Is Resident Evil 6 worth buying?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2014
Your Sex Dungeon
I like to consider myself a bit of a Resi fan. I own many of the games (Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, REmake, Zero, 4 and 5) and I wouldn't mind buying a few more (I have my eyes on Revalations 1 and 2 and maybe one of the Outbreak games).
Today I saw that Resident Evil 6 was on sale on Steam and it is going to expire in a bit so I considered buying it, but I remembered hearing that the game wasn't that great and it felt less like a Resident Evil game than 5. I even read a few Steam reviews and that left me confused, as I didn't know if the game was any good or not. Of course, after that, I flocked over here to get some advice. Should I buy the game or should I do myself a favour and... not buy the game, I guess.
RE6 is pretty goddamn terrible. Even worse than RE5, because at least RE5 had the courtesy of being fun, scratch that: Being F*CKING PLAYABLE.

Seriously, RE6 is so terribly designed! The game is designed like a series of hallways that have mandatory walking segments, invisible walls, half-baked setpieces, incomprehensible HUD, a camera that's suffocatingly close to your character, QTEs every time you blink it seems, blurry textures and ugly models, and no pause button.

RE5 was a pretty bad Resident Evil game, but at least it was polished.
Its worth a rent only because of Leon and Ada's campaign in my opinion.

But a purchase?

Not at all.
No one can tell you that. Whether or not something is worth the money is all up to each individual and their own personal taste. I can honestly tell you that I, personally, did not buy my copy of RE6 or ask for it. Story loved it so much that she wanted to play with me and gave it as a gift. I put it down after we were done with the campaigns and don't pick it back up unless she pops up and wants to play mercs with me. Having played it, I believe it was only worth whatever she paid because of the fun we have playing online together but I can't tell you that it's not worth the money for you to pick up because I'm not you.

To be perfectly honest, if you have a good friend that you like to play co-op with, it will more than likely be worth the $15-$20 or whatever it is now if only because of the conversation and companionship. Worse comes to worse, you trade it in at GameStop for something else. :happy:
I love RE6, I've got hundreds of hours on it and keep clocking more in almost every day. I picked it up full price and would do so again, but as Magnolia said, it's all personal taste. I think it's significantly more playable than RE5 with much better controls, better AI, fun coop, and intuitive menus. It's not perfect. The graphics are eh and the camera angles can be rough. But it's a good price for it on Steam and there are tons of people to play with, so I'd say it's worth the risk to see if you yourself like it or not. But if you do get it, there's a short prologue you have to beat before you open up the main menu, so don't freak out that you can't do basic things until then.
as im A gamer i like to show my skills nothing better thin A leader bord but since the hackers hacking the leader bord of a game like resident evil 4 5 6 why capcom does not take any action about it?