However, knowing what occurs all the time in Hollywood, do you think decades from now, that will happen?
I know I wouldn’t bother playing the reboot. This series is becoming something I just want to let go of because they can’t figure out how to bring closure to some of my favorite characters. I get the perception and advantages of starting from scratch but, for me, the old characters are what set these games apart from others. Basically I’m just salty.
Rebooting the Games would be pointless sure it’s had its far from stellar moments in recent years but Resident Evil is far from destroyed to the point that there’s no more room for improvement like in the case of Halo that has such terrible new characters and designs that it feels like a alternate universe version of Halo rather than the Real Halo (in my opinion any events after Halo 3 should be rebooted).
A reboot doesn't necessarily mean ditching the old characters. For me personally, I see a reboot as a way of expanding the classic stories and adding more depth to the original characters while repurposing others and utilizing them in more meaningful ways, and as a chance to take the series to more logical directions than what we ended up getting in 4, 5, 6, and 7. Elements of those games could definitely be implemented, but this time in more organic ways.
To be honest I would be fine with a reboot only AFTER they properly close the series out and tie up loose ends, I hate when companies reboot something while leaving stuff unexplained or not properly sending the series off in the right way first, if they are going to do a reboot I say do it after having 1 final game featuring all the previous main cast in one final battle to end of battles while bringing back characters and villains that still have their stories up in the air (such as Carlos, Billy, Alex/Natalia, The Orginization etc) doing a reboot just for the heck of doing it (such as DmC) without properly closing the previous series out correctly only serves to leave a bad taste in fans mouths since we have spent MANY OF YEARS investing into this story and its characters to just have you move on and leave it unresolved.
343 industries isn’t anymore passionate than Capcom when it comes to their games, they actually are milking their audience even more by making multi player “pay to win” and they presented Halo 5 as the next Halo 2 in terms of its “epic story” only for it to be the worst entry in the entire franchise.It's because Capcom is literally clueless as to what they should do with their IPs because all the people who used to helm these franchises are all gone now. So whatever passion or direction these games had are gone and in the air for Capcom to try to sell. That's why DmC got a grounded and more westernized reboot. Online play was getting big and so Capcom forced it into Resident Evil 5 because it's what's popular and sure enough, it became the best selling game in the franchise for all the wrong reasons, so then look at RE6's direction. Capcom doesn't care about the characters or stories of their games. All they care about is shaping it into what can make them more money. At least when 343 took over Halo, despite how people feel about the games, it's obvious the team is passionate about the franchise. Capcom doesn't have that passion anymore. I personally don't care to see these characters that I grew up with get further bastardized and destroyed. So if they decided to do an abrupt reboot, I wouldn't really care because it's not like Capcom has any definitive plans for them, especially if what we have to look forward to is more "Redfield." Even then, I doubt Capcom could pull off a successful reboot of this franchise so whatever fantasy we may have for the potential of a reboot is just that, a fantasy. But as long as Capcom is in charge, we'll never get what we want.
Resident Evil 5 and 6 and "Operation Raccoon City" blew ass. Let's not lie here.
What about Silent Hill? Again, Konami screwed that up by letting other people (other than Team Silent personnel) get access to the franchise. Should this happen with Capcom as well, we may get an inferior product that will really have fans kicking up a stink.
What killed off Silent Hill was its American style approach after Team Silent disbanded. Homecoming, Book of Memories and Downpour are for chaffs. I'm actually playing Downpour these days just to try to finish it, due to it being one of the few I never completed, and I don't really feel all that engrossed in it at all. The older games on the PS2 were way better. James. Harry. Heather. They were all fantastic and deeply complex characters. Downpour to be fair, has a great opening scene. The rest of the game that follows though is really very boring.
How can it be we have pretty pixels now, everything looks so great, yet the experience of playing a new game in 2018 mostly feels unjustly like anything before it? The older games were always scary. Even the graphics for the time were not too bad. You cannot say the graphics in Silent Hill 2 are crap, unless you are referring to that lame Xbox 360 HD port that never even got patched properly. But these days, it is the gaming style that is so muddled, whereas the graphics are astonishingly realistic.
343 industries isn’t anymore passionate than Capcom when it comes to their games, they actually are milking their audience even more by making multi player “pay to win” and they presented Halo 5 as the next Halo 2 in terms of its “epic story” only for it to be the worst entry in the entire franchise.
Also while I do agree with you that Resident Evil has lost some its identity, in my opinion mainly with game play but at least its consistent compared to halo, for instance in Resident Evil you still fight BOWs meanwhile in Halo they watered down the Covenants role and are essentially gradually replacing them with the Prometheans who are basically Space Robots with seemingly supernatural powers which doesn’t make sense at all since it begs the question why didn’t the Halo rings have them as security instead of the monitor and his sentinels which were more like futuristic drone, also the Prometheans don’t work since Halo is meant to be semi realistic military science fiction (similar to Mass Effect and Starship Troopers) not space fantasy which is a entirely different genre, also in Resident Evil most of the original characters like Chris Jill Barry Leon Claire are still alive meanwhile in Halo all of the original Characters like Sgt Johnson, Miranda Keyes, Lord Hood, the Rookie , Nobile 6 , Bucks Squad, Nobile Team and the Marines/ODSTs are ether dead or mysteriously disappeared from the franchise and the best 343 could come up with were bland characters like Lasky , Locke and Sarah Palmer, at least Halo 5 brought back Buck and the Arbiter but the rest of the game was terrible.
So how does Capcom stack up to 343? In my view nether of them are “passionate” they are companies that want to make money and they don’t truly care about the fans and they both made mistakes, but Capcom did a good job listening to fan feedback and with Revalations 2 and Resident Evil 7 they are starting to make the franchise more like the orignal games while at the same time experimenting with new concepts while 343 is making Halo less and less like The original Bungie trilogy with every game they make.