old Spencer.........

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The kitty sage
Aug 5, 2015
umbrella lab
lets hope im putting this in the right discussion....... oh ya right.... where do I even start with what I want to say........ so Spencer. You know the guy that was the basically the guy who controlled umbrella. The same man who pretty much caused everything? Like why was he never expanded on? The only other thing we learn about him is in the DLC for RE 5, lost in nightmares. We learn that he saw humans as grotesque inferior creatures and he wanted to use a special virus to force humans to evolve and rule over that new human race as a god and he himself wanted immortality and to most likely return to his youth. I mean I am pretty sure that is why he was interested in all the various viruses..... I believe he had the t-virus, G-virus, and maybe the t- veronica? Although I doubt it. Actually come to think of it he most likely had all the same viral agents as Albert did and maybe even las plaglas.... Although this is just pure speculation on my part...... ( lol maybe capcom could start a spin off series involving Hunk getting viral agents for Spencer... I dont know I personally think that would be cool..... but meh. the chances of that actually happening is lol.)Anyways sorry for that jumbled up mess of what I wanted to say............

PS: But seriously is there a reason Spencer was cast aside so quickly. I am really curious.
PS: Perhaps there could be a young bad ass clone of Spencer wrecking havoc... Yes yes I can already hear the sighs, mumbles, and groans of " omg that is so cliche..." YaI dont care... Capcom has done worse.. for example when they ruined my sexy Carlos in ORC... oh wait ... wasn't capcom..... nevermind.
Spencer was the guy who started it all. He was obsessed with immortality and essentially wanted to create a new master race of humans with himself as a god to rule them. For this purpose he studied the Progenitor virus as he believed that was the key to becoming immortal and create superhumans. All of the viruses that were later created (T, G, T-Veronica, T-Abyss, T-Phobos, Uroboros and C) were derived from Progenitor so they can all be traced back to Spencers work. To him these viruses were just byproducts though, he wanted to create a supervirus that would make him a god not a monster. He formed Umbrella (along with Edward Ashford and James Marcus) in 1967 to mask and finance his viral research.

He was also initiating Project W, which was designed to provide him with a first batch of superhumans that would be the first of his new imagined world order. To that end he captured hundreds of gifted children, brainwashed them, injected them with Progenitor. Those who survived were brainwashed again and given the surname Wesker. later they were given a new experimental virus to make them superhuman but only two of the candidates survived that - Albert and Alex. Albert later went rogue and turned on Spencer in 1998 (RE 1) so after the collapse of Umbrella in 2003, Spencer only had one ally left : Alex Wesker.

The T-Virus was created by James Marcus in 1978 but when Marcus became too ambitious, Spencer had him killed in 1988 by Albert Wesker and William Birkin took over the T-Virus research and claimed that he had created the virus (he would later also create the G-virus). As we all know Birkin died during the Raccoon City incident in 1998 (RE 2) along with his wife. Umbrellas other co-founder Edward Ashford had already died in the late 60s and his position went to his son Alexander (wo created T-veronica and used it to create the twins Alfred and Alexia in 1972). Alexander was infected with T-Veronica in 1982 and then killed in 1999 by Claire Redfield (Code Veronica). Alfred and Alexia were killed around the same time, eliminating the Ashord-line.

Thus Spencer had only Alex Wesker left. While he continued his Progenitor research at his own mansion, Alex worked on a new virus for him on a remote island (and eventually she would create the T-Phobos virus). However inspired by Albert, she eventually betrayed Spencer as well and disappeared along with all her research. With no other options left Spencer then reached out to Albert, who came to his mansion in 2006. Spencer revealed Alberts true origin and purpose to him but did not realize in his arrogance that this would not sway Albert to his side. Instead Albert killed Spencer and then formed the plan to achieve Spencers original plan and create a virus which would create superhumans and make him a god while killing all the weak. This eventually resulted in the creation of Uroboros in 2009 but he was stopped and killed by Chris and Sheva (RE 5).

Afterwards Alex (the last standing Umbrella member and Wesker) conducted an experiment with the T-Phobos virus on a remote island in 2010, infecting several members of Terrasave with it (among them Claire and Moira Burton) to see if there was one of them who could be immune to fear (as fear triggers the virus) and could serve as a new host body for Alex. Ultimately her experiment failed as her chosen vessel Natalia Korda proved too strong for her to take over and her remaining mutated form was killed by Barry and Claire in 2011 (Revelations 2)

However even after Spencers death and Umbrellas fall and the death of the Weskers and all Umbrella executives their legacy continued as their viruses continued to be used in Bioterrorism and in 2012 Derek C. Simmons (Head of the powerful organization known as "The Family") and his head scientist Carla Radames created the C-Virus, which was derived from Umbrellas Progenitor virus and caused the biggest viral outbreak in history in 2013 in China (RE 6). However both Simmons and Radames were killed and Albert Weskers son Jake Mueller provided his blood to create a vaccine against the C-Virus which effectively ended the threat.

It remains to be seen in future games wether or not Spencers legacy has finally been destroyed or if his work will continue to plague the world. But yes it all started with him and everything that ever happened in the entire series can be traced to his actions. Thus he might actually be the most important character in the entire RE mythology.
I don't think this is the end of Spencers legacy. There's bound to be someone else out there fanatical enough to carry on his work.
Spencer is the big bad of the Resident Evil series. It seems that RE5 decided to be intentionally anticlimactic for the sake of irony. I wonder if Spencer was part of "The Family." I also wonder if all 13 Wesker children have Spencer's DNA.
Spencer is the big bad of the Resident Evil series. It seems that RE5 decided to be intentionally anticlimactic for the sake of irony. I wonder if Spencer was part of "The Family." I also wonder if all 13 Wesker children have Spencer's DNA.

I don´t think the Wesker children had Spencers DNA. Neither his diaries nor any files on Spencer or Project W imply this. They were simply brainwashed and infused with the Progenitor virus as far as we know.

The notion that Spencer could have been a member of the Family is interesting. But could someone like Spencer really bow to anyone as clearly Simmons was already head of the Family during the time of the Raccoon City incident.
The notion that Spencer could have been a member of the Family is interesting. But could someone like Spencer really bow to anyone as clearly Simmons was already head of the Family during the time of the Raccoon City incident.
It's possible that Spencer planned on eventually ovethrowing Simmons. Spencer might of told Simmons that things like Project W and the Tyrant project were for the good of America.
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It's possible that Spencer planned on eventually ovethrowing Simmons. Spencer might of told Simmons that things like Project W and the Tyrant project were for the good of America.

This gave me another idea. Could it be that Morgan Landsdale was also member of the Family. He staged the attack on Terragrigia to wake up the public to the threat of Bioterrorism and to create order. Which sounds an awful lot like something the Family would do.
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This gave me another idea. Could it be that Morgan Landsdale was also member of the Family. He staged the attack on Terragrigia to wake up the public to the threat of Bioterrorism and to create order. Which sounds an awful lot like something the Family would do.
Good theory. I wouldn't be surprised if Landsdale is a member of The Family. I also like the irony of Spencer starting everything in order to bring order to the world but his legacy ended up being one of chaos.
Well in my opinion Spencer was definitely more sane then Simmons ( but that is not really saying alot... lol). But then again Spencer really believed that he was destined to become a god, and I suppose thats the number 1 reason why he was interested in the viral agents that umbrella birthed. On the other hand Simmons manipulated Carla into creating the c virus, thousands of people became monstrosities due to Simmons trying to create another Ada Wong, and then He finally succeeded...... turning Carla into Ada Wong but Carla still had a small fragment of her mind left and .... enough said. lol. One might say that literally believing that you have the right to be a god is very delusional and dangerous..... but Simmons did some pretty grotesque things to.... I still will have to go with Simmons being more unstable though..........
Well in my opinion Spencer was definitely more sane then Simmons ( but that is not really saying alot... lol). But then again Spencer really believed that he was destined to become a god, and I suppose thats the number 1 reason why he was interested in the viral agents that umbrella birthed. On the other hand Simmons manipulated Carla into creating the c virus, thousands of people became monstrosities due to Simmons trying to create another Ada Wong, and then He finally succeeded...... turning Carla into Ada Wong but Carla still had a small fragment of her mind left and .... enough said. lol. One might say that literally believing that you have the right to be a god is very delusional and dangerous..... but Simmons did some pretty grotesque things to.... I still will have to go with Simmons being more unstable though..........

I think Spencer was more insane. If you look at his diaries, he not only wanted to become a god, he viewed all of mankind as inferior to him and believed all they were meant for was worshipping him.

Interestingly enough several villains in the series ultimately shared that same vision. Not only Spencer but also Alexia, Alex and Albert as well. It looks like Umbrella was a regular mental asylum lol
Interestingly enough several villains in the series ultimately shared that same vision. Not only Spencer but also Alexia, Alex and Albert as well. It looks like Umbrella was a regular mental asylum lol
Albert and Alex were raised to share Spencer's beliefs and Alexia was genetically engineered to share the beliefs of Edward Ashford, who was one of Spencer's partners.
Albert and Alex were raised to share Spencer's beliefs and Alexia was genetically engineered to share the beliefs of Edward Ashford, who was one of Spencer's partners.

Yet Albert and Alex both turned on Spencer instead of sharing his belief that he was meant to be the ruling God.

I diagree about Alexia. While she was genetically engineered by Alexander, she was never trained to share the beliefs of either him or her grandfather Edward. Instead she formed her vision based on the nature of an Ant-Queen that she was obsessed with and believed the world to be her personal anthill with all humans being worker ants meant so serve her. She sure as hell did not get that from any of her ancestors. Also she was engineered to be the reincarnation of Veronica Ashford, not to follow her male ancestors. Alexanders files in Code Veronica clearly state this.
I wonder what Spencer was doing during RE1. Was he already stuck in a wheelchair or was he still meeting with shairholders?
We know that Umbrella was formed in the late 1960s, which was a crazy time in history. I wonder if America's failure in Vietnam, the riots, the assasinations, etc. played a role in Spencer's belief that the world is rotten and needs to be fixed.
Hey Deathstroke, your post on May 2 was awesome to read. You really nailed it on Spencers backround.
One thing Im so impressed with Resident Evil is how they can add so much story thoughout the years, and it still don't mess up what was originally released back in 96 and 98 and so on. After playing the games again and focusing on files I read, I think Code Veronica was the first time that Spencer was even mentioned. But it still all fits.
Resident Evil 5 has some awesome documents as well to pick up, finding out that Africa was the origin of all of there experiments. And what you said about Simmons from 6, man, I mustve missed that he was part of "The Family". (that Resi 7 demo, "Welcome to the Family son") I gota play 6 again and look for those documents.

What are your thoughts and Alex Wesker and Natalia, wasn't the transformation successful? How Alex is kinda inside Natalia now, and maybe that could be foreshowding if Spencer could have done a similar transfusion? Cool post bro, looking forward to more.