Outbreak 1 Reviving the 2 Outbreak Games

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Would you buy Outbreak for PSN/XBOX Live?

  • Yes, both files!

    Votes: 48 90.6%
  • Yes, but only File 1...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but only File 2...

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • No, give me a File 3 instead.

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 3.8%

  • Total voters


wordy agronaut
Jan 22, 2012
New Orleans
Although the window is shutting, especially with a new online RE title upon us, I sometimes dream of the Outbreak games being released on PSN and possibly XBOX Live, and I don't understand why this hasn't happened yet. I mean, they have a decent fan base, and I think they'd certainly get more play than many other arcade titles. So why not?

Hello Glamour. I always enjoy talking with Resident Evil Outbreak fans like yourself who are as passionate about the games as I am. I am Zombie_Professor, a senior member of the Support Outbreak Campaign. Our campaign is fighting to convince Capcom to port the original Resident Evil Outbreak game and Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 to consoles such as the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. We are also asking Capcom to develop a new game in the series - Resident Evil Outbreak File 3. If you want to read more about our campaign check out this previous thread I made: http://residentevilnews.com/community/threads/support-outbreak.3425/

It is an exciting time for our Support Resident Evil Outbreak Campaign. A few months ago, in the "Ask Capcom" section of the Capcom-Unity forums, a head Capcom administrator listed the Resident Evil Outbreak series as one of the most popular fan requested series. Capcom's Vice President of Strategic Planning & Business Development - Christian Svensson, has commented: "I know that there are some fans who want old Outbreak to come back or a new title in the series. Very vocal ones at that. It comes up in planning discussions from time to time but it hasn't yet made it over the hump. Maybe someday it will." "There have been some extrodinary lengths some folks internally have gone to try and help those Outbreak stalwarts that unfortunately didn't come good. Unfortunately, I can't talk about those things but just know there are people internally, especially in our office, supporting your desires."

With a few more Outbreak fans voicing support for the series, we might just be successful. So if you enjoyed playing Resident Evil Outbreak, please consider signing our petition and joining our discussion on the Capcom forum: http://www.petitiononline.com/042690/petition.html

Excellent. Will do, colleague. I'm glad to see there is an effort going on that is still burning strong. I love the Outbreak games, and playing them offline does not do them justice. I have friends I'd love to introduce to the series, but I need for the games to be online again soon. I have no doubt they would play if the game were to be available for download on PSN. I'll sign your petition, and I hope many others do as well. :) Thanks for sharing.
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Thank you so much for your support, Glamour. Yes, we need to keep the hope alive that one day Capcom might revive the Resident Evil Outbreak series. It is worth fighting for the chance to play Outbreak online again with all of our friends. You and all of your friends, as well as everyone else who really enjoyed playing Resident Evil Outbreak is welcome to join us.
Well, I read a higher up guy in Capcom said they were working on releasing Outbreak 1 & 2 for PSN/XBL, but the online play wouldn't be available. It'd just be single player, which I'd have no problem with.

EDIT: To quote:

According to Christian Svensson, the corporate officer and senior vice president of Capcom, the Resident Evil Outbreak series will return in the form of HD for both PSN and XBL but states the multiplayer component would still be missing


I wasn't too big on the Outbreak games, but they're still worth playing. I just didn't like the menu system. I mean, what is it...four items can be carried at a time? Lame. I hope that if they do re-release the games, and since it will only be single player gameplay, they re-do the menu system and make it more like the older games. And I wouldn't hate it if they made the zombies bleed after dying, instead of disappearing. I feel something that minor still somehow took a little away from the creepy factor.
No online play? Bollocks... I think I'd still download them.

I wonder if a server issue is preventing them from featuring online play.

Sorry for my late reply, but I feel that I must address Harry's comment. Yes, you are correct about that article about what Svensson wrote. But that is only one comment from one of many Capcom staff members who are active on the Capcom-Unity forums.

Consider this comment from him: "There have been some extrodinary lengths some folks internally have gone to try and help those Outbreak stalwarts that unfortunately didn't come good. Unfortunately, I can't talk about those things but just know there are people internally, especially in our office, supporting your desires."

Then read this interview from Play-Magazine: http://www.play-mag.co.uk/general/capcom-captivate-round-up/ The highlight of the interview was when Assistant producer of Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, Mike Ross said "that he was a big fan of Outbreak and even acknowledged that there was a huge support group on Capcom Unity." Capcom producer Rey Jiminez added "that he was also a big fan and added that Outbreak was ahead of its time."

Last but certainly not least, read this article from RelyOnHorror: http://www.relyonhorror.com/latest-news/resident-evil-news/rehorror-resident-evil-ny-comic-con-2011/ While at Comic-Con 2011, "Capcom stressed how often they get requests to bring back Outbreak in HD, and how it’s one of their most requested projects."

There are several very positive news stories about Resident Evil Outbreak on the internet. But ultimately it is up to Capcom to decide whether or not the Resident Evil Outbreak series will be revived. Likewise, it is up to the fans to decide whether or not they want to support series in an attempt to convince Capcom to revive the Outbreak series.
I've no idea why, but I've never really like the Outbreak series. It just didn't grow on me. :(
i would love to play this game online with a friend would be awesome the amount of characters available to be etc
I'm currently replaying through both of them, damn they might not be thaaat scary but I'm in a constant "panic". Good ol' RE, if you ask me. I like the over-the-shoulder POV, and I wish RE4 had zombies instead of Plagas, but meh.
yeah normal zombies in re4 would of been a lot better in my opinion but the bosses wouldnt be as good as they are with just a t virus, and its resident evil outbreaks are more survival thats what i like you have to find weapons instead of buying them its awesome
yeah normal zombies in re4 would of been a lot better in my opinion but the bosses wouldnt be as good as they are with just a t virus, and its resident evil outbreaks are more survival thats what i like you have to find weapons instead of buying them its awesome
Indeed, the mutations would not be as good as the Plagas bosses', but I can't say I wouldn't trade them for regular zombies! After all, RE5 tried to bring us some zombies (for me, most notably, Licker II), but it failed at being scary or creepy. I wish RE6 mends this. The main storyline looks like it's coming to a close, anyway.

I am pleased to see so many supporters here. Keep it up guys! Stay enthusiastic! Keep making noise! We need to let Capcom know how important the Resident Evil Outbreak series is to us.

My friends, I have some exciting news I would like to share with you. Our campaign members have launched a new and improved Support Outbreak facebook page. So if you use facebook, I invite you to join our group and voice your support for Resident Evil Outbreak. https://www.facebook.com/groups/344327835616215/

I also want to share with you another way that you can show your support for the Resident Evil Outbreak series.

Capcom has a suggestion box, it is a place where fans gather to vote on recommendations about changes Capcom should consider. Our suggestion, which was written by senior Resident Evil Outbreak supporter Scott, is called,"Resident Evil Outbreak File 1 & 2 ported to XBL and PSN (even WII if possible.)" Thousands of loyal Outbreak fans have voted and made this topic the most popular on the Capcom suggestion box. In fact, our recommendation has topped the charts at number one in votes for years.

The suggestion says: "Resident Evil Outbreak File 1 & 2 ported to XBL and PSN (even WII if possible) with the glitches and lag fixed. Release as a digital game or physical whichever is cheaper for you guys! and with the game online!" To view the suggestion box, simply click on this link: http://www.capcom-unity.com/go/suggestion/box

Then when you are on the Capcom suggestion box screen, log into your Capcom account and click on the tab "By Votes." Select our recommendation and vote for it.

Capcom has a great reputation for listening to its fans. In many cases, fan feedback has gone a long way in helping Capcom decide which direction to take its game series. All Outbreak supporters are united in our belief that Capcom will hear us and agree that the Outbreak series deserves a second chance on modern consoles.
i'd actually really like to see this, i never gave outbreak files a chance, i owned the first one for a short period of time, but sold it due to other games on my wish list (bearing in mind i was only a kid so couldn't have every game i wanted so sold games to buy games) anyhoo, yeah i would definitely download these if they got an official release, i would like to play through them and put together an opinion on them as at the moment, i don't feel like i can say much about them because i barely even scratched the surface of them first one :(
i've heard good and bad things about them, but i would like to try them out, and regardless of whether they have online or not i'd still get it..[im starting to go through a campaign/offline phase at the moment, don't think i've played a game online in months]..
but given the trend of HD releases recently, there's a good chance this will surface, especially right before the release of 6.
I loved the Resi outbreak games. i mean who can forget the zombie zoo in file 2!
I really hope these get ported or remade. because i would love to play this with a friend or two.
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