A reboot would be pointless...

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Cure Zombrex

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
However, knowing what occurs all the time in Hollywood, do you think decades from now, that will happen?
I know I wouldn’t bother playing the reboot. This series is becoming something I just want to let go of because they can’t figure out how to bring closure to some of my favorite characters. I get the perception and advantages of starting from scratch but, for me, the old characters are what set these games apart from others. I’d feel bitter if they decided to just start from scratch at this point.

It’s probably inevitable that it will happen- just a matter of ‘when’ now.
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Rebooting the Games would be pointless sure it’s had its far from stellar moments in recent years but Resident Evil is far from destroyed to the point that there’s no more room for improvement like in the case of Halo that has such terrible new characters and designs that it feels like a alternate universe version of Halo rather than the Real Halo (in my opinion any events after Halo 3 should be rebooted).

Rebooting the live action MOVIES on the other hand would make more sense, they were on the right track until the third movie when it become almost completely divorced from Resident Evil and kept retconning itself and hiring mostly miscasted actors.
I know I wouldn’t bother playing the reboot. This series is becoming something I just want to let go of because they can’t figure out how to bring closure to some of my favorite characters. I get the perception and advantages of starting from scratch but, for me, the old characters are what set these games apart from others. Basically I’m just salty.

A reboot doesn't necessarily mean ditching the old characters. For me personally, I see a reboot as a way of expanding the classic stories and adding more depth to the original characters while repurposing others and utilizing them in more meaningful ways, and as a chance to take the series to more logical directions than what we ended up getting in 4, 5, 6, and 7. Elements of those games could definitely be implemented, but this time in more organic ways.

Rebooting the Games would be pointless sure it’s had its far from stellar moments in recent years but Resident Evil is far from destroyed to the point that there’s no more room for improvement like in the case of Halo that has such terrible new characters and designs that it feels like a alternate universe version of Halo rather than the Real Halo (in my opinion any events after Halo 3 should be rebooted).

Halo is far from destroyed compared to Resident Evil... You honestly can't even compare the two given how much Resident Evil constantly changes its identity, gameplay, and characters. Halo 3 perfectly set up the franchise for a new chapter, so the new characters and designs all make sense and have very little bearing on the actual state of the franchise. Sure, Halo 5 was a huge miss-step but to say the series is destroyed is just pure exaggeration. Resident Evil on the other hand never follows up on stories or characters, keeps adding new and unnecessary characters who offer nothing to the series in the long run, constantly shifts focus from game to game, leaves huge gaps between games with plot threads hanging, and so on.
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A reboot doesn't necessarily mean ditching the old characters. For me personally, I see a reboot as a way of expanding the classic stories and adding more depth to the original characters while repurposing others and utilizing them in more meaningful ways, and as a chance to take the series to more logical directions than what we ended up getting in 4, 5, 6, and 7. Elements of those games could definitely be implemented, but this time in more organic ways.

If this is the case and the idea is a reimagining of the stories from past games then absolutely. Based on RE7, however, I think it’s more likely that they would take a reboot in a completely different direction with all new characters. In a way you could say that RE7 is a reboot of the series, if not for the number 7 in the title. Honestly the good thing about the changes in tone and pace of RE7 is that it gives Capcom an opportunity to actually give depth and realism to the original characters (and environments) for the next installment.
It wouldn’t seem so out of left field at this point and I’d rather them just do that than completely reboot the series. There’s plenty of potential with what’s been established thus far, they just need to bring things full circle in a tasteful style that is Resident Evil.
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In a manner of speaking, it sort of does feel like Capcom did reboot the series. It always has an identity crisis. 4 and 5 (and also 6) are just not in the same league as the older games - at all. OK, they aren't 100% crap by any means. However, they hardly feel like horror games in parts. 6 was like a Call of Duty meets (insert title) all the way through.
To be honest, I think that Capcom already did, reboot the series with Resident Evil 7 - Which I'm fine with, since it gave them the opportunity of re-starting from the beginning without completely discarding the universe they built on (That would have been a Disappointment because as much as people love to complain about RE 4/5/6/Rev/Rev 2, they did had some good qualities/points, RE4 and Rev/Rev 2 especially - And I would hate to not see a continuation of Rev 2's story, since it was one of the best and most intriguing of the whole series).

I've invested a lot of years in this series, and I wouldn't be happy to see it ending without closure/without seeing the resolution of at least half of the plot points.
That's why I'm ok with what Capcom did with RE7 - It was a good compromise.
Even though I don't use a fancy camera like some people do to make my commentary clips, I've did a few already which are now on my YouTube channel, where I address my personal concerns while giving general opinions on the survival horror franchises that I've loved since either the late 90's, or the turn of the century.

Be sure to turn up the sound. My camera is only 720 pixels, by the way.

To be honest I would be fine with a reboot only AFTER they properly close the series out and tie up loose ends, I hate when companies reboot something while leaving stuff unexplained or not properly sending the series off in the right way first, if they are going to do a reboot I say do it after having 1 final game featuring all the previous main cast in one final battle to end of battles while bringing back characters and villains that still have their stories up in the air (such as Carlos, Billy, Alex/Natalia, The Orginization etc) doing a reboot just for the heck of doing it (such as DmC) without properly closing the previous series out correctly only serves to leave a bad taste in fans mouths since we have spent MANY OF YEARS investing into this story and its characters to just have you move on and leave it unresolved.
I couldn't agree with you more. Personally, I thought the Freddy and Jason films were drawn out, but at least Robert Englund was in all of them. Then they just started getting silly when Jason dissolved in that toxic waste, yet returned without a dent in the next film, then took over a bunch of people so you didn't really see him at all until the ending. Then of course, they just rebooted them.

Similarly, wasn't Silent Hills intended to be a reboot too? Of course, that game never saw the light of day, and I guess the long list of sequels weren't all that connected to each prior entry anyway (meaning, it hardly mattered if it was rebooted). Well, 3 was certainly a real sequel to the first game, unlike 2 and 4: The Room, but after they were left in the cash grabbing hands of outsiders away from Team Silent, the franchise just got to be so lame. The combat system in Homecoming is so undeniably crappy that I only want to play that game with that special ray gun.

One thing I hate about Resident Evil at times is that they keep throwing in new characters and viruses. Then things just end up a mess because they don't really bring back anybody until a gazillion years later, by which point many fans have gave up altogether. Some people that loved the PlayStation era may not necessarily be tuning into the series with a PS4 these days. And 7: Biohazard is a game that neither looks nor feels like it's truly part of the series, but they randomly threw in Chris. Well, why him of all people? They could have just added a random soldier, but they had to make a connection to the other games, no matter how loose it was.
To be honest I would be fine with a reboot only AFTER they properly close the series out and tie up loose ends, I hate when companies reboot something while leaving stuff unexplained or not properly sending the series off in the right way first, if they are going to do a reboot I say do it after having 1 final game featuring all the previous main cast in one final battle to end of battles while bringing back characters and villains that still have their stories up in the air (such as Carlos, Billy, Alex/Natalia, The Orginization etc) doing a reboot just for the heck of doing it (such as DmC) without properly closing the previous series out correctly only serves to leave a bad taste in fans mouths since we have spent MANY OF YEARS investing into this story and its characters to just have you move on and leave it unresolved.

It's because Capcom is literally clueless as to what they should do with their IPs because all the people who used to helm these franchises are all gone now. So whatever passion or direction these games had are gone and in the air for Capcom to try to sell. That's why DmC got a grounded and more westernized reboot. Online play was getting big and so Capcom forced it into Resident Evil 5 because it's what's popular and sure enough, it became the best selling game in the franchise for all the wrong reasons, so then look at RE6's direction. Capcom doesn't care about the characters or stories of their games. All they care about is shaping it into what can make them more money. At least when 343 took over Halo, despite how people feel about the games, it's obvious the team is passionate about the franchise. Capcom doesn't have that passion anymore. I personally don't care to see these characters that I grew up with get further bastardized and destroyed. So if they decided to do an abrupt reboot, I wouldn't really care because it's not like Capcom has any definitive plans for them, especially if what we have to look forward to is more "Redfield." Even then, I doubt Capcom could pull off a successful reboot of this franchise so whatever fantasy we may have for the potential of a reboot is just that, a fantasy. But as long as Capcom is in charge, we'll never get what we want.
Yeah. I agree with those who love Revelations 2. It has a great story. I loved how Moira kept swearing under pressure. It also felt like the old games, but uniquely mixed with the style of 4 onwards and it was similar in parts to Code: Veronica. Claire even made a passing reference to Steve when she finds a gun, so it's not like they ignored much from the older titles at all. The game itself felt good to play and had a co-op mode that seemed realistic. The first Revelations is great as well, but 2 is one of my favourite entries now. Playing as Barry rocked socks as well.
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It's because Capcom is literally clueless as to what they should do with their IPs because all the people who used to helm these franchises are all gone now. So whatever passion or direction these games had are gone and in the air for Capcom to try to sell. That's why DmC got a grounded and more westernized reboot. Online play was getting big and so Capcom forced it into Resident Evil 5 because it's what's popular and sure enough, it became the best selling game in the franchise for all the wrong reasons, so then look at RE6's direction. Capcom doesn't care about the characters or stories of their games. All they care about is shaping it into what can make them more money. At least when 343 took over Halo, despite how people feel about the games, it's obvious the team is passionate about the franchise. Capcom doesn't have that passion anymore. I personally don't care to see these characters that I grew up with get further bastardized and destroyed. So if they decided to do an abrupt reboot, I wouldn't really care because it's not like Capcom has any definitive plans for them, especially if what we have to look forward to is more "Redfield." Even then, I doubt Capcom could pull off a successful reboot of this franchise so whatever fantasy we may have for the potential of a reboot is just that, a fantasy. But as long as Capcom is in charge, we'll never get what we want.
343 industries isn’t anymore passionate than Capcom when it comes to their games, they actually are milking their audience even more by making multi player “pay to win” and they presented Halo 5 as the next Halo 2 in terms of its “epic story” only for it to be the worst entry in the entire franchise.

Also while I do agree with you that Resident Evil has lost some its identity, in my opinion mainly with game play but at least its consistent compared to halo, for instance in Resident Evil you still fight BOWs meanwhile in Halo they watered down the Covenants role and are essentially gradually replacing them with the Prometheans who are basically Space Robots with seemingly supernatural powers which doesn’t make sense at all since it begs the question why didn’t the Halo rings have them as security instead of the monitor and his sentinels which were more like futuristic drone, also the Prometheans don’t work since Halo is meant to be semi realistic military science fiction (similar to Mass Effect and Starship Troopers) not space fantasy which is a entirely different genre, also in Resident Evil most of the original characters like Chris Jill Barry Leon Claire are still alive meanwhile in Halo all of the original Characters like Sgt Johnson, Miranda Keyes, Lord Hood, the Rookie , Nobile 6 , Bucks Squad, Nobile Team and the Marines/ODSTs are ether dead or mysteriously disappeared from the franchise and the best 343 could come up with were bland characters like Lasky , Locke and Sarah Palmer, at least Halo 5 brought back Buck and the Arbiter but the rest of the game was terrible.

So how does Capcom stack up to 343? In my view nether of them are “passionate” they are companies that want to make money and they don’t truly care about the fans and they both made mistakes, but Capcom did a good job listening to fan feedback and with Revalations 2 and Resident Evil 7 they are starting to make the franchise more like the orignal games while at the same time experimenting with new concepts while 343 is making Halo less and less like The original Bungie trilogy with every game they make.
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Resident Evil 5 and 6 and "Operation Raccoon City" blew ass. Let's not lie here.

What about Silent Hill? Again, Konami screwed that up by letting other people (other than Team Silent personnel) get access to the franchise. Should this happen with Capcom as well, we may get an inferior product that will really have fans kicking up a stink.

What killed off Silent Hill was its American style approach after Team Silent disbanded. Homecoming, Book of Memories and Downpour are for chaffs. I'm actually playing Downpour these days just to try to finish it, due to it being one of the few I never completed, and I don't really feel all that engrossed in it at all. The older games on the PS2 were way better. James. Harry. Heather. They were all fantastic and deeply complex characters. Downpour to be fair, has a great opening scene. The rest of the game that follows though is really very boring.

How can it be we have pretty pixels now, everything looks so great, yet the experience of playing a new game in 2018 mostly feels unjustly like anything before it? The older games were always scary. Even the graphics for the time were not too bad. You cannot say the graphics in Silent Hill 2 are crap, unless you are referring to that lame Xbox 360 HD port that never even got patched properly. But these days, it is the gaming style that is so muddled, whereas the graphics are astonishingly realistic.
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If ORC was treated differently it could have been a beast of a game but no they just had to be ¨them¨ and make a joke out of it. However, there are things i like a lot in ORC, when the game tried to depict known locations of Raccoon City, it failed hard, but i loved the rest of the layouts. I loved the character´s models and their animations and the best thing about this game imo is that the shooting is FUN!, that´s why i played the game quite a lot. This was overall a sad thing to happen, mainly because it had much more potential than what we got, both for gameplay, visuals and of course, lore.

Slant Six Games: ¨We did what Capcom told us to do¨ Yup, pretty much.
Resident Evil 5 and 6 and "Operation Raccoon City" blew ass. Let's not lie here.

What about Silent Hill? Again, Konami screwed that up by letting other people (other than Team Silent personnel) get access to the franchise. Should this happen with Capcom as well, we may get an inferior product that will really have fans kicking up a stink.

What killed off Silent Hill was its American style approach after Team Silent disbanded. Homecoming, Book of Memories and Downpour are for chaffs. I'm actually playing Downpour these days just to try to finish it, due to it being one of the few I never completed, and I don't really feel all that engrossed in it at all. The older games on the PS2 were way better. James. Harry. Heather. They were all fantastic and deeply complex characters. Downpour to be fair, has a great opening scene. The rest of the game that follows though is really very boring.

How can it be we have pretty pixels now, everything looks so great, yet the experience of playing a new game in 2018 mostly feels unjustly like anything before it? The older games were always scary. Even the graphics for the time were not too bad. You cannot say the graphics in Silent Hill 2 are crap, unless you are referring to that lame Xbox 360 HD port that never even got patched properly. But these days, it is the gaming style that is so muddled, whereas the graphics are astonishingly realistic.

I cannot agree with you more when it comes to how Games nowadays LOOK great and borerline photorealistic but story and gameplay wise are extremely soulless, best example would be EA’s Star Wars Battlefront Games which are a huge disgrace to Pandemic’s Star Wars Battlefront Games, EA’s first game had ZERO story and no longer had command post and class based multiplayer but instead replaced it with a generic Call of Duty style multiplayer and they took out drivable vehicles in favour of “turning” into a vehicle when you find a for example “air strike card” and along with a very shallow “horde mode” which is based in very small maps with very easily defeatable enemies, EA’s version of Battlefront 2 (again not to be confused with the great version Battlefront 2 made in 2005) introduced a story which sounded like things were improving only for me to play it and find it lasts only a hour and a half and the multiplayer is still bad, despite how terrible the recent Battlefronts were the character models and setting designs are probably the best game models of our generation but that alone doesn’t make a good game because the gameplay feels underdeveloped and dead, I like one review that I read somewhere that summarised EA’s Battlefront as “looking as stunning as the death star but feels as barren as tatooine” which is basically a large percentage of modern Video Games in a nutshell.
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RE4 (at the time) was a great game. It is one of those games you could not put down in 2005. Even today, it holds up as more of a classic action game than a horror game, and it influenced the likes of Gears of War. It was not really truly RE at all back then, nor is it now, but it was for a number of years, one heck of a game just the same. Sadly, as the years rolled on, survival horror became 'that' and so I began to favor it less and less, even going so far as to blame that game for ending horror gaming as we knew it.

It was like RE4 was a disease that killed all the horror games after that, like how a farmer loses his crops to a famine and has to start over. Even Silent Hill eventually went the action route. Don't forget Alone in the Dark. How can you kill the very game that started the freaking genre? Well, RE4 did. The 2008 reboot and recently Illumination are abominations, and I'm disgusted that Atari has ruined Alone in the Dark beyond repair. One game I do like is The Last of Us, as you can die so easily if an enemy gets too close. The story is touching and it is a marvelous game that mixes action, drama and horror so splendidly.

I realize that the old RE games got repetitive, but they were always atmospheric. CVX, Nemesis, Zero, 2 and the remake all creeped us out. 4 cannot do that. 5 isn't even really horror at all. 6 is a disaster, but it has its moments. Revelations is quite good, but so weird, and Revelations 2 was a return to form, if even briefly. 7: Biohazard is a great game, but not characteristic of a RE title. Some fans may disagree, but it really didn't feel like a RE game when I played it, even though I'll admit it was great. However, that will be what RE will become in the future. Future RE games will be like 7: Biohazard like how 5 copied 4 and so on.
343 industries isn’t anymore passionate than Capcom when it comes to their games, they actually are milking their audience even more by making multi player “pay to win” and they presented Halo 5 as the next Halo 2 in terms of its “epic story” only for it to be the worst entry in the entire franchise.

You couldn't be further from the truth on this one. Capcom locked all extra content, some of which was finished on release, behind DLC and sold everyone a bare bones product with Resident Evil 7. You can't honestly compare that to the REQ system, which is honestly one of the most inoffensive loot box systems out there. Calling it pay to win is just laughable when it's mostly cosmetic crap you can earn fairly easily by playing, unlike stupid fight money in Street Fighter V, another money hungry scam from Capcom. Sure, it's preferable if the REQ system wasn't there at all, but can you really blame them when every other popular shooter is doing the same and seeing huge success from it? At least they respected their fans well enough not to abuse it like some other companies.

And sure, you can say "well Capcom is doing the same as everyone else with DLC." However, there's a huge difference between charging people for extra content when the base game is worthy of its retail price, and paying for extra content in a game that was purposely released bare bones. This isn't just something they did with Resident Evil either, just look at Street Fighter V, Dead Rising 4, and Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite. Same exact scam all across the board.

Also, Halo 5 may be the worst in the franchise, but let's not act like the last 4 Resident Evil games haven't received that label from many fans over the years, and for far bigger reasons than they shifted character focus in one game. And let's not pretend like Bungie was perfect either, because before Halo 5, that title belonged to Halo 2.

Also while I do agree with you that Resident Evil has lost some its identity, in my opinion mainly with game play but at least its consistent compared to halo, for instance in Resident Evil you still fight BOWs meanwhile in Halo they watered down the Covenants role and are essentially gradually replacing them with the Prometheans who are basically Space Robots with seemingly supernatural powers which doesn’t make sense at all since it begs the question why didn’t the Halo rings have them as security instead of the monitor and his sentinels which were more like futuristic drone, also the Prometheans don’t work since Halo is meant to be semi realistic military science fiction (similar to Mass Effect and Starship Troopers) not space fantasy which is a entirely different genre, also in Resident Evil most of the original characters like Chris Jill Barry Leon Claire are still alive meanwhile in Halo all of the original Characters like Sgt Johnson, Miranda Keyes, Lord Hood, the Rookie , Nobile 6 , Bucks Squad, Nobile Team and the Marines/ODSTs are ether dead or mysteriously disappeared from the franchise and the best 343 could come up with were bland characters like Lasky , Locke and Sarah Palmer, at least Halo 5 brought back Buck and the Arbiter but the rest of the game was terrible.

There is absolutely nothing consistent about Resident Evil... You can't just throw a blanket label over Resident Evil's enemies and say "they're still fighting BOWs" like it means anything. Resident Evil's primary enemies were zombies. That changed with 4 and continued on to 5, and changed again with Revelations and 7. Also, 343 didn't "water down" the covenant. Bungie did a long time ago, and 343 had to pick up the pieces and do what they could to keep the covenant relevant by making them essentially space pirates since the old covenant was already defeated. It's not watering down, it's called story progression.

As for characters... How often do Resident Evil's characters change, disappear for years, or just plain haven't been heard of again? Who the hell cares if they're dead or not, they might as well be at this point. Also, everyone you've mentioned in Halo are nothing more than supporting characters or featured in spin-off games... Not to mention, most were killed off by Bungie. So again, not comparable. As far as main characters go, it's always been Master Chief and Cortana and they're still there.

And why do you mention gameplay and brush it off like it's nothing? When that itself is a huge reason why the Resident Evil franchise is completely inconsistent. Hell, they don't just completely revamp gameplay, they've completely switched genres and butchered their own plot lines in a desperate attempt to move away from the past and make their own one off stories that never lead anywhere because in reality, they're just experiments with the name Resident Evil on it.

So how does Capcom stack up to 343? In my view nether of them are “passionate” they are companies that want to make money and they don’t truly care about the fans and they both made mistakes, but Capcom did a good job listening to fan feedback and with Revalations 2 and Resident Evil 7 they are starting to make the franchise more like the orignal games while at the same time experimenting with new concepts while 343 is making Halo less and less like The original Bungie trilogy with every game they make.

This is just completely wrong here. Whether you like the games or not, 343 is passionate about Halo. Most people who work there are developers from other companies who wanted to work on Halo because they're such big fans. They've also done a lot and continue to do a lot for the fans. Every update regarding Halo 6 has been nothing but them hearing the fans and actually listening to them. We hated Locke and wanted more Chief, their response? Chief will be the main character from now on. Fans whined about no split-screen in Halo 5, their response? Every Halo game from now on will have split-screen.

What does Capcom do when the fans hate Resident Evil 4? They say "hey, that sold very well, let's do that again but this time let's make it co-op because online is so popular now." Fans hated Resident Evil 5, what does Capcom do? They further deviate away from the structure and groundwork of previous games because the money is in action, so they go all out on the action and don't even care enough to spend the time polishing the game because they're already salivating at the mouth at the thought of all the money they're going to make. So that backfires and then they completely f*cking lie to their fans about the direction of Resident Evil 7 that they end up releasing a statement backpedaling on what they've stated in the past about the game, by saying that the main series is for experimentation and that the spin-off Revelations series is for the fans... In other words, "screw you guys, we found the perfect way to capitalize on a trend and we're going to tout it as a return to the series' roots despite how much it looks and plays nothing like a game in the franchise because it's not meant for fans."
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