For the fans of the live movie: viral campaign/ Umbrella vid

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
I thought I'd share these, in case some people haven't seen them.
Here are some jaw-dropping clips for the upcoming 3D hit from Screen Germs.
First clip is very similar to the Inserted Evil campaign Capcom had for ORC (aka rip-off)

In the second clip, Milla is displaying some really amazing acting talent.

Here's the website, if you can't have enough of this awesomeness:
Thanks for posting!

I wouldn't call it a rip off. What these are far more like are the teaser ads for Resident Evil Apocalypse:

and Extinction:

and Retribution:

So rather than ripping off a game trailer by being vaguely similar if your not really paying attention and just looking for things to hate, it's actually just maintaining a series of subverted mock reality adverts they've been using for the better part of a decade.

Nice try though.
Thanks for posting!
I wouldn't call it a rip off. What these are far more like are the teaser ads for Resident Evil Apocalypse:
So rather than ripping off a game trailer by being vaguely similar if your not really paying attention and just looking for things to hate, it's actually just maintaining a series of subverted mock reality adverts they've been using for the better part of a decade.
Nice try though.
Ever seen the Umbrella page made by Capcom, that was a part of the Inserted Evil campaign?
But the Umbrella site by Screen Germs is the EXACT carbon-copy of it: 0:52 to 1:40 in the video link.
Anyways your dedication toward these movies, has completely convienced me, that these films are really a work of a movie-mastermind. After I finish this post, I'll make sure to visit my local DVD-store and buy the blu-ray collection of this priceless piece of art.
And when the long-awaited Retribution comes out, I'll definitelly go watch it on the opening day. So this way I can contribute and encourage the talented staff of this series, to keep making magnificient movies like this.
Ever seen the Umbrella page made by Capcom, that was a part of the Inserted Evil campaign?
But the Umbrella site by Screen Germs is the EXACT carbon-copy of it: 0:52 to 1:40 in the video link.
Anyways your dedication toward these movies, has completely convienced me, that these films are really a work of a movie-mastermind. After I finish this post, I'll make sure to visit my local DVD-store and buy the blu-ray collection of this priceless piece of art.
And when the long-awaited Retribution comes out, I'll definitelly go watch it on the opening day. So this way I can contribute and encourage the talented staff of this series, to keep making magnificient movies like this.

I hadn't seen that no and thanks to your incredibly helpful link I can see how wrong I was and now I must go set fire to my.......oh wait.
No, it's not an exact copy - it's still in keeping with it's own history. There are similarities certainly in that they are both a Umbrella website which has a warning message as the end but they are carried out in different ways. I can't imagine how ****ed you must have been for the games to start including the laser corridor what with your apparent concern for copyright infringements.
Ever seen the Umbrella page made by Capcom, that was a part of the Inserted Evil campaign?
But the Umbrella site by Screen Germs is the EXACT carbon-copy of it: 0:52 to 1:40 in the video link.
Anyways your dedication toward these movies, has completely convienced me, that these films are really a work of a movie-mastermind. After I finish this post, I'll make sure to visit my local DVD-store and buy the blu-ray collection of this priceless piece of art.
And when the long-awaited Retribution comes out, I'll definitelly go watch it on the opening day. So this way I can contribute and encourage the talented staff of this series, to keep making magnificient movies like this.

Hi, Lizzy's fiancé here, just thought I'd chip in my own two pence after reading your post...

...Seriously? Did you actually look at both websites? They are in no way identical, just vaguely similar by using lots of white and red, which is hardly surprising since THEY'RE FOR THE SAME FICTIONAL COMPANY, why wouldn't they look similar?

As for the fact both websites get hacked with a video warning about Umbrella, yeah, I'll grant you it's similar, but I completely fail to see what problem you could actually have with them being superficial alike. Sure, it's the same basic premise, but the actual contents of both 'hacks' is completely different, and in the case of the movies, has previously established precedents for using 'subverted mock reality' in this style for their add campaigns. Unless you think the heroes warning the audience that the bad guys are evil is hardly some amazing original idea that couldn't possibly have been thought of by two different creative teams to advertise the exact same subject in the same overall franchise I take it?

Taking offence at a coincidental similarity by two different pieces of media in the same franchise about the same fictional evil company is baffling, and I really question your mental stability if you're getting this worked up over something so completely trivial and unimportant. I mean do you seriously think that Paul Anderson deliberately set out to steal this idea for some reason? Hell, even if it is meant to be a copy, it would have still have had to be okayed by Capcom, who have always been incredibly supportive and happy with the movie series, so who the hell cares?

The movies and games take things from one another all the time, the Movies influences from the game are obvious, and the inclusion of the iconic Laser Corridor and Red/White Queens into the game series, along with numerous over instances of the game copying the films, shows that everyone involved with Resident Evil, no matter the medium, is happy to cross pollinate ideas from one to the other. If you have a problem with that, then it's just your problem, not a fault with the people who make the films or games.

Seriously, grow up and get over it. You don't like the films, then whoopee for you, no one else gives a ****, and you are just wasting any time you spend petulantly whining about it online.

And sarcastically replying about how little you think of the movies creative team and actors is just incredibly juvenile. Whether you like it or not, these films are not just popular, but increasingly popular, grossing steadily more profit and gaining fans and viewers with each instalment, and with an incredibly well respected cast of professional actors, who are more successful an talented than you will ever be.

But I'm sure you're far happier being some random, whinging nerd, complaining about a successful movie series you still see fit to waste your time obsessing over online, than lowering yourself to be involved with anything so crap as the most successful, record breaking, and well liked game movies ever made, right? So good for you.
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Hi, Lizzy's fiancé here, just thought I'd chip in my own two pence after reading your post...

...Seriously? Did you actually look at both websites? They are in no way identical, just vaguely similar by using lots of white and red, which is hardly surprising since THEY'RE FOR THE SAME FICTIONAL COMPANY, why wouldn't they look similar?

As for the fact both websites get hacked with a video warning about Umbrella, yeah, I'll grant you it's similar, but I completely fail to see what problem you could actually have with them being superficial alike. Sure, it's the same basic premise, but the actual contents of both 'hacks' is completely different, and in the case of the movies, has previously established precedents for using 'subverted mock reality' in this style for their add campaigns. Unless you think the heroes warning the audience that the bad guys are evil is hardly some amazing original idea that couldn't possibly have been thought of by two different creative teams to advertise the exact same subject in the same overall franchise I take it?

Taking offence at a coincidental similarity by two different pieces of media in the same franchise about the same fictional evil company is baffling, and I really question your mental stability if you're getting this worked up over something so completely trivial and unimportant. I mean do you seriously think that Paul Anderson deliberately set out to steal this idea for some reason? Hell, even if it is meant to be a copy, it would have still have had to be okayed by Capcom, who have always been incredibly supportive and happy with the movie series, so who the hell cares?

The movies and games take things from one another all the time, the Movies influences from the game are obvious, and the inclusion of the iconic Laser Corridor and Red/White Queens into the game series, along with numerous over instances of the game copying the films, shows that everyone involved with Resident Evil, no matter the medium, is happy to cross pollinate ideas from one to the other. If you have a problem with that, then it's just your problem, not a fault with the people who make the films or games.

Seriously, grow up and get over it. You don't like the films, then whoopee for you, no one else gives a ****, and you are just wasting any time you spend petulantly whining about it online.

And sarcastically replying about how little you think of the movies creative team and actors is just incredibly juvenile. Whether you like it or not, these films are not just popular, but increasingly popular, grossing steadily more profit and gaining fans and viewers with each instalment, and with an incredibly well respected cast of professional actors, who are more successful an talented than you will ever be.

But I'm sure you're far happier being some random, whinging nerd, complaining about a successful movie series you still see fit to waste your time obsessing over online, than lowering yourself to be involved with anything so crap as the most successful, record breaking, and well liked game movies ever made, right? So good for you.

Hi Lizzie('s fiancé).

I'm just merely pointing out that the movies are poorly made, that's all. I'm not angry or something.
But talking about angry: I can tell that someone was indeed ****ed off when you made your post (highlighted your rage moments), but it was certainly not me ::rolleyes::
I'm not the one, who's getting all defensive and calling others name, like a certain someone -again-, in other threads related to these *cough* well-made films.

Oh and btw, if you have watched the films -which I'm pretty sure you have- the website doesn't even make all.
Why? Because, the world is pretty much dead in these *cough* well directed films. Just saying, because you go on keyboard-rage mode again :)
Also if you like these movies made by "incredibly well respected cast of professional actors, who are more successful an talented than I'll ever be", then you should enjoy other straigh-to-VHS/DVD from Asylum Home Entertainment too (eg:Megashark)!

Have a nice day!
Oh and please, don't bother posting another essay, because I don't want to get involved in a never-ending argument. And it would be a pity to spend your precious time writing it.
I wouldn't be surprised though, if the next post will start like: "Hi, Lizzie's [brother/sister/etc] here..."
Talking about maturity, huh?
If you're addressing me it's best to actually quote me! Strange as it may be to you but there are others in this world who like the film which thankfully include Adam (TotalBiscuit). We actually met at Apocalypse which we enjoyed but both wished the nemesis had been better. Yes, I get irritated by your posts but I'm not going to set up another account for it, when I'm more than happy to write for myself but do appreciate it when Adam defends the films too especially when he knows I've been annoyed (which to be honest I know I shouldn't)

I've pointed out more than enough times that the films are no piece of high art but are very enjoyable - and make the money to show that. Direct to DVD they are obviously are not.
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Thank you for all the things learned from here and congratulations for that good work.

Heh actually the first video instantly reminded me of the video that plays in the Terminator 3D show at Universal Studios that was made years ago. Only it was about Cyberdyne and Sarah Connor is cutting through the signal telling people to not listen to their liessss (it was a bit better too even for an old 90s video made for a 15 minute 3D show).

Not saying that that was their direct inspiration but the similarities are uncanny. Almost everything made today has been inspired by something else and Lizzy has a point that they have made these types of viral videos for past RE flicks. Whether they are any good is debatable though. Just saying you could find better work in a college film class.
i thought it was stupid. the apocalypse commercial was better IMO. i really dont like millia jonovich at all. i dont think she can act worth a ****, and shes tried to make herself like the most important chracter in RE history. **** THAT!!!!
It was alright and I happen to really like Milla and think she's a very good actress. Unfortunately, she gets alot of hate from the hardcore RE game fans, but I guess that comes with the territory. Seriously, had the movies been replicated straight from the games - they'd probably be bitching over something else as usual.

I'm happy the movies are doing so well each time and I'm very excited for the upcoming chapter/Retribution. Can't wait!
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It was alright and I happen to really like Milla and think she's a very good actress. Unfortunately, she gets alot of hate from the hardcore RE game fans, but I guess that comes with the territory. Seriously, had the movies been replicated straight from the games - they'd probably be bitching over something else as usual.

I'm happy the movies are doing so well each time and I'm very excited for the upcoming chapter/Retribution. Can't wait!
as ive said before, im glad they took some liberties with the movies. if they had just copied it there would be no point in watching it when i already played the game. the problem is not only did they get way too liberal with the story, they made alice into some ridiculous god like character who cant be taken seriously at all. the games were at least some what believable, while the movies are so over the top sometimes stuff thats supposed to be "cool" or "scary" end up just being a big joke.

i appreciate the movies for what they are, but at the same time im not afraid to say this: theyre just popcorn movies made to sell tickets. hollywood hardly cares about what the fans wanna see. if they did then the movies would be even a shred closer to the source material, or even just a tad more realistic. i hope one day well get a more serious RE movie. i would actually prefer if it wasnt an action movie at all honestly.
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I have not seen yet but like to watch movies online for my entertainment. Lot of movies i have seen till date like action, horror and family movies. I like mostly family movies because we can see it with together at home. some of great movies which i would like to share her below.........

1. Toy Story 3
2. Spirited Away
4. Hugo
5. The Kid
I think it's pretty cool, but the clips only make sense if you were at this convention where people were taken onto this "mobile recruitment" vehicle in which the clip played and everyone found out they were clones or something.