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So who is going to buy Resident Evil: Revival Selection

So who is going to buy Resident Evil: Revival Selection

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Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
Okay so it has been announced that Resident Evil: Revival Selection may be available for download on PSN and XBLA. For people who don't know what it is, it is basically going to be high defintion remastered versions of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica.

Let me remind people that it has been announced, not confirmed. I don't know if it is going to be available or not, but it has been announced. But lets just assume that it is going to be available for purchase in the future.

I am definitly going to buy it. Sure I already have Resident Evil 4 for GC and Wii, but I would like to have it for Xbox 360 since I love the game so much. Also since I don't have Code Veronica that will be another plus.

So are you going to buy it or not.

EDIT: I know that I accidently misspelled Resident in the title of this thread. Is it okay if a moderator can fix the title?


Well-Known Member
Waiting on what exactly is being changed in Code Veronica, I played it just a few months before the release of RE5 and still have it. RE4 I might not. I love the Wii port of the game, it an adjustment going back to the old dualshock.

Harry Sachz

Ancient Alien
Yeah, I'll buy it. I only have Code: Veronica for the PS2 and I don't like to use my PS2 anymore. I've just gotten used to the wireless controllers and stuff of the current consoles, so going back feels a little...not cool.

The closest I can get to playing Code: Veronica on this generation of consoles is the GameCube version on the Wii, but I've looked it up and for some reason, that game is really really expensive.


4 itchy tasty
I wouldn't be able to resist hahaha. I loved RE4, and it has definately been a while since I've played RECV. I hope they do it. I'm assuming they will include trophies and achievents for the two lol...


Well-Known Member
@Harry Yeah it is I was going to order it off of amazon used and that was 44 dollars so im glad this was announced before I got it :3


Chief Researcher
I'm not going to buy it since i've played both games before (though i'd like to replay in HD). I'm going to save my money for "Operation Raccoon City".


Well-Known Member
I may end up buying CVX depending on the changes. Hopefully it'll be a remake, RE1 style. I'll definitely get it if they incorporate trophies.

RE4 I'll pass on.


Tiger Army Never Dies!
I seriously thought about clicking the report button on him lol. Only reason I didn't is because I didn't think of a witty reason to justify it before I saw he was kidding. :lol:


Well-Known Member
LOL, I started to hear the chanting of an angry mob with torches and pitchforks outside my house until I said I was joking :3
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