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Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Jul 9, 2011
Silent Hill
So I was wondering, I am the type who plays games for the achievments and then sells them. If I bought DLC for a game, then sold it, would the people I sold it to get that DLC I bought?
So you don't play games for enjoyment, just a few words and numbers that no one cares about? Sure a high gamerscore/trophy count will get noticed, but no one will care more than to say good job. Trust me when I say play a good RPG once through and it will change your views on gaming. Deus Ex or Deus Ex Human Revolution, though the first is better, Dragon Age Origins, second one sucks. I don't really like it but a lot of people like Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning because of the fluid combat system. Also, sorry if this comes off as insulting, but some unexplainable things make me insanely hostile towards people.
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So you don't play games for enjoyment, just a few words and numbers that no one cares about? Sure a high gamerscore/trophy count will get noticed, but no one will care more than to say good job. Trust me when I say play a good RPG once through and it will change your views on gaming. Deus Ex or Deus Ex Human Revolution, though the first is better, Dragon Age Origins, second one sucks. I don't really like it but a lot of people like Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning because of the fluid combat system. Also, sorry if this comes off as insulting, but some unexplainable things make me insanely hostile towards people.
Believe it or not there are a lot of people like me. There are VERY few games I will keep after I got the achievments. This actual game I am talking about is RE5. I do this because I feel that I have acomplished something. most games that dont have Achevments (AKA PS2 games and the like) I will just beat and get rid of it. The reason I game is to get to that mark which few have gotten to. which is why I HATE renting. I got a brand new profile on Xbox so that way if I rent there will not be An empty Achievment set.

Also I HATE RPG's the only ones I have EVER exepted was RE3, and Dead island. (And RE3 was one of the worst resi's in my opinion.)
It's not, trust me. I checked the PSN on their website and they didn't list Resident Evil 3 as a RPG. You sure you didn't mix RE3 (Resident Evil 3) with any of the PE (Parasite Eve) games?

I can pretty much tell if a game is an RPG since I am a fan of RPG games and have been playing RPGs for my entire life. There are many traits that an RPG has and Resident Evil 3 had absoulty no RPG traits and it didnt have any roles.
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Also I HATE RPG's the only ones I have EVER exepted was RE3, and Dead island. (And RE3 was one of the worst resi's in my opinion.)
Why do you hate them? Because the story is actually important or because combat isn't good? Because trust me, Kingdoms of Amalur has great, fast paced combat. Dead Island is barely an RPG, and RE3 is not. And I know I recommended against it, but if all you're in for is combat Dragon Age 2 is fine. Try Deus Ex at least, you'll love it, trust me.
Why do you hate them? Because the story is actually important or because combat isn't good? Because trust me, Kingdoms of Amalur has great, fast paced combat. Dead Island is barely an RPG, and RE3 is not. And I know I recommended against it, but if all you're in for is combat Dragon Age 2 is fine. Try Deus Ex at least, you'll love it, trust me.
Dead Island is actually a real RPG. Remember, RPG stands for Role Playing Game. Dead Island has roles in it.
Enlighten me, why do you need to ask about this? So you play games for the achievements and not much else? So? I'm not like that (I love a good story), but I don't care why anyone else plays games. Why exactly do you need to know here? If you are that kind of gamer then you are that kind of gamer. If it bothers you, change. If not, keep doing your thing.
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Enlighten me, why do you need to ask about this? So you play games for the achievements and not much else? So? I'm not like that (I love a good story), but I don't care why anyone else plays games. Why exactly do you need to know here? If you are that kind of gamer then you are that kind of gamer. If it bothers you, change. If not, keep doing your thing.
Thank you for your understanding me meg. I'm going to 100% RE5 soon, and was wondering if the DLC would sell with the game. You know so I dont rip my self off.
So I was wondering, I am the type who plays games for the achievments and then sells them. If I bought DLC for a game, then sold it, would the people I sold it to get that DLC I bought?
Evening mate, as is already stated, selling your game will only be the game and not the add ons etc, so no worries there.

I to have a Pump and Dump mentality with games.. :cool:

As for the rest of the bollox on this thread......pass.:confused:
What it stands for is not what it is. If an RPG just has a role, Call of Duty is an RPG. I'm talking about genre stereotypes.
Call of Duty is not an RPG (In fact why would you say it is. It has no RPG elements in it) because it has no roles and no RPG elements, it's just a first person shooter. And for it wat it stands for is what it is. Also you have to realize that there many types of RPGs. For example, Dead Island is an action-RPG, and by definition an action-RPG is a an RPG that includes RPG elements and elements of an action game and you have 100% control of your character or characters, that pretty much sounds like Dead Island.

Anyway, lets end the argument right here and right now.
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Of course the DLC won't be available to someone you sell the game to. DLC saves to your HD, not the game disk.
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Your DLC is only available to those who have access to your PSN account. To tell you the truth, I really don't know how much you can get for RE5. I have found RE5 Gold Edition new and sealed for $17 and that has all the DLC stuff on it.

I guess I'm not one to sell my games. Even ones I don't enjoy, I still keep for the cases... if another game needs a case replaced.
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