Resident Evil 6 PC-exclusive RE/L4D crossover

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Goddess of the Dead
Jul 29, 2012
Just found this on Facebook:

I'm a PC gamer, as most of you probably know by now, but to be honest, I could do without this. Why should I be interested in playing as four new characters from a game I don't even know? But I guess Capcom feared the console gamers' angry reactions if they had turned Claire and Jill into PC-exclusive Mercenaries characters.

(Although it would be somewhat justified; after all, we didn't get Mercenaries Reunion and therefore never got to play as Josh, Excella, Barry and Rebecca.)
Sorry but I can't help but feel let down by this.

Not because I'm not a fan of Left for dead, but because of the fact that if Capcom could do something like this than why not add INTERESTING Resident Evil content to this game?

Instead of throwing left for dead characters into this they could have released Albert,HUNK,Jill, Claire or Carlos.

Instead of throwing in Left for dead enemies they could have added some classic BOWs like Hunters or Spiders, or maybe even added some Tyrants like Mr X or Nemesis.

I just feel this was a missed opportunity for Capcom to try to add something for their long time fans.
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I'm a fan of both RE and L4D, but if I want L4D characters and L4D enemies, then I'll play L4D. Though I wouldn't mind a cannon crossover between the games.:)

Leon: Some woman is crying.
Bill: Whatever you do, do not disturb her.
Helena: What's the worst that could happen?
*Leon Startled the Witch!*
Everyone but Leon: *facepalm*
Louis: Pills over here!
Chris: I'm not a Tank, I just work out a lot.
Sheva: I need ammo!
Francis: I hate crossovers.
I agree. I understand the premise behind the idea, but RE6 was so stark in content already. They never truly satisfied the RE fans; picking characters out of a completely different universe is just unnecessary and an odd decision. (PC users are already getting an extra Claire scenario with the PC exclusive.... I wonder if she'll be playable in Mercenaries as well) *Edited.....not true, this is a WiiU exclusive...see below.

I don't see what purpose they would find from doing this, or how many fans would've asked for it. I can't help but wonder if it was an advertising exchange.
Well. I love the idea of the crossover. I mean, crossovers are never usually a bad thing. But I'm a little depressed they went with Left 4 Dead. IDK, but as a diehard RE fan from the beginning, L4D never really amazed, more than likely due to the fact that it's not story driven at all. It would've been cool to see characters from cooler series, like DMC, Street Fighter, or even Silent Hill. But oh well, I still like the concept.
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PC users are already getting an extra Claire scenario with the PC exclusive.

Now where does that come from again? The last time I heard about a Claire scenario, it was supposed to be exclusive to the Wii U (for whatever reason). Before that, there was a rumour about a completely new game called Downfall for the 3DS, set between RE5 and RE6 and starring (who could guess?) Claire.
By now I think that every RE6-related Claire game or scenario is wishful thinking because so many fans want her back and start coming up with their own ideas as to how it could happen. I wouldn't take any rumours seriously unless there's a reliable source.

It would've been cool to see characters from cooler series, like DMC, Street Fighter, or even Silent Hill.

You're so right! I'd love to play as sexy Dante without having to buy his game! :D Or Heather in Mercenaries would be epic. Her special attack: "SEXY BEAM!!"
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It sounds like Capcom has no faith into the RE Characters and so they decide to add Characters from other games... I don't understand what's supposed to be the meaning of this... I mean seriously just because there are 4 random characters in the game, it doesn't mean people are going to buy LfD... Give me Claire, give me Jill, give me Wesker, give me Barry give me Rebecca but not some characters which I've never heard of before and therefore will never play anyway...
EDIT: You guys are totally right, Claire is coming for the WiiU, not the PC. I totally just got them mixed up, sorry =(.
I'm actually a PS3 player, so I'm not hoping to see any of this, but I'd expect Capcom to make me at least a lil bit jealous. Like I kinda wish I intended on a WiiU to play Claire now =p Here's the clincher from the front page article of this website:
"Each character will have a special customized weapon load-out created just for use in Resident Evil 6."
But they couldn't bother to change the loadout even for different costumes of RE characters....or even give us story mode costumes.... I'm still not impressed lol.
I can't say L4D characters really fit in the RE universe but all the chars come with custom loudouts, something Mercs players were asking for all the time but Capcom never even bothered doing for the different costumes so yeah this is something alright. Probably gonna mod the L4D skins back to RE skins and use the custom loudouts XD

P.S. There are A LOT of players who bought the game after this announcement, L4D is the most popular game on Steam after all. So yeah they pulled it off nicely, bigger sales.
You're so right! I'd love to play as sexy Dante without having to buy his game! :D Or Heather in Mercenaries would be epic. Her special attack: "SEXY BEAM!!"
Honestly, they wouldn't even need to add the characters. Just give existing characters skins from other Capcom games. Dante is Leon, Ryu is Chris, Jake is Wesker, Ada is Chun-Li, Sherry is Felecia, Pierce is Chuck Greene., and the list would go on. Just add other Capcom characters.

On a side note, why does everyone care so much that they're not RE characters. Big deal. I bet if they put RE Characters in L4D, you guys would eat it up. And Capcom has ALWAYS done crossovers, like Marvel vs. Capcom, or Capcom vs. SNK. Stuff like that. So why is this ****ing all of you off so much. This isn't a big deal at all. Just a bonus DLC. If you don't like it, don't freaking buy it. It's a simple concept.
I bet if they put RE Characters in L4D, you guys would eat it up.

Actually there will be RE6 chars in L4D2, it is a Crossover after all xD

I also forgot to say that L4D2 is my most played game of all time, even more than any RE game, so even if the chars feel odd in RE6 it still is a pleasant addition in general. Not to mention that we will get RE6 creatures and characters in L4D2 as well.
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why does everyone care so much that they're not RE characters. [...] This isn't a big deal at all. Just a bonus DLC. If you don't like it, don't freaking buy it. It's a simple concept.

I already suck at the normal Mercenaries mode, so I probably won't even touch No Mercy and therefore I will never get to play as these additional characters. Basically I agree with your "don't like it - don't play it" attitude, that's what I always tell others who complain about certain (optional) features, so this addition to the game in itself doesn't bother me. What does bother me, though, is that instead of giving their fans what they want, our Capcom friends give them what no one ever asked for.

How many people would like to play as Claire, Jill, Wesker, Barry and other RE characters in Mercenaries? Pretty much everyone. Who asked for random characters from a different game? No one. Well, one might argue that just because no one asked for it (as probably no one was expecting it anyway), doesn't mean no one wants it when it becomes official... But look around in this thread. Nobody except Albert seems to like the idea.

There's also Capcom's habit of introducing interesting new characters with each new game just to never mention them again afterwards, while they could as well use already established characters and continue their stories instead. It's the same here, just on a different level: How about including the game's own characters (or at least those that fans want to see) before adding new ones? And why only for PC / No Mercy mode anyway? I don't see the point.
Ja I can totally see it, I don't think I'm annoyed that they're doing it, it just doesn't seem like they really "finished" the characters they already had in the way that people were expecting them too, so I don't see why they couldn't make some new loadouts or characters or SOMETHING in addition. If they're already putting in all this work for a crossover, they may as well. I don't think it had anything to do with just adding new characters though, I think it was mainly a tradeoff of advertising, and hey. It worked. I'm gonna try Left 4 Dead now =p. So good on em, with L4D's success it should translate into better sales for RE.
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1st off WTH?!?

I can get giving PC a bonus of something (No Mercy made me extra jelly of PC players un!)

2nd Off why cross over? with weapons the game has you can easily add more characters

AR-RN (Assault Rifle with the knife) and Nine-oh-Nine- Right there you have a carlos load out give him a FAS, Frags and Ammo Perfect! (Btw the FAS is a refernce to the vaccine)

Claire-Triple Shot, Anti Material Rifle, GL HG Ammo, Sniper Ammo, 2 FAS- Great!

Jill-Picor, AR-RN, 3 Frags, 2 FAS, and Ammo,-There you go!

Hell Even Bill-Nine-oh-Nine, Pump Action Shotgun, 3 FAS, 2 Frags, & Ammo

But PC gamers can get the game all DLC with the game AND a crossover with L4D

For me not only is it unfair that (Re being born on PS) And having the DLC delayed for us PS users (XBOX got DLC earlier)

But mannn is that rage-inducing crap annoying

But what irks me with a burning passion that would freeze over hell

Is a VG crossover....

You have SOOOO many things you can do

New characters, Story DLC, (Read a fanfic that would make a GODLY awesome DLC chapter)

Hell even Updating the current DLC would be great!

But WTF Capcom to lazy for that & instead decide to crossover with another game and make Re their b****

"...How disappointing I expected more from you..."

But I guess "This Nightmare has only just begun"

That is all...

But seriously lucky PC gamers i'm jelly :(
They just revealed that all 7 DLC maps will be included in the base game for everyone at no additional charge!
This just keeps getting better and better! PC version takes the cake hands down.
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Sheesh. You guys keep flipping out that they aren't using old characters. Big deal. I mean, I wanna see old characters as much as the next a CANNON scenario. Mercs has always just been a mini game for fun, so why give two sh*ts about old characters if it's not a cannon appearance anyway? You guys just keep finding things to complain about when it comes to Capcom and RE, which is really sad since this forum is supposed to share the happiness RE brings to everyone. There's nothing wrong with a little experimenting with crossovers, ESPECIALLY considering they're non-cannon, and especially considering RE has appeared in it's fair share of crossovers with other universes. I mean, Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog are about to do a crossover. Are you guys going to cry and moan about that too...
No need to go ballistic just because not everybody is content with every one of Capcom's decisions, but if you have fun with it, go ahead.

By the way, I know other video game developers that don't get as much hate as Capcom does, so maybe, just maybe, it's not only and entirely the fault of the pathetic, moaning, forever-unhappy fans. It's not like this is the first time they decide to do something questionable while better options would have been at hand. As I stated before (and I'm sure some others think so too), I have nothing against this crossover per se, but it feels somewhat lame in comparison to what could have been.
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