Haha Hey! They stole my fan fic title! Seriously. Sounds interesting to say the least, I'm going to need to buy a 3DS.
Haha Hey! They stole my fan fic title! Seriously. Sounds interesting to say the least, I'm going to need to buy a 3DS.
Where was that PSP Resi game that was announced years ago hmmmmm?? lol
On a random note Storyofmylife: where is that Rebecca image from? (The GIF at the bottom of your sig)
Haha I know right? Odd, I guess it was Revelations and they ended up putting it on 3DS instead.The Rebecca gif I stole from tumblr under #Rebecca Chambers (It's from the RE mercenary games on the 3DS too btw). It's amazing how many images,gifs,fan art, and concept art they have of Rebecca on there. You should check out #Resident Evil and go from there. It's pretty awesome.
Well...We really have no need for her...Don't get me wrong...I love her too...But we really haven't NEEDED her in the series...Not for anything that's happened so far...Yeah! Rebecca is my faviroute female re charecter. Its criminal that she hasent made one canical appearence since re1.