I love Ada's boss fight in Chapter 4. No matter what the developers say about Leon's campaign (which is not that creepy at all),
this boss is the scariest thing since Nemesis!

I love Ada in general in this game. I never cared for her much before RE6, but now, as Carla puts it, "it's all going to change".
Then there's that moment when Leon, Helena and Ada fight Deborah in a wagon and at the same time have to look out for obstacles on the tracks. I know I'm going to hate this battle, but at least it looks nice. And that scene afterwards, when Helena is forced to say good-bye to her sister, is very touching.
Unlike many people on YouTube, I hate Chris's ending. I will never accept that out of all seven playable main characters, my favourite has to be the one to not have a happy ending.

The only thing I like about it is how desperately Chris cries his name.
I tell you, there's something going on between those two.
Sherry and Jake blow off Ustanak.
Quoting Chris: "HELL YEAH!" I like the last part of it, where Jake is fighting him with his bare hands (right next to a lava pit - does anyone else feel reminded of someone punching boulders?). Finally a boss fight that differs from the usual style (running and shooting). But I wonder: What does Sherry do in all that time while her boyfriend is pummeling their envier? She loses her guns too, doesn't she?
I was disappointed by Chris's reaction to Wesker's son, though. I was expecting something different.