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Worst Job/Place You've Ever Worked


I'm not predjudiced, I hate everybody equally.
Haven't been on here in awhile due to moving to another country (alot more expensive), in a city, with a part-time job but I felt like I wanted to do something different instead of asking what are the funniest things you've seen on the internet *shrugs* I dunno, maybe someone else might do it. Feel free to write a list or namely one or maybe talk about the job you have now. Not tryna scare anyone off with a job cos there are good and bad places to work at.

My worst would have to be working at my aunty's restaurant, The Thai Restaurant in Rotorua. I was 14, getting paid $7hr (my friends all made more), and my aunty would claim she did/told something when she never did or would make me work overtime when I'd told her I had school commitments. Alot of illegal and abusive things happened the whole time I worked there but I remember one incident at 16, she didn't pay me for 2-4mths but I was still on the roster, everytime I'd call, she'd never answer and then ask why I didn't call enough to ask if I was still working. My breaking point was when we had 100-200+ one night and she was being ridiculously demanding that I put my foot down after working 4 years there (even my friends thought my aunty was insane) and said some colorful words, she was ****ed but I just stormed out of there, gave them my 2 weeks notice the next day because I took enough ****. (@KKAAIIG knows alot of this).

I have WAAAY more since I've moved to Melbourne, Australia but what are yours?

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Up until just recently, I was a guest services supervisor for two different hotels and I hated it. Mainly because I felt overqualified - I'd graduated from both university and college and the fact that I was still stuck at a hotel made me completely miserable. Add that to the fact that 85% of hotel guests treated you like **** and would complain about anything and everything to get a discount. Not to mention most of the management and ownership had enormous egos with very little achievements.

Now I work in politics and oddly enough... there's a lot less bull****.


I'm not predjudiced, I hate everybody equally.
Up until just recently, I was a guest services supervisor for two different hotels and I hated it. Mainly because I felt overqualified - I'd graduated from both university and college and the fact that I was still stuck at a hotel made me completely miserable. Add that to the fact that 85% of hotel guests treated you like **** and would complain about anything and everything to get a discount. Not to mention most of the management and ownership had enormous egos with very little achievements.

Now I work in politics and oddly enough... there's a lot less bull****.

Ah, I'm pretty much in that situation at the moment, I graduate next year and my Bachelor's has no value anywhere else in the world....thanks mum & dad. I promised I'd N-E-V-E-R go back to waitering again but...HERE I AM! Functioning at privileged, spoilt brats 21st birthday parties that still act really sleazy around their parents "supervision".

But glad to hear your story has a happy ending.


Hard Dog
I have no right to complain as I've thankfully never been forced to work a typical college kid job. When I was an undergraduate, the physics department was small and it was easy to find a professor willing to hire you as a research assistant. However, I would rank the position I had there as somewhat unpleasant because I would spend every day while working full time over the summer in a dark, cold room, the only light source the faint glow of my computer screen or a hollow-cathode lamp. I'm so glad I've avoided working with irate, rude customers and am thankful I had the opportunity I did to start research early on in my career, but I learned to really appreciate windows and light in general after that.


Super Saiyan Member
...I really have no complaints about any job I've ever worked...I mean, every job has something you won't like about it...But at the end of the day, I've always been fortunate enough to have a job, and it keeps food in my kiddo's mouth, and rent paid, with enough money to spend on comics at the end of the week...So I can't complain about any job I've ever had. Situations though...That's a different matter...


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
I worked on a farm once for very a very little amount of money. I didn't like that all. Still though, I rather be doing that than have no job.


I'm not predjudiced, I hate everybody equally.
I worked on a farm once for very a very little amount of money. I didn't like that all. Still though, I rather be doing that than have no job.

And that's the problem with jobs sometimes, people can abuse their power and underpay or hire minors to do hard labor. But if it makes you happy or if they haven't treated you unfairly/harshly yet then more power to you.

...I really have no complaints about any job I've ever worked...I mean, every job has something you won't like about it...But at the end of the day, I've always been fortunate enough to have a job, and it keeps food in my kiddo's mouth, and rent paid, with enough money to spend on comics at the end of the week...So I can't complain about any job I've ever had. Situations though...That's a different matter...

Well don't hold back, DETAILS lol.

I have no right to complain as I've thankfully never been forced to work a typical college kid job. When I was an undergraduate, the physics department was small and it was easy to find a professor willing to hire you as a research assistant. However, I would rank the position I had there as somewhat unpleasant because I would spend every day while working full time over the summer in a dark, cold room, the only light source the faint glow of my computer screen or a hollow-cathode lamp. I'm so glad I've avoided working with irate, rude customers and am thankful I had the opportunity I did to start research early on in my career, but I learned to really appreciate windows and light in general after that.

I guess you're lucky in that sense now cos alot of employers want students that have held jobs or even had a job while they were in college/university. Just judging by the environment, it almost sounds like you were working in his rape dungeon o_O


Super Saiyan Member
Well don't hold back, DETAILS lol.
Well...It's a long story. At 16 I was hired by an Internet company called CenturyLink. Within 6 months I was a supervisor with my own team of 42 people. It was unheard of to be a supervisor at my age, and I won't lie. I relished in it. Now, that said, when you have agents who are expected to make sales, and give general customer service, then you will have goals to meet. Well, in my department, customer service was ALL done via IM. The problem was, due to legal reasons pertaining to not discriminating against hiring individuals with learning disabilities, they hired a woman who could not read. She literally would not be able to read what I am typing right now. That doesn't exactly sit well in a department that is done entirely through IM. So, when my boss calls me and tells me I need to give her a coaching (A one on one meeting about how we can improve a particular agents performance), or I have to fire her, well, a 16 year old doesn't really want to fire anybody unless he absolutely has to. So, I opt to give her the coaching. Unfortunately, when you give someone a coaching, you have to type up a paper about how they can improve, and go over it with them. Since customer service was all done via IM, I walked up behind her to hand her the paper, and when I said her name, and extended my arm to give her the paper, she turned around, and I grazed her breast. I was apologetic, and said it was an accident, but she flipped out and said I had sexually harassed her. My boss fired me two hours later through a text message. I later found out I could have probably taken them to court for wrongful termination, but the damage was done. I had moved on and had a new job. Now, 4 years later, I'm actually back at that company, because while I hate what they did to me, the paychecks, even for typical agents, are very nice...And sadly, I rely on what jobs pay, rather than what makes me happy. But seeing as I come home to a wife and kid who are happy every day, I have no complaints.


Sniper Wolf
Well, in my case, all bad experienced were caused not because I didn't like my jobs, but because in country where I lived before (Poland), many companies and employers treats people just like piece of s**t- demanding hard work, and paying as little as it's possible. Of course bosses and supervisors didn't care about complains, and if anyone had a problem, could heard "go on, there's 50 people awaiting on your job" (in Poland unemployment is quite high).
I started working soon after college, and my first full-time job was McDonald's fast food bar I thought it's good job for start, getting experience etc.). Job, as itself, was not very bad (although customers could be really rude and annoying, everyone who worked in service kind of job know what I mean), but, unfortunately, my boss (guy who owned restaurant and took license for McD brand) was a piece of son of a bitch- treating all workers equally (means: as a worms, totally no respect). Good thing was that he didn't come everyday. Except this, many of my so-called-friends had a fun, because I worked there, and they went to universities etc., so it was not easy for me as well, but now, 7 years later, they graduated their high-schools and looking for any job (because- what a surprise!- in Poland there's not many jobs for economist and managers without experience), and I have my job, experience and some useful skills, so after all, I don't regret decision about not going to university :)

After 4 years since I started my first job, when situation in Poland getting worse, I decided to move out to United Kingdom (as 2 millions Poles before me :/). My brother helped me with job, and, for now, I cannot say that I'm unhappy- work is just fine, salary as well, and I don't have to worried about next day. I'm planning to make some certificates, which one will help me to get better job, or open my small business (maybe game shop or something like that).


I'm not predjudiced, I hate everybody equally.
Well...It's a long story. At 16 I was hired by an Internet company called CenturyLink. Within 6 months I was a supervisor with my own team of 42 people. It was unheard of to be a supervisor at my age, and I won't lie. I relished in it. Now, that said, when you have agents who are expected to make sales, and give general customer service, then you will have goals to meet. Well, in my department, customer service was ALL done via IM. The problem was, due to legal reasons pertaining to not discriminating against hiring individuals with learning disabilities, they hired a woman who could not read. She literally would not be able to read what I am typing right now. That doesn't exactly sit well in a department that is done entirely through IM. So, when my boss calls me and tells me I need to give her a coaching (A one on one meeting about how we can improve a particular agents performance), or I have to fire her, well, a 16 year old doesn't really want to fire anybody unless he absolutely has to. So, I opt to give her the coaching. Unfortunately, when you give someone a coaching, you have to type up a paper about how they can improve, and go over it with them. Since customer service was all done via IM, I walked up behind her to hand her the paper, and when I said her name, and extended my arm to give her the paper, she turned around, and I grazed her breast. I was apologetic, and said it was an accident, but she flipped out and said I had sexually harassed her. My boss fired me two hours later through a text message. I later found out I could have probably taken them to court for wrongful termination, but the damage was done. I had moved on and had a new job. Now, 4 years later, I'm actually back at that company, because while I hate what they did to me, the paychecks, even for typical agents, are very nice...And sadly, I rely on what jobs pay, rather than what makes me happy. But seeing as I come home to a wife and kid who are happy every day, I have no complaints.

Wow...that's ****ed-up. Hopefully you don't see her again or she gets in trouble with doing that at another job but I guess that's the thing with parents, you sacrifice things things to make your child happy and I admire you for that. But I mean, your boss was pretty INSANE to hire a 16 year old to coach someone lol.

Well, in my case, all bad experienced were caused not because I didn't like my jobs, but because in country where I lived before (Poland), many companies and employers treats people just like piece of s**t- demanding hard work, and paying as little as it's possible. Of course bosses and supervisors didn't care about complains, and if anyone had a problem, could heard "go on, there's 50 people awaiting on your job" (in Poland unemployment is quite high).
I started working soon after college, and my first full-time job was McDonald's fast food bar I thought it's good job for start, getting experience etc.). Job, as itself, was not very bad (although customers could be really rude and annoying, everyone who worked in service kind of job know what I mean), but, unfortunately, my boss (guy who owned restaurant and took license for McD brand) was a piece of son of a bitch- treating all workers equally (means: as a worms, totally no respect). Good thing was that he didn't come everyday. Except this, many of my so-called-friends had a fun, because I worked there, and they went to universities etc., so it was not easy for me as well, but now, 7 years later, they graduated their high-schools and looking for any job (because- what a surprise!- in Poland there's not many jobs for economist and managers without experience), and I have my job, experience and some useful skills, so after all, I don't regret decision about not going to university :)

After 4 years since I started my first job, when situation in Poland getting worse, I decided to move out to United Kingdom (as 2 millions Poles before me :/). My brother helped me with job, and, for now, I cannot say that I'm unhappy- work is just fine, salary as well, and I don't have to worried about next day. I'm planning to make some certificates, which one will help me to get better job, or open my small business (maybe game shop or something like that).

Yeah atm, Spain and Finland are one of the highest but they must've been high when they said employment was high in Australia...my state has the most limited places for a job and even now, my job doesn't have enough hours. You would think if companies said that ****, their turnover would be extremely high and they'd have to look for more workers. But I'm surprised you got hired by McDonalds cos they usually want people out of highschool so they can pay less cos they're under-qualified. I was thinking of going to the UK if I still couldn't find a job after 2mths and see @KKAAIIG cos they let you work as a bartender for 4-6mths but I guess I don't have to now. I'm kind of glad though cos my friend got a company to do something like that but she has no more money left since they pay so little in the hospitality industry (seriously, au pairs or nannies get paid more over there).

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
I have only had one job so far, but I disliked it so much that I don't want to go back to it. I worked at my High School as part of the canteen during basketball games. At first it was me, 2 other students, and a teacher and within less than a year it was cut down to just me and the teacher because one of the other students wanted to join the school's baseball team and the other either stopped because he didn't want to or because his parents forced him to stop because his grades were terrible. I had make popcorn, coffee, nachos, and get drinks. I had 2 big issues that made me ultimately decide to stop working. The first were the customers because oh my lawdy they were dumb. I hate to say that, but it's so true. There were vending machines that we kept off limits during basketball games because the canteen area does not get money from them and if you tried to use them and they would take your money because they were on a timer (At certain hours of the day, you can use the vending machines, but any point after those hours you can't get anything from them and they would just take your money and this was because kids would skip class and try to get something from them or get something from them when they weren't supposed to during school so they were used to stop those kids.) and we even put a signs up that said "Don't use this machine. Go to the canteen." and people or someone's kid (Mostly the kids) would try to tear these signs down and try to get something from the vending machines and I would have to walk out, tape them back up, put new tape on them if the tape was no good, make a new sign if it was ripped to pieces, and blah blah blah. Besides that, customers would try to order something that we did not have even though it was clear that we did not have something. For example, if we didn't have any candy, we would either put up on the signs that we were out of candy, put a box up there that said we were out of candy, or just cover up candy on the sign to show that we didn't have any candy, and some people would look at these signs and go "I would like some candy." and the teacher would sum up my exact words with "Can't you see the signs says we're out of candy" or "Can't you take a hint that we're out of candy.". As for the drinks, we always had plenty of stock of them, but we still those customers who can't read or were to lazy to turn their head slightly to the right and look at the drinks to see what we had and what we were out of (Unless you were a little kid and couldn't see what was over the counter, we treated people as ding dang dummy dumbs if they asked what we had or order something that we didn't have. If it was not shown through the glass, that mean't the drink was out, plain and simple, and if something we stuck we got un-stuck before anybody else would order it.). Then of course there's the customers who were just a pain to deal with. I actually remembered that were was a lady, her son wanted a BBQ burger, we sold her one, they sat down, her son took a bite, didn't like it, and so she came back and told us (Not ask) to take the burger back. What the actual serious f***? It was not a restaurant and it was not plate food, your son took a bite using only his mouth, we're not going to take back a nasty burger with your son's nasty saliva and germs on it and keep it or resell it, it's nasty and we would get sued for violating health policies. I think she also asked for a refund which for obvious reasons we can't do (Unless something was expired, you don't get a refund.). And just like b****h she was, she threw it away in the trash and in a b****hy way (Good food gone to waste. That burger, that big, juicy, greasy, disgusting burger dipped in BBQ sauce could've been given to a starving kid, but no you decide to waste it by throwing it away.) and ordered something else. Besides the customers, my other big issue is that I have flat feet and I can't stand up for long periods of time which that job requires, it was 6-7 hours a day, and at no point could I ever take a small break or rest and sit down because I had to restock the nachos and the popcorn, if there was no customers after that then I could take a small break, which never happened because there was always someone who wanted something. Each night, I would leave and I would be limping and would continue to limp for the next few days or even a week or two if I had to work 2 or 3 days in a row. And the pay was not worth it at all for me to stay there (I was paid less and less as time went on. I was paid once a month and my first check was more than $300 and it slowly dwindled down to less than $100. Even during my busiest month, I was paid less than most of the other months.) so I quit after 2 school years of working there (It would've been better for me anyway to quit because the next 2 school years, I needed to study more often and get homework done, which I couldn't do working at that canteen, not with how late I left every night and I couldn't study or do homework while I was working there because I literally had no time to do so.). Not to mention that I had to work on weekends and Holidays, which I hated because after a week of school the last thing I want to do is go back to that school and work, plus I had to work even longer during those days.

Gar Bageman

The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll
The worst job I ever had was also the first job I had; A fast food joint. Bo matter how hard I worked, I got **** on the whole time I worked there. I'll never, ever work fast food again as a result. I'd sooner go fu<king homeless.


Super Saiyan Member
The worst job I ever had was also the first job I had; A fast food joint. Bo matter how hard I worked, I got **** on the whole time I worked there. I'll never, ever work fast food again as a result. I'd sooner go fu<king homeless.
I feel ya there lol. My very first job was at a Waffle House. That is the ARMPIT of fast food. I worked there for a month. Just long enough to get enough money to run away from home...It was a success to say the least...But I get where you're coming from XD


I'm not predjudiced, I hate everybody equally.
I have only had one job so far, but I disliked it so much that I don't want to go back to it. I worked at my High School as part of the canteen during basketball games. At first it was me, 2 other students, and a teacher and within less than a year it was cut down to just me and the teacher because one of the other students wanted to join the school's baseball team and the other either stopped because he didn't want to or because his parents forced him to stop because his grades were terrible. I had make popcorn, coffee, nachos, and get drinks. I had 2 big issues that made me ultimately decide to stop working. The first were the customers because oh my lawdy they were dumb. I hate to say that, but it's so true. There were vending machines that we kept off limits during basketball games because the canteen area does not get money from them and if you tried to use them and they would take your money because they were on a timer (At certain hours of the day, you can use the vending machines, but any point after those hours you can't get anything from them and they would just take your money and this was because kids would skip class and try to get something from them or get something from them when they weren't supposed to during school so they were used to stop those kids.) and we even put a signs up that said "Don't use this machine. Go to the canteen." and people or someone's kid (Mostly the kids) would try to tear these signs down and try to get something from the vending machines and I would have to walk out, tape them back up, put new tape on them if the tape was no good, make a new sign if it was ripped to pieces, and blah blah blah. Besides that, customers would try to order something that we did not have even though it was clear that we did not have something. For example, if we didn't have any candy, we would either put up on the signs that we were out of candy, put a box up there that said we were out of candy, or just cover up candy on the sign to show that we didn't have any candy, and some people would look at these signs and go "I would like some candy." and the teacher would sum up my exact words with "Can't you see the signs says we're out of candy" or "Can't you take a hint that we're out of candy.". As for the drinks, we always had plenty of stock of them, but we still those customers who can't read or were to lazy to turn their head slightly to the right and look at the drinks to see what we had and what we were out of (Unless you were a little kid and couldn't see what was over the counter, we treated people as ding dang dummy dumbs if they asked what we had or order something that we didn't have. If it was not shown through the glass, that mean't the drink was out, plain and simple, and if something we stuck we got un-stuck before anybody else would order it.). Then of course there's the customers who were just a pain to deal with. I actually remembered that were was a lady, her son wanted a BBQ burger, we sold her one, they sat down, her son took a bite, didn't like it, and so she came back and told us (Not ask) to take the burger back. What the actual serious f***? It was not a restaurant and it was not plate food, your son took a bite using only his mouth, we're not going to take back a nasty burger with your son's nasty saliva and germs on it and keep it or resell it, it's nasty and we would get sued for violating health policies. I think she also asked for a refund which for obvious reasons we can't do (Unless something was expired, you don't get a refund.). And just like b****h she was, she threw it away in the trash and in a b****hy way (Good food gone to waste. That burger, that big, juicy, greasy, disgusting burger dipped in BBQ sauce could've been given to a starving kid, but no you decide to waste it by throwing it away.) and ordered something else. Besides the customers, my other big issue is that I have flat feet and I can't stand up for long periods of time which that job requires, it was 6-7 hours a day, and at no point could I ever take a small break or rest and sit down because I had to restock the nachos and the popcorn, if there was no customers after that then I could take a small break, which never happened because there was always someone who wanted something. Each night, I would leave and I would be limping and would continue to limp for the next few days or even a week or two if I had to work 2 or 3 days in a row. And the pay was not worth it at all for me to stay there (I was paid less and less as time went on. I was paid once a month and my first check was more than $300 and it slowly dwindled down to less than $100. Even during my busiest month, I was paid less than most of the other months.) so I quit after 2 school years of working there (It would've been better for me anyway to quit because the next 2 school years, I needed to study more often and get homework done, which I couldn't do working at that canteen, not with how late I left every night and I couldn't study or do homework while I was working there because I literally had no time to do so.). Not to mention that I had to work on weekends and Holidays, which I hated because after a week of school the last thing I want to do is go back to that school and work, plus I had to work even longer during those days.

Dear Jesus Christ, I think we've both had the same experiences with people lol. I'm pretty sure those kids were just being smartasses and figured you had nothing else to do other than serve and dumb down things but that's bull**** how you got paid less (same thing's happening with me but at least it's not a month I guess). But I guess things are lookin' up now? Since I took up waitressing at 16, I don't know how to make coffee (if I did, I'd get more job offers), I need a QUALIFICATION in hospitality, and I need to learn how to make alcoholic drinks, alot harder to get into waitressing now but I'm kinda lucky I guess (not at the moment since I ****ed off my 2ic with something I didn't do).

The worst job I ever had was also the first job I had; A fast food joint. Bo matter how hard I worked, I got **** on the whole time I worked there. I'll never, ever work fast food again as a result. I'd sooner go fu<king homeless.

Yeah, I figured fast food had to be the worst since food's cheap and the salary must be as well. I remember a drunk customer at 7-8am in the morning asked me if I could pay the remaining $20 for his boxes of alcohol and tried to look menacing to intimidate me, I gave him one look that pretty much said, "The last thing you wanna do is **** someone off on minimum wages and I don't get paid enough to deal with your ****.". Not gonna lie though, dealing with ****ty people makes you less of a pushover (unless they're upper management/your boss/only means of providing for yourself).

I feel ya there lol. My very first job was at a Waffle House. That is the ARMPIT of fast food. I worked there for a month. Just long enough to get enough money to run away from home...It was a success to say the least...But I get where you're coming from XD



"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?"
I was once hired for bunch of grunt work on a construction site for my sister's husband, who was the foreman. I mostly carried around lumber and sheet metal for the other workers.
Not terrible, but considering it was Canada in December, it was pretty cold, wet and miserable out.

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
I've always focused on my music, so not really bad jobs, but bad performances..
When I was seven or eight, I had to talk on stage, but I have a really bad speech impediment, so no one could understand me, and everybody started laughing at me... Including my older sister.
Another time I randomly blacked out. Still have no idea what happened there.
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