Scariest movie you have ever seen

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Dec 23, 2014
I cant believe this wasn't posted sooner.
I'd have to say, for me, "The Exorcist" scared the living hell out of me--- as an adult anyway.
When I was little, "Jeepers Creepers" both movies made me sleep in the room with my parents...we lived next to a corn field in the middle of no where...go figure.

But, I can't seem to find any movies anymore that genuinely SCARE me. It's getting a little irritating. Hollywood just cant make a decent scary movie anymore.

I've seen:
The Conjuring
Evil Dead (Remake)

All recent movies that everyone says are scary, and I don't think so. "The Conjuring" was GOOD, but did not SCARE me. I've been on reddit and STILL cant find anything good :( ALTHOUGH, "As Above So below" was splendid. It actually made me afraid and uncomfortable.

Give me a list guys and have at it!
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Any movie with Hugh Grant. ...No? Um...
Both Jeepers Creepers did kinda freak me out when I was younger... The first time I saw Insidious I screamed, laughed, and cried all at the same time because that creepy woman with the freaky smile, but nothing else really scared me in it. The Woman in Black was creepy too. No movies really scare me anymore though. They're so cliché nowadays I'm more likely to roll my eyes at something that's supposed to be scary. Like you said, it could still be a good movie, but the scares don't really scare.
I never been scared by movies, not even as a kid. Super natural movies are even worse because I am overly bored by how unconvincing they are, and how they fail to provide anything that makes me as a viewer feel spooked. It's no scarier to me than any Marvel film. At least that has relatable characters so you feel something for them when something does happen. As for creepy factor, I loved the first Silent Hill film.

Now a movie that I would actually say is scary for what it's worth. Personally I'd say "The Last House on the Left" is the scariest movie I've seen. That movie is about as realistic as any horror movie can get. It is NOT for the faint of heart. It's some thing so real that it could happen in real life, and if it did.... it would be one of the worst experiences you'd have. I saw the remake in theaters and it really made me feel disturbed and disgusted, yet at the same time that is what made the movie scary and in my opinion good.

It represents both the worst and most terrifying side of humanity.

The original was too much for people that it was known for making people faint.

I wouldn't recommend it to those who can't handle most horrific acts of man is capable. It's disturbing and the possibility that this could actually happen to you is beyond horrifying. It could leave a mark on your psyche.

Watch the original Evil Dead trilogy. They are quite decent and cult classics. The 3rd one "Army of Darkness" is a British humor film more like Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I thought it was dumb, but people love it. It is a continuation of the story. It's dumb imho.
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The scariest movie I ever saw was not a straight up horror movie. Because I have nerves of steel.

The scariest movie I've seen was actually a documentary on Albert Fish.

Interesting. You might be interested in the move "The Zodiac". It's about the Zodiac killer, who was real and was in California. My mom actually lived in Vallejo during the time it was occurring. I think she knew one of the girls he killed. It's only scary because it's true. And yes.... he did always report to the media and authorities before he committed the crime. He was so brilliant they could never catch him.

The facts

A film:

The movie is good. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal and it actually has both Robert Downy Jr. and Mark Ruffalo in it. I recommend you watch it.
I love horror films. I've been watching them since I was 4. The only movie that scared me so much that I couldn't sleep was The Exorcist. Then as I grew older no horror film has scared me yet. My favorite horror film is The Thing by the way.
Hmmm the classic one I think it's The Shining, the movie doesn't have a lot of jumpscares but it's still suspenseful and scary. I like horror movies that have very few jumpscares but still scary.

As for the modern one I'd say 1408, a survival horror movie where a guy investigates a haunted hotel room and gets trapped in there. The plot is kinda similar to Silent Hill 4 The Room.
Scary fiction doesn't scare me. Only scary reality. That said, I think something Jesus Camp might have to get my vote, short of a holocaust documentary or something.
The scariest movie I ever saw was not a straight up horror movie. Because I have nerves of steel.

The scariest movie I've seen was actually a documentary on Albert Fish.

Ooh I did a research paper on him, he is definitely one of the worst serial killers I've heard of.

Hmm I have a pretty good tolerance with horror movies- I grew up watching the Alien and Predator flicks- which only ever seemed to fascinate me than scare me even when I was like 5 years old.

For a recent movie I would have to say Sinister disturbed me quite a bit. The Exorcist is of course another movie that freaked me out- more so when I was younger; the scene where she does the crab walk down the stairs forever scarred me. The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity were other films that kept me on my toes even after viewing them.

I love monster flicks but they usually don't freak me out so much especially once the movie ends. The Mist might be a good example of one that actually bothered me after watching it because of that ending- plus the way the people behaved in such a situation was a little more freaky than the monsters themselves. John Carpenter's The Thing is also simply a fantastic film that deserves mention as well as the first Jeepers Creepers.
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My favorite horror film is The Thing by the way.

"I don't know what's in there, but whatever it is, it's weird and p!ssed off."

Hmmm the classic one I think it's The Shining, the movie doesn't have a lot of jumpscares but it's still suspenseful and scary. I like horror movies that have very few jumpscares but still scary.

The Shining is a great slow burn kind of movie, much like about half of Stanley Kubrick's films. It like that its creepiest moments come from long periods of dead silence.
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Only once seen SF horror called Event Horizon, and well that one maked me scared ( somehow now i dislike people or slightly monsters what have no eyes or blood in their place).
One of the suggestions I saw on reddit. I just could not get into it :/ fell asleep watching it actually. Ju-on is looking pretty good though.
Hmmm the classic one I think it's The Shining, the movie doesn't have a lot of jumpscares but it's still suspenseful and scary. I like horror movies that have very few jumpscares but still scary.

As for the modern one I'd say 1408, a survival horror movie where a guy investigates a haunted hotel room and gets trapped in there. The plot is kinda similar to Silent Hill 4 The Room.
I absolutely LOVE 1408. John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson made that movie amazing.
I don't get scared by them anymore lol. I guess as a kid the original child's play scared me pretty bad. Like that is legit the only movie that's given me nightmares.
I don't get scared easily by em, anymore, but lemme tell ya: Dead Silence gave me sleep troubles for a couple of nights, not gonna lie.

I rented this **** from Blockbuster, back when Blockbuster was still a thing, and watched it downstairs late at night alone with the lights off. Bad mistake on my part.