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Worst Games/Game Series


Super Saiyan Member
A lot of people have talked about their favorite games on here...But no one often talks about games that are just flat out awful...To them at least...So what do you think are just some games that should never have been made?

Me personally...I think the Sims...All of em...Are some of the worst games out there...


To Let The World Be
Many people tend to confuse "worst game ever" with "series I personally hate with no regard for objectivity." You'll hear CoD fanboys go on about how gay Halo is and vice-versa. And while both have their flaws (personally I think CoD has more flaws than Halo), they're still FAR from the worst games ever. Not even close. Just watch a few episodes of the Angry Video Game Nerd to see what REAL garbage looks like.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think I found the bottom of the barrel. Behold, the absolute WORST game ever made;
The Postal games had more taste.


Well-Known Member
Worst game ever: probably Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. I hope that doesn't surprise anyone :p
Worst series of game: is Facebook's very own [insert something here]Ville series:
-WallSpamVille etc.

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
Oh there is a bunch that I definatly HATE with a passion. These are a few and in my opinion these are some of the worst games that I've ever played.

AMY - At first it sounds like an interesting game, sounds scary, sounds like fun, and sounds good, until you actually get under the skin of this game. A story that goes absoutly no where and leaves off on a cliffhanger, clunky combat and a bad control scheme, repetitve, boring, glitchy, frustrating, back tracking galore, a lot of cheap deaths, and it's a complete chore. Not to mention that there is only a total of 3 enemy types in the entire game, with a total of only 2 weapons, and lastly with a total of only 2 telekinetic powers.

NeverDead - Yet another game that sounds interesting and fun and also the fact that it was a new IP made you really excited, but after the first level, and I'm talking only after the first level, you find out that the game is nothing but a ****ing liar of a game. How do you take a simple concept of "you can't die" and completely execute it poorly? Easy, you make the entire game frustrating and repetitive. There is only a total of about 3 to 5 enemy types, varients of each type but those varients quickly become repetitive as well very quick. And then lets really top it with the fact that you can't die. And again, how do you mess up the execution of that? Easy, you get dismembered, but the thing is that you get dismembered with even the slightest touch. And since you can't die, does that mean that you can't fail? The answer is no, you fail if your head is eaten by a baby or failing to protect Arcadia. The game wouldn't have been so bad if it wasen't just a big escort game, if there were a lot more enemy types, if the characters were likeable (And no, I didn't give the slightest bit of caring for any of the characters), and if you didn't get dismembered so easily.

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 - The first part, and just like AMY and NeverDead, is repetitive as you'll constantly fight the same kind of enemies over and over. The next problem is that if you take everything you know about Harry Potter, then you can forget it in this game as you are basically turned into a soldier, and I'm not kidding, you wand acts like a gun in this game and only 2 of the spells are useful. As for Deathly Hallows Part 2, well I can quickly sum it up like with this scenario. "Okay putting the game and starting it. I already beat the game.". And I'm not kidding here as well. Deathly Hallows Part 1 was probably about 4 to 5 hours long, but Deathly Hallows Part 2 took me less than 3 hours to complete and the finally battle against Voldermort is an extreme disappointment as he is extremely easy. The spells are more useful, but now they all mimic modern day guns, one them acts like an assault rifle, one of them acts like a homing missle, one of them acts like a sniper rifle, do I really need to go on how that is bad, they're not like they were in both the books or the movies. The missions are either defend or escort. But you do get to play as other characters and while it does sound fun they all function the same, except for the old lady (I can't remember her name) walks extremely slow. Also they took out some things from Part 1 like the kinect challenge mode, what they should've done was to improve on them not take them out. Deathly Hallows Part 1 is bad, and I was going to say at first that Deathly Hallows Part 2 was good, UNTIL I REALIZED THAT IT'S LESS THAN 3 HOURS LONG. For making a lot improvements, and for making a lot of downgrades, it's just as bad as Deathly Hallows Part 1.

Man vs. The Wild: The Video Game - I don't know who decided to green light this one. I can easily sum it up by saying the graphics are blegh, the gameplay is shallow, the game is short, it's all the samething no matter what level you are on, Bear Grylls in the game is a complete b**** as all he does in the game besides pointing out something that you need to do is whine and complain about being thirsty or hungry, and it's at some points very unrealistic.

Fable III - This is the game that has started my "Do not trust" policy. Everyone on my friends list on XBL told me that this gmae is really good and I haven't played any of the Fable games before then, and once I got the game and started it I loved how the world was. If that was the only thing that I judge games on then this game would've been on my favorites, but I don't go by that, I go by gameplay and Fable III's gameplay is what made me hate this game. It's boring with the fact that you have to go to the "Sancutary" to do everything (Equip weapons and armor, give gifts, check and see how much gold I had, and looking at the map), add in guns and magic that are overpowered, a lot of loading screens, broken combat, the game is extremely easy to the point where I didn't die even one time, everything about this game is a complete chore and have I already mentioned that it's already boring, it committs the worst crime in the gaming industry.


The worst game I've ever played is pong. Now, I'm not really one to hate on graphics, but pong only has 2 white bars and a counter. The rest of the screen is black. Also, the computer cheats every time. I swear there is no way to win this game. I don't know why this game is even related to Ping Pong, there is no table and no bouncing. Nothing about this game is good.


Well-Known Member
Worst series of game: is Facebook's very own [insert something here]Ville series:
-WallSpamVille etc.

Or those ones where you do a move and then it takes a day to recharge your next move. You don't play 1 move in chess and leave. Terrible games.

I can't say worst series because i only played the 3rd but i thought Uncharted sucked... The story as such was actually good and humor was actually enjoyable, also playing as a kid. Apart from that though it sucked hard, i felt the gameplay was so weak. I don't mean to counterpart to games like Gears of War or Assassins Creed but the shooting was pretty horrendous quality and the climbing thing gets old ( i didn't enjoy assasins creed though so maybe some climbing problem i have). I dunno if it contends for worst game, but certainly super lacking for its hype.

What was that Nintendo game Bubsy or bugsy the cat? Well there is a playstation 1 version.. what i recall from that game is the desperation of a little boy trying to find out how to win. I don't know much but i do recall it being buggy as hell and almost impossible to win, due to the fact that the game was designed so badly and glitchy.


Well-Known Member
Shawn White snowboarding! sorry buddy but save the action sports games for Tony!​


Goddess of the Dead
The game I hate the most, and I dare say it's also one of the biggest disasters that were ever thrown on the videogame market, is Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness. I'm a big fan of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider, but I will never play this unfinished game again. There are so many bugs that prevent you from moving on, it crashes once in a while, sometimes the screen turns all black after loading a savegame, there are many graphic errors such as invisible walls, missing textures and other issues that are only partly fixed with the few patches released, and worst of all are the controls: Lara moves like a lorry, if she even reacts that is, because you often have to push a button twice. The only thing that's missing is a beep sound when she moves backwards.

This is especially tragic for me if you take my background story into account: Back in the late 1990's and early 2000's, the Tomb Raider series (and Resident Evil to some extent) always depressed me because whenever a new game came out, I had to accept that my PC was not good enough to run it. It was the same with Angel of Darkness, a game I was very much looking forward to, but by the time it was published, a lucky coincidence caused my old computer to break beyond repair, so I had to replace it with a new, better one anyway. I bought the game only a few months after its release for the full price, it was the first TR game I spent so much money on because all of its predecessors were either presents or I got them cheaper for only buying them some time after the official release, but this time, after so many adventures with Lara Croft that never let me down, I was absolutely convinced that I would love the game... and then came the big disappointment. I lost track of the development of the Tomb Raider series after that, and haven't bought a game for its full price anymore since. The newer games, although hated by many fans of the old Tomb Raiders, were well received by me and compensated for the trap I had walked into with Angel of Darkness, but still... I will never forget that.

In case there are any AoD fans among you: Don't bother telling me that it was all Eidos's fault, that it could have been better if Core had been given more time, and so on and so forth. I know the story. But that doesn't make it a better game for me. I also hear the PS2 version is slightly better, but since I neither have a PS2 nor plans to acquire one, I don't care about that either.


Well-Known Member
although I doubt it the crappiest game I ever played (there is something I'm definately forgetting, just don't know what), nail'd was pretty aweful. I have never in my life seen a game that looks more like an advertisement, than a full game. After every race, every time you crash, anytime anything happens... you get a big fat 'nail'd' logo covering the entire screen. Yes! I'm playing nail'd. Kinda figured that out as soon as I took it out of the case. The game brought me absolutely nothing new in terms of gameplay and was an absolute bore.

What's up with the name anyway. Is it supposed to be some sort of innuendo? Or is it to say, if you spent money on the game, sorry mate, you're screw'd. Luckily it was free with the 360.


So bin ich eben
I'd say the worst game I ever played was thins dragon game thing I played years ago. I can't even remember what it was called. But it was terrible.

I'd say the worst series is Final Fantasy. I freaking hate Final Fantasy. Although, the games don't have anything technically wrong with them (as in glitches) so as far as the "worst" series really goes? I have no idea. XD


Well-Known Member
Uncharted has crappy gameplay??

Anyway, I also hate Final Fantasy, I'm not saying the games are bad, I just hate them.
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The White Wolf
sonic 06 it is an abomination to the sonic series

worst series would be the harry potter games after the prisoner of azkaban the first three games were really fun every other game is short and horrible

Gar Bageman

The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll
"Steel Harbinger" for the PS1 is the absolute worst game I've ever had the misfortune of playing. Pure digital dog s*it.


Ignore my other post. Truly, I have to say Final Fantasy VII. I have beaten it, wondering where things would get good, and they did not. I do not understand why this game is considered godly. Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI were much better.

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
I am suprised that nobody has mentioned "that one particular video game series that had no good games and has no reason to exist besides making the company more money just for doing a lazy job at something that they aren't good at". I guess I should go ahead and mention it because I hate every single one of the games and I think that they are one of the worst.

The Burger King Games - I hate each and every single one of the three games. I thought Big Bumpin and Pocket Bike Racer weren't fun, and I thought Sneak King wasen't fun and absoulty boring to play. These games had little effort put into them and they only existed for 2 months so that Burger King could get money. I think that this series of games has started a plaque called "Lossapity", which is when someone or a group of people can do something great and they try to do something that they aren't good at just to make more money and get promoted more. Just look at Tobuscus, now I haven't watched his main videos but from what I heard he is funny on them, but I did look at his gaming channel and I found him to be extremely unfunny on there (And for those Tobuscus fans out there who dying to troll me, go ahead. I don't care. It's called having a different opinion. Learn it and respect that someone has a different opinion than you.).


"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?"
My least favourite game of all time is X-MEN on NES. No redeeming qualities in that piece of sh!t.
And if you say Sonic '06 wasn't that bad of a game, I might rip your larynx out, fair warning.
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