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"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?"
Jun 8, 2014
British Columbia
Hello, my name is Kevin Striker.
I'm nearly 17 years old and a fan of Resident Evil since I was 8. My first Resident Evil was 4, which I played with my brother 'til he sold his PlayStation 2 for an XBOX 360. Eventually, I started buying my own video games, so on top of buying RE4 for my new GameCube, I started buying all the Resident Evil games I could find, because all the mentions of Raccoon City and Umbrella (and Krauser, believe it or not) made me curious about the older titles.
So after ZERO, Resident Evil, REmake, 2, 3, CODE Veronica X, Survivor and Outbreak File #2, I was hooked on this ****. The tank controls were annoying at first, but I got accustomed to them quickly.
And for Christmas '13, I played two RE games I've been meaning to get my hands on: Revelations and 5. I absolutely loved Revelations and 5, while an entertaining action game, didn't even have light atmospherics. It was not scary! The only Resident Evil thing about it was its overarching story.
(NOTE: I refuse to touch Resident Evil 6 and Operation: Raccoon City)
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Well,you don´t know what you´re missing... Resident Evil 6 is really owesome.
But Operation:raccoon city... i don´t know... cause i´ve never played it. XD
Hi, Welcome to the forum :)
Yeah, ORC and RE6 suck, but I'm glad you went back and played the older games after RE4 as my favourite games are definitely the older ones.
Which one is your favourite game?
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Hi, Welcome to the forum :)
Yeah, ORC and RE6 suck, but I'm glad you went back and played the older games after RE4 as my favourite games are definitely the older ones.
Which one is your favourite game?
My favourite overall is RE4. If I've played it for weeks of accumulated gametime, it has to be doing something right. My favourite classic RE, however, is Long Box RE for PlayStation. (Barry FTW)
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Hiya! Welcome to the forum :) 4 is one of my favourites too, and I disliked 6.

Hope you have fun here!
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^ Couldn't agree more Kevin! RE4 is gaming entertainment personified so far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't say I found the game especially 'scary'. It certainly doesn't get under your skin and make you dread every step forward in the way that the early Silent Hill games do, but that's by-the-by, it's a rock-solid masterpiece that generally had me whooping in delight as I progressed through every location and scenario. Utterly superb, it's the sole reason I'm here (thus far)!

Welcome to the forums Sir, though I'm newer than you so feel somewhat unqualified to be welcoming you as such. No matter.
From what I hear, ORC is Call of Duty's Zombie mode in third person and is glitchy as ****.

Yeah..that´s what´s keeping me from playing it.But hey,things often are not what they seem.
I´m quite curious about Revelations though. Oh and welcome! ( i forgot to say it in the first post . sorry =P )
Honestly, I have way too much fun with 4 to say it sucks. Not the scariest RE, but it's one of the most thoroughly entertaining games I've ever played.
And that's fine. I do have fun with RE4 at times as well, I just feel it failed as a RE installment.
Welcome to the forums mate :)

Resident evil 6 should have been eaten by zombies before it infected our homes with its nonsense. Otherwise ORC isn't bad, if you can pick it up for 5 or 10 dollars its worth it to say you've played it. Don't pay more than 10 dollars for it though.