I thought FF14 was coming out?Mario kart 7
Kingdom hearts 1.5 Remix
I'm looking forward to
Super smash bros 4
Kingdom hearts 2.5 remix
Final fantasy 15
Kingdom hearts 3
Ff15 won't be out for a long timeI thought FF14 was coming out?
YesThere hasn't really been all that many great games released this year that have caught my eye, and GTAV didn't even see a release on PC. I'll say that my GotY was the PC port of Trials Evolution Gold, mainly because it's one of the few games I actually bought this year.
Notable fails of the year: Aliens: Colonial Marines and Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs.
And I'm still jealous. :lol:For me it's probably Ni No Kuni. I also really enjoyed Knack, GtaV and Shin Megami Tensei 4.
This and I would add the Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD remake, Watch Dogs, Dying Light, and Yakuza 5 if the development team from SEGA will actually take back their lazily written and lying statement on why they can't localize it.What I'm looking forward to the most is Guilty Gear Xrd, the new Deception and The Last Guardian if it'll ever be released. Oh, and everything Persona related.