New characters for Resident Evil 8?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2014
What other nationalities would you like to see be put into RE for new characters?

Not like 7 please!
I wouldn't mind to see Ethan or Mia return, but only ONE of them. And then team-up with a classic character, either Chris or Jill.
What other nationalities would you like to see be put into RE for new characters?

Not like 7 please!

I'd suggest more multinational characters. It would fit today's age very well and appeal to a wider audience. The Los Illuminados Cult, the Majini, the J'avo, Alfred, Alexia and Excella proved that foreign accents and looks help give the RE universe a more wordy touch and helped the series develop very well from 4 onwards. I think RE7 was an exception to the rule, but then, the game was very narrowly confined, so it couldn't continue the diverse nature of people in the series.
Ideally I'd like the next main installment to take place in a more Northen region, say something like Maine, and have the story take place in a more sparsely populated town that's been infected by a virus during winter. It would be something entirely new in the series.

You could include a Canadian character speaking with a French Quebec accent.
So far, Resident Evil has avoided creating stereotypes. Depth is important to all the characters and for the series to continue, the people involved must be involved in something or other. Angles are important and everybody should play roles in them and make sure the story is formed with them. Like when Jill and Carlos were trying to escape Raccoon City and help anyone if they could, Nicholai was carrying out field research and experiments for Umbrella, eliminating his fellow unit members because they weren't in league with him. That presented an element of mystery and suspense that made a short game quite endearing.
You know I would much rather the next Resident Evil game continue with the mainstays. I wouldn't mind side characters or maybe a new character helping one of our already established heroes but as far as deviating from what's already been going on like Resident Evil 7 seemed to, I'll pass.

As for their hypothetical nationality, it doesn't really matter to me as long as they're a decent character and don't feel like a cheap add on for the sake of diversity.
+++ WARNING: The following post mentions something positive about Operation Raccoon City. If you are sensitive to the subject, please don't read any further. +++

So yeah. One of the things I like about ORC is that every character in the Wolfpack has a different nationality, and in most cases you can tell by their accents. What I like even more, however, is that it actually makes sense, but at the same time doesn't matter! Unlike the governement spec ops, who more or less have to be US Americans because they're patriots serving their country and all that, this Umbrella unit is compiled of criminals with the right talents to get the job done, never mind age, gender, or nationality. Visually, they may be a little harder to tell apart at first glance than, say, the S.T.A.R.S. members because of their black leather attire and hidden faces, but if you look at their profiles, you'll quickly discover that we've never had such a diverse cast of characters within one RE game. We have a mother who's basically only in it to provide for her children, a horrible doctor who likes to cause pain, a school bully with an artificial leg turned into an explosives expert, etc. And now comes the twist: This would still be the case if you changed them all into Americans!

What I'm trying to say is: If you need to rely on different nationalities to convey to the audience that those characters are different from one another, you're doing something wrong. That's why I don't care what birth countries Capcom is going to slap on future characters - as long as they don't have personalities and back-stories that make them stand out from the rest, as long as they're as bland and boring as Ethan and Mia in RE7, wherever they come from isn't going to save them from the scrappy heap. So don't just stand there like J. K. Rowling, saying: "Look how inclusive I am with my Jewish / foreign / black / gay / trans / whatever characters you never even knew were in my stories because I just pulled them out of my behind for political correctness", because that's not going to make your game suck any less if it's bad, and it won't add to the believability of those characters either. If a character's nationality isn't somehow related to their personality (like they have a history of being bullied for it, or their home country has some specific rules and customs that explain their behaviour), it becomes nothing but an accessory. And everyone knows to only put on accessories once you're fully dressed. :wink:

This thread could use a less misleading title, by the way, I didn't come here until now because I thought it was going to be about something different.
Yeah, he asks one thing in the title and then asks something quite different in the actual post.

There's a difference between wanting new characters because you want something new, and wanting new characters because you want to see more nationalities represented. The latter one is a trap, which Hel described so perfectly above.

That being said, if the game takes place in the US, it's more likely (and better) that the characters are American, and not Italian or Malaysian. On the other hand, if the game takes place in Italy or Malaysia, well that's another story.
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I like the idea of mixing in new characters with the already established ones. I assume they will continue with the Fungus enemy storyline established in RE7, so having Ethan or Mia would make sense. I feel like we haven't had a main line Jill story in a while though, so I am always down to see her jump back in to the fray!
To be honest, I'm really, really feeling it's Jill's time again. It's been a while since we ever last heard of her (Like, that file in REV2, which is still dated 2009 in canon). I just really hope Capcom can PLEASE BENCH CHRIS FOR A GAME FFS! Having Jill without Chris is a way to flesh her character a little more. And...yeah, no Ethan or Mia either. They're more bland than Outbreak Characters. Hell, they're more bland than Bruce McGivern, Fong Ling or some other spin off characters.
Chris has been thoroughly overused at this point. He's basically the "stock white action hero" character we see in all video games, IOW brown short hair with a bit stubble. I think people liked him more when he was younger and less experienced. Likewise, Jill's character has been revamped and changed so much that I barely recognize her anymore.
Chris has been thoroughly overused at this point. He's basically the "stock white action hero" character we see in all video games, IOW brown short hair with a bit stubble. I think people liked him more when he was younger and less experienced. Likewise, Jill's character has been revamped and changed so much that I barely recognize her anymore.
I think both Chris and Leon need to be retired in future installments at this point. I was never a huge Leon fan in the first place but the character changes they made from RE2 to RE4 seemed a bit unusual for what we saw of him in RE2 and he's really grated on my nerves ever since.

Capcom needs to find a new Resident Evil poster boy for future titles. I'm tired of Leon's schtick.

In that same vein though, I do think it would be nice for them to utilize someone we've seen before. Perhaps bring Jill back or have Claire or Rebecca return. Give one of the women a chance to shine without powerhouse Chris or super top secret flirt Leon around.
I think both Chris and Leon need to be retired in future installments at this point. I was never a huge Leon fan in the first place but the character changes they made from RE2 to RE4 seemed a bit unusual for what we saw of him in RE2 and he's really grated on my nerves ever since.

Capcom needs to find a new Resident Evil poster boy for future titles. I'm tired of Leon's schtick.

In that same vein though, I do think it would be nice for them to utilize someone we've seen before. Perhaps bring Jill back or have Claire or Rebecca return. Give one of the women a chance to shine without powerhouse Chris or super top secret flirt Leon around.
It does seem like Capcom's got plans for Chris post-REVII though, since they've hired a new actor and all. I wouldn't be surprised if Chris is the main character yet again in RE8.

When it comes to Jill, Capcom is probably saving her new revamped version for the RE3make. I've never liked Rebecca, she was annoying in Zero and her retroactive mannerisms in RE1 doesn't make sense. That only leaves us with Claire, and I'd love to see the adult and mature Claire from Revelations 2 return in the main 8th installment.
It does seem like Capcom's got plans for Chris post-REVII though, since they've hired a new actor and all. I wouldn't be surprised if Chris is the main character yet again in RE8.

When it comes to Jill, Capcom is probably saving her new revamped version for the RE3make. I've never liked Rebecca, she was annoying in Zero and her retroactive mannerisms in RE1 doesn't make sense. That only leaves us with Claire, and I'd love to see the adult and mature Claire from Revelations 2 return in the main 8th installment.
I honestly didn't like Rebecca much in the original but I don't mind her in the remake. (I do get what you mean about retroactive behavior from the prequel to the original but when they expand the series the way they did that's something that can't really be helped.)
I really like Leon as a character and he's up there for me with Claire as my favorite duo. So I would be lying if I say I wouldn't want to see him in future RE. Even Chris. I don't think they need to retire the characters, since they're the two biggest selling points on the franchise (and I like them as characters, this is not even the point for me), but I recognize Capcom need to take them out for a little while. Make two games without them or so, to give their images a rest.

On the other hand, I don't think Rebecca, for example, can hold a new numbered title on her own (she is...boring at best. Too much of the damsel in distress trope every time she appears, even in her own game.) So this is the time for Jill to shine. Make a combo of RE8 and RE3 Remake and then give her a rest for a while. Back in the day Capcom always switched around its main characters between Chris, Jill, Leon and Claire. Now it's too much focus on Chris with Leon coming in second (altough, Chris is still overused. He's been appearing in EVERYTHING since 2009, with the exception being REV2)
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Just adding my two cents.

To be perfectly honest, I feel that it is Jill's time to shine again, as we haven't seen her for a very long time, both in terms of game releases and story timeline. If they're remaking RE3, however, I'm a bit concerned that they may change her look as they did for Leon and Claire, and then continue this on into RE8 (although, Claire's new look grew on me towards the end of RE2 Remake so... perhaps with time, this would be the case if they changed Jill). I'd also be okay with Leon and Claire.

I categorically know that I wouldn't want any of the characters in 7 to feature, and I'm sorry to say that this would also include 'Redfield'. I can't get along with his new face, attitude and voice. I was thinking about this the other day; remember how Chris acted in RE6 when Piers forced him into an escape pod? You could see the anguish and distress on his face, and also hear it in Roger Craig Smith's voice acting. Could you imagine this new Redfield acting like that? The whole time in Not a Hero, he is either neutral or the stereotypical p*ssed off army dude, swearing constantly. It's too much of a difference to Chris for me, and his character has been diluted as a result.

I don't think I'd be particularly interested in any brand-new characters, purely because they don't have any history with the series. I would, however, like to see the return of some characters who only appeared briefly in previous games. For example, maybe a Moira and Claire team-up could be cool to see again.
I would like a more human character. A person without special abilities, however minimally resistant to survive. I sympathize with normal people.

So I like the first two RE's. They are unprepared policemen to face such enemies. They are innocent people and amazed with those news.

As the game will be on a desert island, I might suggest that the scenario might be a security guard or a fisherman in the area.
What makes you think that it will be set on a desert island? Do you have information I don't?
Sorry. I ended up hitting myself. In another place, I read wrong that R8 would have as a desert island location. But it was just a supposed leak - unofficial. We'd better not believe it.