Uncategorised Which do you prefer, the original or the remake?

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black 93

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2013
This thread may exist already and if it does i apologize but iv looked and havent found it. Anyway which do you guys prefer? I absoloutly love the remake, but the original just about edges it for me. The whole b movie feel of the game, its like playing one of those cheesy old zombie movies, the live acting is absoloute classic even though its terrible, and lets face it, without the original the remake wouldnt even exist. At least not how it is
The original was one of the first games I ever played. It will always have a special place in my heart, despite all of its flaws.

That being said, the remake is on another level. I played it some weeks ago and everything the original does it does it better. Graphics, atmosphere, voice acting... the extra storyline and rooms were also a treat. My only "turn off" was those long RE zero-ish corridors -that prevent backtracking- before facing Lisa. they kind of reminded me of RE 0. LOL.

So, if I had to recommend them to someone who has played none of them, I would obviously suggest them the remake. For me it's the original though <3.

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This is a tough one because it is always hard to compare a remake to an original. However, having played both (quite recently I might add) I would have to give the edge to the original. Obviously, the remake is better on many levels, including graphics, voice acting and atmosphere. But the original did it ALL first and you know you jumped the first time that dog jumped out of the window. I do think that if you played the original after remake you would like remake more.
Remake!!, but liked the fact that the story at the the start of the origional was real and not cartoonized
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As much as REmake improved the first game, I still prefer Long-Box RE. The only real excuse I can think of that isn't my own preference are the Crimsonheads in REmake... (GRRRR)
This is one of those questions like asking which hurt more when shooting a person in the head a 22LR or a 50AE... They both kill instantly (22LR bounces around once it penetrates the skull cause it loses power to penetrate a 2nd time) and that makes them both effective.

RE1 is the staple of the series, its the start, the birth of the series. It is a piece of art. It had all the elements a good survivor horror game needed. It had the original fix camera down, and it had a great back ground sound, and it was a great story, it had the architecture and everything needed to tie everything together.

REmake, took what the 1st game did and enhanced it to the best quality available, it expanded everything, and even helped tie things together, that Capcom had said in other games a publications (Weskers Report, Weskers Report 2, etc) It added in everything to help glue everything together, there was no unhealthy filler added. It also added with the enhancement more difficulty to make the game worth playing instead of just being a 're-release' of a game. The crimson heads, though a bother, were a well added touch. Just like the updated version of the aqua ring and the way they handled Neptune. Even making it where Richard dies trying to kill Neptune in Chris's scenario versus him killing Yawn in Jill's scenario.

With this to get a honest opinion people have to add in there bias, I am bias to Resident Evil Directors Cut, as it was the first game we got with our PS1, and its what started my whole adventure into the world of survival horror.

But I can't say a fowl word about Remake as its just as good of a game, but its not as close to my heart as the original one (But its second place to the original)

So at the end of the day, there both amazing and you need to play them both!!!!!
i'm a bit biased here because i consider REmake the greatest game of all time, but i really don't see how anyone could call OG RE1 a better game based on anything but nostalgia. it's like alien vs. aliens, terminator 1 vs. T2. REmake took a 5 star video game and improved it in every aspect imo. just listen to the two soundtracks back to back and it's enough to understand how much effort was put into REmake.
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I would have to say Remake, they did a lot of things better to me to the point where I can't really go back and get into the original anymore.
In my personal opinion, I think that: Resident Evil & RE: Directors Cut were far better than the remake. The only boosted it up and added Lisa Trevor. I hated how the added the additional parts to the catacombs. It just seems like they were pushing production because the Gamecube was dying out. They revamped 70% of it and this is where it fell off. It lost most of its appeal. The cinematographic's were far better, however it just wasn't the same.

The difference between the original and Directors Cut was only that fact that at the end after the Umbrella Lab exploded as well as the Spencer Mansion and the Arklay Mountains was that Chris had a cigarette in his hand, while Barry, Rebecca, and/or Jill if you managed to save both.
Original.....Director's Cut......Remake......or......Remake of remake? ;) Gotta trust in the feeling and give vote to Director's Cut, because blasting headshots! Well, that + Still Dawn <3 Always genertaes the will to play again and again, right? ;)
My vote goes to REmake. I'd have loved it even more if the 2015 HD re-release adopted over-the-shoulder and laser-sight aiming while keeping the scarce resources.
Which do I prefer? Original, I wish I could say it's not because I have such fond memories of playing it so much as a kid, but thats probably it lol.

But as far as quality, there are some things about REmake I dislike, but for the most part it's a better game.
I'd have to agree with you, the Directors Cut by far. I have fond memories of it as a child as well. I remember I could never even make it to the Umbrella Laboratory the 1st time playing; I got stuck in the Catacombs. So close, yet so far.

The REmake was alright, like I stated in previous threads: I was not a fan of the Lisa Trevor idea, however I did like the new areas.

The laser-sight is ****ty feature, they need not adjust the aiming on it and just let it flow naturally as they have done w/ the originals for the Playstation.
Hard decision. The original is obviously what started it all and holds that nostalgic factor that is hard to top for most game or film franchises (although part 2 imo was the best). The remake though did a very nice job of not only upping the graphics but added onto the story in just the right and effective way to where they didn't overdo it. I guess I'll go with the remake as that was a rare case of upgrading done right.
This thread may exist already and if it does i apologize but iv looked and havent found it. Anyway which do you guys prefer? I absoloutly love the remake, but the original just about edges it for me. The whole b movie feel of the game, its like playing one of those cheesy old zombie movies, the live acting is absoloute classic even though its terrible, and lets face it, without the original the remake wouldnt even exist. At least not how it is

I honestly prefer the remake for it's enhanced visuals, extra content and better voice acting. Although the voice acting in the original is definitely worth seeing or playing over for laughs.
I love the original. It's the game that opened the doors of survival horror to my life and that's why I adore it so much. That being said, the remake is a masterpiece. It's like the original but a million times better. The graphics, the new areas, the Crimson Heads, and the Lisa Trevor addition were great. ^_^
I love how the remake expands the story and adds more locations so i would probably say it wins for me, but i still love the original for the cheesy voice acting and just how classic it is
The REmake is a fantastic game, and, IMO, it's the definitive version of the game, not just from a technological standpoint, but in terms of voice acting, storytelling and the overall tone of the game.
That being said, the original game wins out for me for 1 reason above all:
OG Barry Burton, the Master of Cheesy 1-Liners :D