Dlc is free if you pre order it, Jill had blue eyes in the trailer not brown...Looks like they're definitely expanding on the rather short story from the original game. This looks like its going to involve much more characters and action, higher stakes and even more locations. Also it looks like they're going to dig a bit deeper into Jill and how she feels, which looks very promising (that mirror scene, yikes).
I kind of liked the isolation you felt during the original RE3 though, this looks like the city is still quite populated with non-infected humans including big groups of soldiers. But we'll see how it goes.
I don't get why Jill suddenly has brown eyes though, lol. Also I hate her new outfit, but at least we're getting the classic outfit as DLC. Kind of a dick move to not include it for free, but hey this is 2019 what did we expect.
Dlc is free if you pre order it, Jill had blue eyes in the trailer not brown...
You are right I like how they are changing the plot to look deeper into character and story
@blivvy there is already a thread about this
There are actually rumor that re 3 has been in development for 3 years and it was originally going to be released alongside re 2 but since it was taking to long they decided to release re 2 firstIt's kinda hard to see because of the lighting, but yeah, I could've swore her eyes were blue in the trailer. I know it sounds like a petty complaint, but character consistency is key, even minor details, which is why I couldn't believe it when they changed Chris' eyes to brown in RE5 when he always had blue eyes prior.
But yeah, glad to see they're expanding on the story. Hopefully it'll be more than just an asset flip of RE2, which is essentially all the original RE3 was. On the flip side, though (no pun intended), all the reused assets are likely why we're getting an RE3 remake so quickly after REmake 2.
Wow interesting, so the omitted part in resident evil 2 like how the helicopter was shutted down would be implemented in re 3 remakeSo I guess Nemesis really did shoot down that chopper.