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A potential 'Resident Evil-House of the Dead' crossover


Rocket Trash Panda
The more I look into things, the more I'm beginning to entertain the idea of a Resident Evil-House of the Dead crossover game, and why it makes sense for all parties involved. I know some of you are probably wanting to lambaste me for typing this, but hear me out:

1. We all know both companies are struggling financially. Capcom has been having to rely on support from 1st party developers to get their latest AAA games made (Dead Rising 3, Street Fighter 5) and Sega is hurting so bad that they don't even consider House of the Dead 5 a priority ATM. In fact, it's looking more and more likely that it may not be coming out at all since it's been in developmental hell for God knows how long. However, if another 3rd party offers co-development and turns it into a crossover with a compatible franchise (since both games are about blasting zombies and monsters), I think they'd consider it (HotD5 would basically turn into Resident Evil X House of the Dead in this scenario). Line a little bit of $$$ to 2 companies that both desperately need it. They could even package a light gun with the game.

Which brings me to my next point:

2. Compatibility-Believe it or not, both franchises could actually co-exist and have it work despite the stark difference in gameplay mechanics. Both games are about slaying zombies and monsters, after all, with their own zombie counter-strike organizations designed to eradicate them (BSAA and AMS), not to mention Resident Evil has gone the light gun/railshooter route before (RE: Darkside Chronicles and Umbrella Chronicles) similar to HotD. They weren't necessarily good games, but with Sega's team writing the actual story/game script, it could actually be memorable. Shooting your way through Hunters, Lickers, Tyrants, Ooze, etc in HotD, arcade-style graphics and gameplay would IMO be something else and a fresh new take on the series. They could do some interesting things by crossing the two over, i.e: venture your way through a zombie-infested BSAA HQ in the game's opening chapter, infested TerraSave HQ trying to rescue Claire, protect civilians from outside zombies, Lickers, undead crows, Executioners, etc onboard a bus after rescuing them from a mall crawling with undead, etc. The end boss could be a Nemesis/Magician hybrid spliced by Alex.

Tell me these two wouldn't look friggin' awesome meshed together into a mongoloid hybrid B.O.W.:


Hell, their names even go well together: Nemagician. That has a nice ring to it. Plus, who wouldn't wanna see Jill Valentine and Kate Green kicking zombie ass together? Or Ada/Chris/Leon and G?

Which brings me to point #3:

3. New features. HotD games have primarily only featured one character per level. With this, they could go against the grain and feature 2 per level similar to Time Crisis, Virtua Cop and Vampire Night (the latter 2 are also made by Sega BTW). Some levels would feature Jill-Kate and others Chris-G side-by-side. Hell, for all the Chris haters, you could even give players the option of selecting one in SP while the other is AI-controlled. With that, you could also get creative and have the 2 split-up in certain areas before teaming up in each level or vice versa, even give each character their own unique mini-boss in solo missions, which would offer the game more replayability in the process. They could also throw in an online Score Challenge game mode or Online Co-Op mode (2P or 4P) for fellow light gun users to make it interesting.

4. It's also worth noting that Capcom and Sega have a relationship, having collaborated on Project X Zone. Capcom made a bunch of exclusives for them in the Saturn and Dreamcast eras and they recently collaborated together on the Worlds Unite comic.


Not to mention hearing this...

Followed by this...

In the game's intro screen has got me amped just thinking about it. :happy:

But that's just what I think. What do you think? Would you guys like to see a Resident Evil X House of the Dead crossover light gun game?
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Kamen Rider
OMG this idea is cool. and always wanted to see a crossover ever since i saw House of the Dead 2.
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