Revelations 2 Alex Wesker and Natalia confusion

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I think you go into too much detail with your posts which make it confusing for people to read.

Try and make a short summary.

Alex transferred a copy of her mind, then the original killed herself.
The only one that exists now is the copied mind within Natalias body which is constantly trying to gain control.
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I think you go into too much detail with your posts which make it confusing for people to read.

Try and make a short summary.

Alex transferred a copy of her mind, then the original killed herself.
The only one that exists now is the copied mind within Natalias body which is constantly trying to gain control.

It's a little complicated to make a short summary on this issue because of how complex it is. I thought I made it simple to understand by going into a lot of detail to avoid confusion. I'll do my best to keep this short *smiles* I ended up doing some research in the past 2 days on both the subject of consciousness and from what is actually stated in the game. I am kind of assuming that you didn't read both of my posts but to make it short and simple according to both the game and research is this.

Both Alex in her original body and the Alex who has been transferred is one and the same. The Alex within Natalia can be considered the original as the original Alex would "awaken" within Natalia. No longer split like a worm, but once again whole. Simply imagine being confused for a while then one day you wake up in another body... fully aware of who you were before. This was Alex's intentions and her belief throughout the game. It is then brought full circle at the end of the game. The last words Alex ever written on paper is as follows.

""And then, when you die false one, I will take your body. I will become the true me. Natalia... you must die.."
I really believe that this right here is the final word and the most important quote in the whole game to prove that the Alex within Natalia is 100% is the real Alex and one and the same. Alex wants to make sure that Natalia's consciousness is dead and gone from this world. Alex and Alex alone will be the true Alex in a new young, beautiful, and extremely capable body." (copy pasted)

Killing Natalia will remove the "bleeding effect". This is where the memories of two different individuals merge into one. In this sense if Natalia's consciousness is in control and Alex's memories bleed in. Natalia will become Alex and replace her. If Natalia's consciousness is dead or Alex's consciousness is the dominate force of the vassal, then Alex will become her true self again

PS. I literally just deleted more paragraphs of evidence to keep this simple.... I hope it was easier to understand. :/
Thats your version of a short answer?

Yes ^.^ It's pretty much as a short as it can get.

This is a never ending argument with two sides flogging to their perception of the matter. The problem is.... so many of these people fail to do their research or provide any evidence to the argument. *smh* I'm not pointing any fingers so don't take this the wrong way at all. I am NOT pointing any fingers. I am simply pointing out this observation after going to multiple different forums and doing my homework on the issue. Some of the stuff some people say..... is just crazy lmao!
I want to add one more thing to what I said above when I gave my explanation as further evidence. This is all from in the game itself! :P As we all know, Natalia became confused because Alex's memories were merging with hers and Alex's consciousness was trying to take over. They are of course their own individuals and the real Natalia is trapped inside and will clearly try to fight to be herself again post Rev2 (this is obvious) and be a complete pain in Alex's ass. I'm sure Alex will be trapping Natalia with horrors to keep her drowned and possibly try to destroy her consciousness so there is no resistance. In the end I think Natalia will either win and defeat Alex or force her to find another body... such as Sherry's who would be perfect since the G-Virus bonded with her and she will live for up to 400 years. I wouldn't be surprised if Alex sets her sights on Sherry at some point >.>

Anyways back on track to what I wanted to point out. That Alex shows a sign of confusion and perhaps multiple personality disorder near the end. The final document of the game and what Alex says explains A LOT! Alex was thankful that reawakened as herself so she could fix the mistake, that mistake was Natalia.

Spoken bit regarding the True or False:

"I alone am true. You are false Natalia."
"You reject what was given to you... You reject your memories.... False!"
"Begone False one."

Now the document is confusing because it can be taken as evidence for both sides of the argument. HOWEVER once you realise that "She" refers to Natalia and NOT the Alex within Natalia. Everything begins to come clear and Alex wants to awaken. I'll explain it paragraph by paragraph.

"I survived... My escape wasn't death. I have no one to blame but myself"
Alex's escape wasn't just death. It was to Awaken within Natalia and destroying Natalia's consciousness and being only her! The one and only Alex.

"When I pulled the trigger... in that instant the thought of vanishing from this world.. Me! Me of all people... I came to feel fear."
This is why she mutated and she felt fear because what if this was the end and the transfer was a failure?

"How ironic. The viruses inside of me... rotting away my body to the point of death, saved me from death."

People seem to think this only refers to the T-Phobos virus. This is untrue and it says "viruses". While she survived the Prototype Virus from Project W. it made her sick and this sickness was killing her. She did not have much time left and she needed to find another means of immortality once she realised that the body will age is an inescapable fact. Resident Evil 5 stated in the Ndipaya tribe file that even those who bond with the Progenitor virus will only have prolonged life and their body will shut down centuries later. Alex knew this and she then poured all of her resources to find an alternative. She cracked it and succeeded where everyone else failed.

"I have become ugly. Hideous. I can't stand the sight of myself. This isn't me. This ugly creature..."
This one is very self-explanatory. She is very angry about her monster form and she states that it isn't really her.

"But soon another me will awaken. The vessel I transferred myself into."
This is obviously referring to the transfer and how she, Alex, is now in Natalia's body but had not awaken yet.

"I won't allow it. I forbid it. She is the ugly one. Yet she'll look at me and laugh at how hideous I am."

This line is confusing as it contradicts pretty much everything else. However it could be a result of confusion and arguing with herself in the sense of multipersonality. "She is the ugly one." is clearly referring to Natalia, where the "she'll look at me and laugh at how hideous I am." likely refers to the Alex within Natalia BUT could be referring to Natalia as Alex's memories are bleeding into Natalia's.

"Why have I become so hideous?"

Alex is ****ed the **** off!

"I am me. But I am not. I awakened as myself. But then she will also awaken as me. Both are true."

Alex says that she is me because she awakened as herself. Then she states that she is not her because there are now two of her. She wants the Alex within Natalia to be her and not the monstrous form that she is in. Both are true and she wants to fix this "mistake" and be whole again.

No! There can only be one true me. And that is me! She can never be me. She is false. She is a farce. That is why she cannot be allowed to persist. She must be eliminated."

Alex wants to be whole again and is concerned that Natalia's consciousness will be in control with Alex's memories bleeding into Natalia. Alex calls Natalia a joke and that she must be eliminated so only Alex can exist in Natalia's body and only Alex alone is true!

"I am me. Only I am true. I'll use that abomination. Albert's final legacy. I'll smother this insufferable island with Uroboros. She will be eviscerated. She will come to know fear. You will feel the icy embraces of death... Natalia..."

Alex is once again stating that only Alex herself is true and that Natalia cannot interfere with her and she won't let Natalia become her due to memories bleeding (the memory bleeding effect has occurred multiple times throughout the game and Natalia has become confused by it more than a few times). Ironically even Alex thinks Uroboros is a **** virus "I'll use that abomination." LMAO. I'll admit Uroboros had a dozen flaws with it but this is not important, just part of what she is saying. She will use Uroboros as she has modified it to infect the island to further scare Natalia and make her feel fear! (it was stated earlier in the game that Natalia has conquered fear and is incapable of feeling fear). She will ensure that Natalia will die. In the bad ending of the game the monster Alex is "eviscerated."

"And then, when you die false one, I will take your body. I will become the true me. Natalia... you must die.."
This right here is the final word and the most important quote in the whole game to prove that the Alex within Natalia is 100% is the real Alex and one and the same. Alex wants to make sure that Natalia's consciousness is dead and gone from this world. Alex and Alex alone will be the true Alex in a new young, beautiful, and extremely capable body.

It is true that in the good ending Natalia is still alive and having a tug-of-war with Alex.
I believe that the bad ending was created to show that Alex without a shed of doubt won and succeeded no matter what ending you got. To clear confusion so to speak.
In the bad ending we see that Alex kills Natalia. We see Natalia's arms, head, and legs go limp. We see the result of what happens when someone dies and their consciousness is no longer functional or present in their body. Alex crushes Natalia with so much pain that her body let up and she died. Once Natalia was dead, the Alex within her kick-started the body and took complete control. Alex then eviscerated her old body and became whole again, the one true Alex. Exactly as the document above stated would happen. It is odd how the powers within Alex transferred as well, while this isn't exactly logical, it happened. Alex's new body isn't sick and can now have the powers that were always hers but were previously inaccessible due to her illness. In the end there is just to much evidence in the game that shows that Alex is Alex!
Yes I agree with all of this
You sound like you wrote the storyline for rev 2? Is it true ? Is it you ?

I may or may not have copied my consciousness into the lead writer of the game a couple years back =O
I me-mean my name IS Alex! Whether I'm a Wesker or not.... well that's a secret ;)
Use your imagination...
Only I.... and I alone am true!
There can only be one true me and that is ME! >;D
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I may or may not have copied my consciousness into the lead writer of the game a couple years back =O
I me-mean my name IS Alex! Whether I'm a Wesker or not.... well that's a secret ;)
Use your imagination...
Only I.... and I alone am true!
There can only be one true me and that is ME! >;D
you could have just said no :happy:
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Well it appears I need to add something to my whole Alex within Natalia is the real Alex rant. According to the original Japanese version..... she is indeed the same. Here is what I have found regarding the matter stated rough and briefly.

I find it interesting to note that it actually supports my argument that the Alex within Natalia is the real Alex "reincarnated". Lines such as when Alex states "Travesty and reality, travesty and reality, travesty and reality Natalia… your body is mine, get out of it you travesty. Die… die… die…". Clearly Alex believes the body/vessel is rightfully hers. "Die… Natalia Die… Refuse trial and die You were never meant to survive…!" along with the next line "Travesty… Reality… Refuse trial… Refuse memories… Why are you in there Natalia." tell us that Natalia's consciousness was supposed to die and leave the body so only Alex can persist alone in the body. We can also take a look at the following line for a reference. "I took over his research, made technology it’s core, and have been repeating the experiment in order to improve the spirit and memory transfer system." Memories and spirit are very distinctly differed here.

This made me go from roughly 80% convinced that it was the REAL Alex within her to 100% convinced. Unless they made a really huge mistake in terms of wording in the Japanese version.... it is without question that it's her and not a "copy". The reason that her memories had to be copied is because the fact is in reality that if a person is reincarnated in a new body. That the brain contains no memories what so ever of the "past" life, this is a biological fact. So both her memories and her soul would need to be transferred. It is interesting to state that Alex said at the beginning of the game in the Japanese version something about what you do in this life will carry over to the next. She also consistently only refers to Natalia's REAL consciousness as the false "travesty" and that her (Natalia's) body is rightfully hers and is NOT to be shared with Natalia and therefore Natalia must die. After reading this I officially conclude that Alex Wesker and the Alex Wesker that needs to be triggered to fully awaken within Natalia is the REAL Alex Wesker ;)

Sources: "Reincarnation" and "Travesty and Reality" (the real Alex)

I may update more as I find more sources and evidence to support the matter.
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Well it appears I need to add something to my whole Alex within Natalia is the real Alex rant. According to the original Japanese version..... she is indeed the same. Here is what I have found regarding the matter stated rough and briefly.

I find it interesting to note that it actually supports my argument that the Alex within Natalia is the real Alex "reincarnated". Lines such as when Alex states "Travesty and reality, travesty and reality, travesty and reality Natalia… your body is mine, get out of it you travesty. Die… die… die…". Clearly Alex believes the body/vessel is rightfully hers. "Die… Natalia Die… Refuse trial and die You were never meant to survive…!" along with the next line "Travesty… Reality… Refuse trial… Refuse memories… Why are you in there Natalia." tell us that Natalia's consciousness was supposed to die and leave the body so only Alex can persist alone in the body. We can also take a look at the following line for a reference. "I took over his research, made technology it’s core, and have been repeating the experiment in order to improve the spirit and memory transfer system." Memories and spirit are very distinctly differed here.

This made me go from roughly 80% convinced that it was the REAL Alex within her to 100% convinced. Unless they made a really huge mistake in terms of wording in the Japanese version.... it is without question that it's her and not a "copy". The reason that her memories had to be copied is because the fact is in reality that if a person is reincarnated in a new body. That the brain contains no memories what so ever of the "past" life, this is a biological fact. So both her memories and her soul would need to be transferred. It is interesting to state that Alex said at the beginning of the game in the Japanese version something about what you do in this life will carry over to the next. She also consistently only refers to Natalia's REAL consciousness as the false "travesty" and that her (Natalia's) body is rightfully hers and is NOT to be shared with Natalia and therefore Natalia must die. After reading this I officially conclude that Alex Wesker and the Alex Wesker that needs to be triggered to fully awaken within Natalia is the REAL Alex Wesker ;)

Sources: "Reincarnation" and "Travesty and Reality" (the real Alex)

I may update more as I find more sources and evidence to support the matter.

I *think* I get what you’re saying, though you need to be more concise about it.

Alex’s goal was to transfer into Natalia’s body – and to be of one mind and soul.

So the true Alex lies dormant in Natalia’s body until such time her consciousness fully takes over. Then Natalia will be dead, and her young body will merge with Alex’s mind and soul to become whole.

In short: biological espionage

Oh and Resident Evil is as far-fetched as it gets.
I *think* I get what you’re saying, though you need to be more concise about it.

Alex’s goal was to transfer into Natalia’s body – and to be of one mind and soul.

So the true Alex lies dormant in Natalia’s body until such time her consciousness fully takes over. Then Natalia will be dead, and her young body will merge with Alex’s mind and soul to become whole.

In short: biological espionage

Oh and Resident Evil is as far-fetched as it gets.

The funny thing is that Revelations 2 is the most accurate game scientifically speaking. Keep in mind that it's theoretical and often uses scientific philosophy. The idea of transferring a consciousness has existed for a long time. Thought that isn't what I am talking about. When you feel fear or intense excitement, your brain will release nor-adrenaline. This is what triggered the mutation with the T-Phobos. The process is very real and well done. The brain will release the nor-adrenaline and then react to the T-Phobos.

The afflicted are not really B.O.W's They are people who have been mentally and physically tortured to extreme measures. They are kind of like "The Crazies". Alex Wesker needed a body that could endure both. We have no idea what she did to Natalia behind the scenes. She did protect the body with delicatcy, but there has to be a reason that Natalia. The girl who is "incapable of feeling fear" was always scared of her. In the Jap version apparently she asks Barry why she feels so scared near the end of the game. Anyways, the point is that the afflicted were tourtured both mentally in physically. You can see the hooks and nails through their bodies. Barbwire wrapped around them. Sitched limbs.. Even mixed a piYou can see the faces of other people burned and sown on their skin. You can see all the sick things Alex did, or ordered to be done. She's absolutely ****ed in the head. She's even admitted that she enjoys the suffering and dispare of others.

Look at this ****ers stomache. Could you imagine still being alife during that whole process. I can't belive that there are actually people out there that don't view her as the most evil Resident Evil villain to date. Who else goes through this length to have each individual hand crafted? She disturbs me so.


The **** is wrong with this woman? She then put Uroboro's into them.

Anyways. Back to the other point. Yes the real Alex some how exists in both. Which is why I used the "Split worm" analogy. Holding a desire to become whole again. She also says stuff like "That body belongs to me" and states how when Natalia dies, she will take the body. She will be her, within Natalia's body. So from her words, and the evidence provided by the source material. To call it a "copy of her consciousness" isn't exactly correct. Especially if we were to consider the philosophy and take it for granted. Then that can't be possible, but how can one be in two places at once? Or more precisely. How does one experience in two places at once. The concept of experience and awareness is one of the core fundamentals of philosophy. This is the one topic that makes the game rather confusing. Even if you understand the concepts behind it. This can then be considered that she's partially in one body, but embedded in the other. One of the vessel must die in order for her to be fully aware and conceiving an experience. To be aware and to experience are the core definitions of being alive. She always intended to die, to shed her skin for the skin of another. Just like the manipulative snake she is. She considered it a blessing and curse that she survived her suicide. To right her wrong and "crush" Natalia. To "trigger" herself.

Actually... speaking of snake. Her gold bracelet seems to resemble the scales of a snake.

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