What was your GOTY of 2013, and what games are you looking forward to?

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Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Jul 9, 2011
Silent Hill
As some of you know I like to do this every year.

As for my GOTY, it was tied with riptide and REvelation, But since technically REvalation came out in 2012, I'll say riptide.

As for the game I looking forward to . . . there's only one.
The Evil Within
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For me, game of the year was definitely GTA V. It was brilliant.

As for games I'm looking forward to... Definitely The Evil Within. I'm hoping for a WiiU some time next year as well, so I'm looking forward to Zelda U, Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4. :smile:
Mario kart 7
Kingdom hearts 1.5 Remix

I'm looking forward to
Super smash bros 4
Kingdom hearts 2.5 remix
Final fantasy 15
Kingdom hearts 3
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Okay. That's cool. I honestly don't like the FF series because of the auto battle, but I do like the story. So I'll probably watch a walkthrough of the games sometime.
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I only played ff7 and half of ff8
I liked the story in 7 though don't know how I understood what was going on 8 years ago :P
I only am looking forward to this best one because they're using the same fighting style as kingdom hearts which is VERY appealing to me
For me it was Super Mario 3D World. First hand that game is AMAZING. or State of Decay. As it's a Open World, Zombie Survival Simulation (which was a gift sent by the gods like most Nintendo games)

I'm looking forward to any new Star Fox, Metroid, And/or Zelda Titles. (Like Hyrule Warriors)

Psycho Break (Evil Within) made me vomit I'm sorry it was rather bad in my honest opinion. I hate RER so that's my standpoint on that atrocity.

Grand Theft Auto was a solid game as well but not worthy of that title.

I have Yet to pick up A Link between Worlds. ( I REALLY dislike the art style though)
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There hasn't really been all that many great games released this year that have caught my eye, and GTAV didn't even see a release on PC. I'll say that my GotY was the PC port of Trials Evolution Gold, mainly because it's one of the few games I actually bought this year.

Notable fails of the year: Aliens: Colonial Marines and Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs.
There hasn't really been all that many great games released this year that have caught my eye, and GTAV didn't even see a release on PC. I'll say that my GotY was the PC port of Trials Evolution Gold, mainly because it's one of the few games I actually bought this year.

Notable fails of the year: Aliens: Colonial Marines and Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs.
When I went Christmas shopping I saw that game on offer for £4
So I thought whoa why not
Played it co op for 45 mins and turned it off
What a load of tosh
Though I havnt played or heard about the sequel to amnesia
That's disappointing to hear it wasn't so good
My game of the year was close between Bioshock Infinite and Killzone Mercenary, but I'm going to have to give it to Killzone. :grin:

I'll have to post a top ten list soon. :D
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For me it's probably Ni No Kuni. I also really enjoyed Knack, GtaV and Shin Megami Tensei 4.

What I'm looking forward to the most is Guilty Gear Xrd, the new Deception and The Last Guardian if it'll ever be released. Oh, and everything Persona related.
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For me it's probably Ni No Kuni. I also really enjoyed Knack, GtaV and Shin Megami Tensei 4.
And I'm still jealous. :lol:

As for my GOTY, it's tough since I barely bought any games this year and some of them I have yet to even complete and as such it's a three way tie between The Last of Us, GTAV, and Injustice: Gods Among Us for me since out of all the games that I have played this year those are the 3 that have entertained me the most. If I had to count HD remakes, then I would take off either The Last of Us or Injustice and add Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix. And if this was going by any games that I played this year and didn't matter when they were released as long as I got it this year and played it this year, then it would definitely go to Persona 3 FES.

What I'm looking forward to the most is Guilty Gear Xrd, the new Deception and The Last Guardian if it'll ever be released. Oh, and everything Persona related.
This and I would add the Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD remake, Watch Dogs, Dying Light, and Yakuza 5 if the development team from SEGA will actually take back their lazily written and lying statement on why they can't localize it.
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I thought it would be fun to post a top ten. So here it is! It's sort of in order. :lol:

1. Killzone Mercenary
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus
4. Deadpool
5. Tomb Raider
6. Soul Sacrifice
7. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
8. Saints Row IV
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us
10. Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Something like this anyway. :lol: