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DO you play alone or with others


Well-Known Member
Ok so what I mean here is that growing up I played resident evil with my brother and my dad. Even though the early games are 1 player we would take turns and watch the other play then we would try and figure out the puzzels together even now I still really like playing in this way. I think it add something special sadly we don't always get time to do this now as we are more grown up and have jobs and such but we have managed to play revelations 2 together that's really fun. I will still play the game alone and do raid mode and things like that but I was wondering if anyone else was like me in this way and liked playing with others around?


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
When I was a kid I used to play RE with my brother, sister, and four neighbours and we would all take turns. We were all very young (I was about six) and so we jumped all the time at Nemesis.

These days I play all of the stories on my own - but I actually prefer this because I can appreciate the story more. I play the Mercenaries or Raid online with a friend.

It was great to play together as kids, though.


4 itchy tasty
When I was little, I sat with my dad and I watched him play. We would try figuring out the puzzles together. Once my brother was old enough, he and I did the same thing. Sadly my dad isn't around anymore so the three of us never got to do that together. Once 5 and 6 came out, it was always my brother and I playing together. We make an excellent team.

I've also played 5 with Elmo (echoey) a little bit. I haven't had the chance to play RE with anyone else from the forum. I couldn't right now anyway....I don't have internet lol.

Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
I usually play alone, but sometimes my sister or dad wants to play 5 or 6 with me. I'm not a people person (which is kind of weird since I'm a musician) and I like to be alone a lot, so usually they just leave me alone.

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Video games, for me, were almost always a communal activity. Growing up, all my cousins were into the early RE games/Dino Crisis so on weekends we'd be up all night playing them. Well, I wouldn't play them because hand-eye coordination has never been one of my virtues, but I was always pretty bossy so I'd just tell them where to go and what to do. And I was always too scared to play them myself so I'd put the items in the item box in alphabetical order. Sadly.

I was in high school I believe when RE 4 was popular, and I had a group of girls that would come to my place to play it often. Then for RE 5, I'd play with either Capcomplicated, my sister, or my boyfriend. Played a ton of Operation Raccoon City with Magnolia and StoryofmyLife... RE 6 was really the only game I played on my own - perhaps that's why I didn't enjoy it as much.
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Venomous Oddball

Also Known as Maddy
Video games, for me, were almost always a communal activity. Growing up, all my cousins were into the early RE games/Dino Crisis so on weekends we'd be up all night playing them. Well, I wouldn't play them because hand-eye coordination has never been one of my virtues, but I was always pretty bossy so I'd just tell them where to go and what to do.

I was in high school I believe when RE 4 was popular, and I had a group of girls that would come to my place to play it often. Then for RE 5, I'd play with either Capcomplicated, my sister, or my boyfriend. Played a ton of Operation Raccoon City with Magnolia and StoryofmyLife... RE 6 was really the only game I played on my own - perhaps that's why I didn't enjoy it as much.

Wow, multiple girls play video games there? Where I live, they only care about clothes and drugs! (I'm pretty much the only person that doesn't do drugs here, and most people started in grade 5, not even kidding)


Kahnum of Outworld
When I was younger I would sit and watch my brother play and then sneak into his room when he left to try my own hand at it. Now as for co-op, I usually like to play by myself unless I specifically have someone I'm going to play with.

La Femme, Story of my Life and I hit up ORC like no one's business when that came out, haha!!

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
^ That was so much fun! If I recall we occasionally had other members like Jay from here join us.

We should do it again. :D

I also remember playing with Capcomplicated and his PS3 broke the very moment I had shot him for sh!ts and giggles.


Kahnum of Outworld
I love you. :nom:

Aww, I remember playing with Jay. I felt sorta bad because we started talking about female stuff and what not but I'm sure he had an okay time anyway...maybe...possibly...nah I still feel bad.


I Saw the Devil
I like playing with others but I don't get to, not always. RE 1-4 I play by myself most of the the time, same for Rev 1 & 2 and I get to play 6 by myself and with a friend but I don't play RE5 by myself because the AI is just so dumb and unreliable.
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