I am curious,if u were able to produce such a game,how would u make it and what element(s) u do not like in this new RE game?
Well since its a spin-off all limits are off, i would have mutated gorilla-dogs with really small lower abdomens and massive comical upper body strength, enough so that it would look like it would be much easier for them to walk on just thier arms but dont. The setting would most likely be 1970's New York City with a bunch of hippie zombies with peace sign appearal and signage on the ground.
On a serious note i'm a big fan of multiplayer games, but i'm a bigger fan of games dont sacrifice story for gameplay. So If i were to make a new game for the series that wasnt a spin-off, i would create two paths (atleast) from the start screen one would be one player the other multiplayer (kinda like choosing jill or chris). Obviously the single player mode would be more story oriented. The single player option would then be set up like the first three resident evils in that the camera would be 3rd person stationary, I would even include the old tank controls in options. I'd bring back the typewritter and make sure the journals and notes were kept in your menu files like it used to be. I always liked the idea of item managment so i'd include some type of inventory system like a locker room or something similar. As i'm a fanatic of music soundtracks and scores i would make sure its not overlooked and that every scene has exactly the right feel when it should, and leave it silent when it calls for it. Graphically i want it to look natural rather than 'real': a 16 bit sprite can look more natural than the latest and greatest in 3d technology.
The elements i could live without is this philosophy that everything has to be crystal clear and graphically sound to be a good game. So much is predicated on graphics that gameplay becomes the top priority and things like 'using a zombie to shield yourself', while cool, doesnt make alot of sense unless it was beyond a doubt inanimate, and you had no open wounds. And i realize its just a game and the same could be said about a spray in a can that heals you but thats just something practical for people to be able to survive the entirety of the game. The other is not. I wouldnt have first aid sprays in my game for that among other reasons. I would definitely keep the herbs though...who doesnt like herbs. They're so mystical.
While i think the parasite works for the story, i think its run its course. Or atleast the crazy chaotic feel the game presents itself with. I'm all for necrosis and things slowly creeping up on you while youre reloading or around a corner with low ammo and knowing you have the option of being faster than they are but chancing your life. So i would keep the classic zombie a major part of the game, whether it be set in unwritten history or whatever.
I'm not a fan of big guns, the grenade launcher is pretty much as far as it goes for me. So when they say why give you big guns and not give you ammo for it, i'm like ...eh. Submachine guns, pistols, Ak's typical standard weapons you'd find in a weapons cache in a local police department or whatnot is what i'm looking for. However i like the idea of leaking a couple of weapons manufactured by umbrella or the 'Organization' (or whats left of it) with extremely limited ammo like two clips or cases. Those weapons would naturally have alot more damage or inherent effects that would greatly improve your current munitions (i.e. Heat sigs, lasor sight, recoil reduction, etc.)
Lol i think thats it for now, sorry if i rambled i'm a little tired.