Operation Raccoon City This game is that bad, multiplayer or not

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
I just started playing this game. Finished 2 levels. I just couldn't put myself to continue playing. OK I played single player but it's not how retarded my AI team reacts but the whole experience sucks to the max.

1st, enemies doesn't really react much to your bullet, in fact zombies react more than human enemies, grenades feels like firecrackers, bullets feels like they coming out from airsoft guns.

The whole movement sucks to the max, even with sensitivity max it turns so slow, zoom aim is even worse. The movement so slow & awkward, in order to dodge you have to sprint the press dodge button. Meelee doesn't do **** on non zombies.

The whole battle is badly scripted, esp fighting Birkins, i mean your area of movement is limited not passing Birkins so when he traps you you can't do anything coz you can't shoot his eye and you can't run behind him, artificial wall made to the max.

The control isn't very well done, why can't they maintain RE4 & 5 controls? One wrong press left & down there you go your only 1st aid & antivirus, and yes you can only carry 1. Ammo is plenty but it's a hassle having to replenish instead of focusing on fights. All dropped guns have full ammo makes the game less interesting.

The cover system is horrible, i mean i know when i want to cover when i don't want to. I don't want to cover everytime i want to pick up data, i want to cover behind walls (which i'm not allowed) when in a gun fight. The cover out of cover aim is also off, you often find yourself shooting walls coz the character prefers to bend down behind cover.

I don't know why they removed command system from Outbreak & RE5, the A.I just playing with themselves. Why can't they make the A.I like RE5, or at least like Outbreak series? They don't feel human too, hardly they go down unless they get surrounded by lickers. Yea why are the lickers feels like they can't be killed?

The sub objective sucks too, collect data lying around areas, shoot cctvs.

Cutscenes look good, but many things come out too sudden it feels awkward, voice acting is also considered not up to RE standard.

There's also no mission briefing, i know it's meant for multiplayer but at least give some briefing instead of throwing players into mission without openings.

I spend most of the time running towards the checkpoint, only shooting when shot.

Graphics not impressive, most places are too dark, even if the environment is nice with the shallow FOV & keep on moving pace you hardly get to appreciate it.

I always finish any RE games i started, I guess this will be my 1st exeption. I love RE but i see this more like Lost Planet minus all the fun. I can't imagine how fun it would be with human players in coop at least, even disregarding how the AI suck, the whole game still suck.

Sorry to have offended the fans. I wish they'd just spent the money to rerelease Outbreak 1 & 2.
Which in turn made this rather pointless

On a serious note RC was rushed by a full 3-4 months, so it's going to come out crappy especially since Capcom is trying a new control system so there's not much to say

And if you're going to complain about say it to capcom not us as we love ALL RE games period
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Reactions: KennedyKiller
This game is too harshly judged and, while rushed, still a pretty darn good game.

I've never had a problem with enemies reacting to my grenades/guns and the cover system, like all things new, is just something to get used to. That also goes for not being able to command your AI's and the rest of the controls; once you get used to where the First Aid Spray and Anti-Viral Spray buttons are, you should be fine - don't need to be using those willy nilly anyway. (And even if you do waste one, kill a couple zombies and I assure you you'll find an Anti-Viral Spray somewhere.) And since when was AI ever perfect? In RE5, most of the time when I called for Sheva she was like: "OK!" and then ran off in the other direction.

The lickers? Yeah they've always been one of the toughest enemies so I'm not entirely sure how them being difficult in this changes that. (If they were easier to defeat, there would be a slew of reviews saying that they made the lickers pansies.)

Voice acting? Please tell me you're kidding; Resident Evil has been notoriously known for bad dialogue and terrible voice acting since game one and, not to break any one's heart or anything, but that hasn't really changed over the years. (There are still moments in new RE games that make me want to gag.)

There are mission briefings at the beginning of every mission, along with a summary of the briefing to be read at the bottom of each mission before selecting it should you decide to skip the beginning cut scene. I'm also not sure how the objectives for this are much different from any other Resident Evil game. Sure collecting data and destroying things never really factored into your ranking before but this is a different game, isn't it?

Graphics? Yeah, could've used improvement but that's a pretty petty complaint seeing as how the fact that every thing's not as pretty as you think it ought to be doesn't really affect the game-play.

To be quite honest, and no offense of course, your review on the cons of this game seem pretty shallow and aesthetic instead of being actual problems/bugs; I mean nothing is ever perfect but sometimes it's like all haters are doing is just looking for something to complain about. In my humble opinion, the controls for RE6 are way shottier and more awkward when you're in a tight spot.
sir i must say after this damn fine rebuttal
This game is too harshly judged and, while rushed, still a pretty darn good game.

I've never had a problem with enemies reacting to my grenades/guns and the cover system, like all things new, is just something to get used to. That also goes for not being able to command your AI's and the rest of the controls; once you get used to where the First Aid Spray and Anti-Viral Spray buttons are, you should be fine - don't need to be using those willy nilly anyway. (And even if you do waste one, kill a couple zombies and I assure you you'll find an Anti-Viral Spray somewhere.) And since when was AI ever perfect? In RE5, most of the time when I called for Sheva she was like: "OK!" and then ran off in the other direction.

The lickers? Yeah they've always been one of the toughest enemies so I'm not entirely sure how them being difficult in this changes that. (If they were easier to defeat, there would be a slew of reviews saying that they made the lickers pansies.)

Voice acting? Please tell me you're kidding; Resident Evil has been notoriously known for bad dialogue and terrible voice acting since game one and, not to break any one's heart or anything, but that hasn't really changed over the years. (There are still moments in new RE games that make me want to gag.)

There are mission briefings at the beginning of every mission, along with a summary of the briefing to be read at the bottom of each mission before selecting it should you decide to skip the beginning cut scene. I'm also not sure how the objectives for this are much different from any other Resident Evil game. Sure collecting data and destroying things never really factored into your ranking before but this is a different game, isn't it?

Graphics? Yeah, could've used improvement but that's a pretty petty complaint seeing as how the fact that every thing's not as pretty as you think it ought to be doesn't really affect the game-play.

To be quite honest, and no offense of course, your review on the cons of this game seem pretty shallow and aesthetic instead of being actual problems/bugs; I mean nothing is ever perfect but sometimes it's like all haters are doing is just looking for something to complain about. In my humble opinion, the controls for RE6 are way shottier and more awkward when you're in a tight spot.
you should please
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Reactions: KennedyKiller
"voice acting is also considered not up to RE standard."
now THATS one heck of an achievment

and i agree with TS, i love resident evil, but this game i did not enjoy very much,
it had potential though, but not enough
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Reactions: Glamour
That is after spending 1 hour playing the game. I went pass 2 missions, i hear there's only 4 maps so i'm guessing i'm already 1/4 pass the game. I heard the bad is bad but never read how bad it was as i wanted to give it a chance.

I really don't like human enemies running around with hails of bullet shot at them but no reaction until you shoot them the 10th times. If it's zombies ok but zombies actually react to each bullet being shot.

RE4 did much better in terms of shooting, other than Leon can't move while shooting. I don't see how coop with humans can make the game more fun because this game is so linear it's not like 1 guy can jump on the roof to pick off some enemies like RE5 Josh & Jill mission.

Also only able to carry 1 main weapon & 1 sidearm makes the whole gameplay pretty much the same unless you have different guns lying around. I'm guessing you won't be picking up a shotgun when you really need to coz it's 3 feet away from you and the zombies are in your face. Man at least give us 2 main weapons to make the gameplay more flexible.

But oh wait i though the main objective of this game is to make it as linear as possible just like the zombies?

Merged. Please do edit instead of doubleposting. ~R
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Reactions: Romero
yeah, i tottaly agree,
thank god we got 2 good resident evil games this year also though,
Tell you what, i have finished playing solo just now, spent another 3 hours to finish where i started yesterday. My view still stands.

Sure there's some intense moment but near the end of the game i feel like left 4 dead.

And i agree the save/kill Leon moment is out of place by 1000 miles.

However i love how the Juggernaut mow down all kinds of enemies.
yeah i didnt bother finishing orc, i played about half off the game or so
allthough i love left 4 dead, but i dont think they fellt the same
My only issue for RC was the controls, the AI wasnt that much of an issue since i figured any game having AI, it would be bad except most games that spend time on it. The controls were the main issue, like id press R2 to switch to my pistol and it wouldnt switch back, and sometimes when i just tap R2, it would go into quickfire mode. And for your review on the cover system I thought it was good. I was rather annoyed with RE6's because you have to hold L1 to stay in cover. But I wish they went to other places in Raccoon City like places they never went to in the games, or go to places from the Outbreak games, like the zoo, subway, or just new locations period.
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Reactions: Romero
The game wasn't "horrible" per say, but you have to admit that there were a few issues that detracted from the fun factor of the game. I'd say what annoyed me most was the hit detection, which was already mentioned. You could unload an entire magazine from your machine gun on one soldier and find that three shots from your standard issued pistol could take out the guy right next to him with no problem; then try to do the same to the guy behind him and be left with no bullets at all because the game decides that your bullets are worthless again.

This comes to a head when the lickers show up and you're down to nothing bit your knife because one lickers out of the pack was more resilient than the others. It was enough to drive a guy crazy.

The only other thing had to be the occasional glitch where you or another of your members got stuck against the side of a wall. You'd be standing at the door waiting for Lupo only to find out a few minutes later that the wall is unwilling to let her go on with her life like a clingy lover. Other times you'll be in an intense firefight and the desk behind you will grip your left leg like a homesick puppy.

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Reactions: Romero
I didn't say it's horrible. Just bad.

The way the enemy react to bullets are so 15 years ago reminds me of Half Life.
This game is too harshly judged and, while rushed, still a pretty darn good game.

I've never had a problem with enemies reacting to my grenades/guns and the cover system, like all things new, is just something to get used to. That also goes for not being able to command your AI's and the rest of the controls; once you get used to where the First Aid Spray and Anti-Viral Spray buttons are, you should be fine - don't need to be using those willy nilly anyway. (And even if you do waste one, kill a couple zombies and I assure you you'll find an Anti-Viral Spray somewhere.) And since when was AI ever perfect? In RE5, most of the time when I called for Sheva she was like: "OK!" and then ran off in the other direction.

The lickers? Yeah they've always been one of the toughest enemies so I'm not entirely sure how them being difficult in this changes that. (If they were easier to defeat, there would be a slew of reviews saying that they made the lickers pansies.)

Voice acting? Please tell me you're kidding; Resident Evil has been notoriously known for bad dialogue and terrible voice acting since game one and, not to break any one's heart or anything, but that hasn't really changed over the years. (There are still moments in new RE games that make me want to gag.)

There are mission briefings at the beginning of every mission, along with a summary of the briefing to be read at the bottom of each mission before selecting it should you decide to skip the beginning cut scene. I'm also not sure how the objectives for this are much different from any other Resident Evil game. Sure collecting data and destroying things never really factored into your ranking before but this is a different game, isn't it?

Graphics? Yeah, could've used improvement but that's a pretty petty complaint seeing as how the fact that every thing's not as pretty as you think it ought to be doesn't really affect the game-play.

To be quite honest, and no offense of course, your review on the cons of this game seem pretty shallow and aesthetic instead of being actual problems/bugs; I mean nothing is ever perfect but sometimes it's like all haters are doing is just looking for something to complain about. In my humble opinion, the controls for RE6 are way shottier and more awkward when you're in a tight spot.
Thank you dear for your excellent input. I've been trying to decide if I want this game or not, and the decision was that I don't want it. But I almost changed my mind now. :D
Although you know an enemy AI is bad if i knife the hunters and they dont react to it. :P that happened only once to me