecca in one of the hotel rooms facing the pool, while he tries to figure out how to "open the pool" (this is a puzzle).

After entering a password code on a computer in the control room beside the pool, a floodgate beneath the water surface is opened, and the water is drained revealing a hidden entrance. However, once Enrico goes back outside, a large centipede monster emerges from the floodgate and attacks him. A wild boss fight ensues, and once its defeated Enrico hears Rebecca screaming and rushes back to the hotel room. Unfortunately, Edward has turned into a zombie and Enrico has to kill him. Then, he consoles Rebecca and explains the situation, before going with her into the hidden pool entrance.

Level 2: Training Facility
(This area will be quite similar to the one we've already got, with some alterations. This version of the facility is by the side of a cliff and instead of a broken bridge there's a gondola station)
After entering the hidden pool entrance, Enrico and Rebecca find an underground gondola station and decide to take a ride when it says "For Training Facility Staff". First, the gondola rides underground, but then it moves up through a small tunnel to the outdoors, before reaching another station in front of the Training Facility building. Enrico and Rebecca enter the main hall (Instead of James Marcus, there is a portrait of Spencer up the stairs). Once inside, they discover a map of an underground cave system that connects the facility to the supposed mansion that Kenneth was talking about. Enrico and Rebecca decide to split up, but quickly find out that most of the facility is locked. Rebecca then suggests that she crawls through the air vents to find a way to unlock the facility. This is where we get to play as Rebecca in a mini-scenario. She faces a couple of zombies and small bats and then reaches a control room where she unlocks the facility, enabling her and Enrico to move on further. They reconnect with Kenneth on the comlink, with Kenneth asking for help over at the mansion saying "We're being overrun by these god damn monsters, Enrico, so get your asses over here NOW !". Enrico orders Rebecca to get to the mansion through the caves and help the others, while he investigates the rest of the facility.

Level 3: Underground Laboratory
Enrico finds an underground laboratory beneath the training facility, and this is basically where he discovers the ugly truth behind Umbrella's research. The security cameras capture Enrico in the laboratory, as the viewer in a control room is revealed to be Albert Wesker - whom now realizes that he has to move on with his plan. There is another prototype Tyrant here, and Albert decides to unleash it as well as close down the cave system that connects the facility to the mansion. A boss battle ensues down in the underground laboratory, and Enrico seemingly defeats it. Enrico then returns to the entrance to the cave system, only to find it closed shut. Well, at least Rebecca made it back, he says to himself. As he prepares to make it back up to the surface to find another way to the mansion, he hears a roar and hides quickly behind a wall. The Tyrant is back - and it has mutated into an even bigger form! Enrico says "Sh*t", and watches with despair as the Tyrant walks up to the training facility. Enrico realizes that now he has to get back to the gondola without being seen.

Level 4: Hunted at the facility
(This part of the game will basically be a rethread of the training facility as Enrico has to find a way back to the main hall and exit of the facility. The Tyrant will be similar to Mr. X and Nemesis in this part, as he roams the facility looking for Enrico.)
After reaching the gondola, the Tyrant surprises Enrico and blasts through the entrance door after which it jumps on top of the gondola as it speeds back towards the tunnel to the resort. As the cables begin to burst from the massive weight of the Tyrant, Enrico takes his chance and jumps out of the window. He grabs hold of a cliff next to the tunnel entrance as the cables snap, and the gondola falls down the cliff with the Tyrant on top. As Enrico gets a foothold, he watches down as the gondola explodes and the fire consumes the Tyrant. Now its definitely dead.

The final cutscene continues as Enrico uses his last strength to climb up the cliff, and when he reaches the top he looks onto the distance and sees the mansion a bit further down the other side. He then pulls up his comlink says "My team, I'm coming to get you."

Final say
Well, obviously it's not perfect. But I did my best.
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Hey - I like it and I think it makes more sense than the story for RE0. I think you've taken the criticisms of the masses and boiled them down to a more solid and cohesive experience.

I want MORE though. What kind of enemies appear in the areas? What other bosses exist? Are there zero leeches?

I liked it. And I want MORE.
Well the plot you write would have been definitely better than the re 0 we have

Despite all the negative thigs about re 0 i really enjoyed it, it was a great game

The fact is that this game shouldn't have existed in the first place simply because there was no story to tell about the bravo team, and if it was, it was pretty short...
When re 1 was released the story of bravo was essentially this: Bravo team simply arrived at the same point were alpha team was later dispatched, they were probably attacked by the cerberus, Edward was wounded and probably killed there, since Joseph find his arm later...
The rest of the team take shelter into the mansion
there they decided to split up and most of them died sooner or later, forest die for the crow, Richard got bitten by the yawn, kennet was killed by the first zombie
Enrico and Rebecca survived, Rebecca took shelter into the save room were is later found by Chris while Enrico roam into the mansion and find out that umbrella and wesker were behind it all

This was re 0, but capcom knew that in order to do a game they should have made a whole new plot whit new level to explore, new enemy and bosses, so they decided to create re 0 story

For me re 0 should have been a corto or a mini series to watch, a game was simply to much

But in the end as i was saying before, i really enjoyed re 0, and sometime i replay it alongside re remake and it actually didn't bother me that much, the two seems to feet "perfectly" , or at least i didn't actually overthing about so many plot aspect
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I feel you, RE0 was an alright game, but I felt empty afterward and just shrugged my shoulder. It didn't really satisfy me, and i wished things were different.

I think i have an idea on how it should've gone, but i think i will post it later
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Hey - I like it and I think it makes more sense than the story for RE0. I think you've taken the criticisms of the masses and boiled them down to a more solid and cohesive experience.

I want MORE though. What kind of enemies appear in the areas? What other bosses exist? Are there zero leeches?

I liked it. And I want MORE.
Thanks! I do want to continue writing about the levels in more detail someday, including the enemies and puzzles and so on. And yeah, I'll just say it out loud - f* the leeches.

The fact is that this game shouldn't have existed in the first place simply because there was no story to tell about the bravo team, and if it was, it was pretty short...
Yes, you're right, and that's probably why all prequels in any form of media are almost always useless, especially when they take place in such a short time before the original.

Your comments on Bravo team are spot on, and its obvious why Capcom decided to introduce new story material like Billy and the leeches to extend the length of the game. But it just doesn't work.

Although the information we get about Bravo team in RE1 is very limited, that's actually a good thing because it creates opportunities to play around with the events that occurred prior to Alpha team's rescue mission. Like, how long time did it take for Bravo team to actually find the mansion? In RE1, Alpha team is able to find it pretty quickly - But remember, Wesker is with them and Wesker deliberately wanted them to go to the mansion, so its likely that he "showed the way" in a sneaky manner. So its definitely possible that Bravo team were lurking around the forest for a much longer time before eventually reaching the mansion. So a more interesting RE0 that focused solely on Bravo team would definitely have been possible, but Capcom decided to take the easy route and make something new and unrelated instead...
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Thanks! I do want to continue writing about the levels in more detail someday, including the enemies and puzzles and so on. And yeah, I'll just say it out loud - f* the leeches.

Yes, you're right, and that's probably why all prequels in any form of media are almost always useless, especially when they take place in such a short time before the original.

Your comments on Bravo team are spot on, and its obvious why Capcom decided to introduce new story material like Billy and the leeches to extend the length of the game. But it just doesn't work.

Although the information we get about Bravo team in RE1 is very limited, that's actually a good thing because it creates opportunities to play around with the events that occurred prior to Alpha team's rescue mission. Like, how long time did it take for Bravo team to actually find the mansion? In RE1, Alpha team is able to find it pretty quickly - But remember, Wesker is with them and Wesker deliberately wanted them to go to the mansion, so its likely that he "showed the way" in a sneaky manner. So its definitely possible that Bravo team were lurking around the forest for a much longer time before eventually reaching the mansion. So a more interesting RE0 that focused solely on Bravo team would definitely have been possible, but Capcom decided to take the easy route and make something new and unrelated instead...
Yeah a game could have been possible but capcom went to far whit the story in re 0

Also i feel that young Marcus and Billy look more like character from a final fantasy instead of a Resident evil game

They could have made a more restricted game, i would have made a game that would have taken place entirely into the forest, bravo team arrived and after cerberus attack they spread into the forest, rebecca the main protagonist would have found some abandoned little farm house, and find some zombie there, meanwhile the other member would have found some other house in the forest, and maybe also some people who were camping in the forest near fire place, they were there because they were curios about some rumor that spread into town about some demonthat kill people and that cannot be killed(the demon were of course the zombie)

Also one things that always bugged is this : why the hell was bravo team send into the middle of the forest? I mean they were investigating this bizzare murder that happened, but what was they're objective? If the helicopter wouldn't malfunctioned, would they have arrived at some precise location? An house? They were going yo interrogate some people? were they were heading? There were people living in the arklay mountain? Because i can only see the Spencer mansion there
I know that wesker send them in order to acquire data but what did he say to them? Go in the middle of the forest?

Also how did wesker know that the helicopter would have precisely malfunctioned near the Spencer mansion??
I think some things are more easily forgiven than others. For example, it's not exactly realistic that there are loads of handgun bullets laying around everywhere in the Resident Evil universe - but then again its a video game so we ignore such things because of "suspension of disbelief".
I think some things are more easily forgiven than others. For example, it's not exactly realistic that there are loads of handgun bullets laying around everywhere in the Resident Evil universe - but then again its a video game so we ignore such things because of "suspension of disbelief".
Plot point are the problem here, bullet laying around its not a problem since it's a videogame and every videogame have this feature
Sorry, I know this is resurrecting an old thread, but in the post I made asking about fanfic this was pretty much what I was looking for and it really scratched that itch, lol. It really works as a story and it felt more authentically Resident Evil than the Zero we got did and I'm over here all "tell me more, plz".

Devil May Cry was originally Resident Evil 4, and I wish Capcom decided to do the same thing with Zero. Just be like "this is a neat idea, but let's make this another game instead of attaching it to Resident Evil". Or even making Zero as we know it a prequel to Resident Evil 2/3. I think it could have fit in that space better.
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Personally, I think the Bravo Team story wasn't supposed to be told (and it actually wasn't - it's Rebecca and Billy discovering Umbrella is into real estate), because there was no story to tell: they got eaten by the zombies and the other creatures. That's it. The fact you find them dead in different part of the house is just there to transmit a sense of danger and dread. We didn't need to know more. And Rebecca was simply the only survivor, this sort of virginal damsel-in-distress that could be helpful for anything but combat...another classic archetype.

The only way to make a prequel to RE1 would've probably been telling the story of one of the Umbrella scientists trying to escape while his colleagues turn into zombies and some of their creations become loose. It could've started in the lab and then have the player going through the galleries and maybe even some parts of the mansion, only to eventually run to the woods, reaching a new location and escaping in the end.
I think that seeing the actions of the Beta Team could have been a story because they uncovered a lot of information... especially Enrico before his demise. But Rebecca seemingly canonically was stuck in the Spencer Mansion the whole time and has no knowledge about anything that happened in RE0. If they did rewrite it, they would have to rewrite RE1 as well to show that Rebecca knows a lot more than she initially did in the series.

OR, give us other character who do not mess with the timeline. haha
It's still possible to tell the story of Bravo team if you're knocking out Rebecca early on so that she has no memory of most of the events when she finally wakes up at the mansion. You can have most of the game take place in the forest, with team members being split up and encountering different obstacles. Enrico is the key to all of it and he's essentially the one character who could experience and see LOTS of sh*t in the whole mountain area (including the mansion) and still work into the canon of RE1.

Obviously RE1 never needed a prequel but here we are, and RE0 exists with its messy out-of-placed story.
I've been thinking of my rewrite recently and I realized that my version of the game is a bit too short with basically only 3 levels. To extend the game, I'd firstly add a forest trail area in the beginning with Enrico, where he basically has to unlock a few gates and kill some cerberus before reaching the Victory Resort. Then, in order to turn on the electricity for the resort, a nearby power plant level will be added where Enrico will need the help of Edward and Rebecca to restart it. The power plant will be swarming with zombies, looking like this:


Besides, these power plant zombies will have mutated electric abilities and be able to stun Enrico and the others, making them more dangerous than normal zombies.

In addition, I'd vastly change the interior design of the Training Facility. Instead of looking like a lesser version of Spencer Mansion, I'd make it look like an actual training facility, IEW more industrial and militaristic to connect it more to the underground laboratory beneath it.

This is all fantastic. I am definitely of a mind that prequels do more harm than good in general, but Zero is particularly annoying for me that it made unnecessary changes to the story, such as making the leak deliberate - when it was more effective as an accident, and adding 24 hours to the clock when it was more effective for the loss of Bravo team to be only a few hours before Alpha. Rebecca is the final piece to my short list, but I like how you addressed her situation by leaving her out.

As a minor detail, but when we find Enrico in the game he's in the tunnels below the mansion. I wonder then, instead of having him climb the cliff and head to the mansion, what if instead, after defeating the Tyrant he barely manages to make it up the rock face and instead finds a cave leading into the old mines? He's injured and limps his way into the dark, believing that what lies ahead is less dangerous than what he left behind.
This is all fantastic. I am definitely of a mind that prequels do more harm than good in general, but Zero is particularly annoying for me that it made unnecessary changes to the story, such as making the leak deliberate - when it was more effective as an accident, and adding 24 hours to the clock when it was more effective for the loss of Bravo team to be only a few hours before Alpha. Rebecca is the final piece to my short list, but I like how you addressed her situation by leaving her out.

As a minor detail, but when we find Enrico in the game he's in the tunnels below the mansion. I wonder then, instead of having him climb the cliff and head to the mansion, what if instead, after defeating the Tyrant he barely manages to make it up the rock face and instead finds a cave leading into the old mines? He's injured and limps his way into the dark, believing that what lies ahead is less dangerous than what he left behind.

I know that an ending of Enrico limping his way back through the caves would connect it better to RE1, but it's a game after all and I figured that it still needs an "epic" ending with him overlooking the mansion from afar (similar to Rebecca in the actual game).
I never saw this thread but good read I'd say it fits Rebecca's competence level as the damsel in RE1(She's clearly not ready for this sort of thing) and Enrico would make for a more suited Protagonist.

If it's more Bravo team centric it's going to please diehard fans rather easily the only thing I'd add is the Proto Tyrant feels too weak to be the final boss but rather the same penultimate type like the normal version, Also do we get to see Spencer anywhere? Who's the antagonistic driving force? Is it Wesker by himself or still with Birkin? Would you still use the Queen leech as the final boss but not as a transformation from Marcus but instead a scrapped but still extremely dangerous experimental BOW?

Anyway the continuity would be the best part.
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It seems I've overlooked this thread too.... ok I tend to skip over the RE0 section of the forums naturally.

But @Jonipoon I really do like your idea for RE0- especially the idea behind a mountain resort. That would be an awesome set location. So where's the rest of this fanfic you have cooking? ;)

I need the link to your fan account, sir.
I was thinking that Bravo Team explore a tiny mountain hamlet as their gateway to the horror they will experience. The villagers becoming zombies and could make way for zombified predators like a giant bear as a bossfight as the first half of the game.
I feel RE was just repeating the same themes and replacing one mansion with another.

I really think to stay consistent with the storyline, they should have had the whole episode covering what happened to the Bravo team with their helicopter suffering a faulty engine and them taking refuge in the Spencer Mansion.

The episode would end with Rebbecca encountering Chris in the save room.
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So, like @bSTAR_182, I'm also pretty guilty of avoiding the RE0 forum so I'm just now seeing this.

I will say that, as much as I enjoyed his character and his interactions with Rebecca, I would remove Billy as well. There really was no reason to include him in the game as, in the intro of the original RE, Bravo team was sent looking for cannibals not a convict.

As @Mountie stated above, I would have preferred a story centered more on how we found them in the original game but, in all honestly, I'm not sure if that would equate to a full length game or not. I honestly think that, in order for it to come close, it would have to switch POVs and cycle thru Bravo team or, like @Jonipoon suggested, make Enrico the main character since he made it the furthest into the mansion.

At this point I'm just surprised that anyone still thinks about this game. It wasn't bad, just very forgettable.