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Revelations 2 Xbox One Co-op Raid Mode?

Grant C

Well-Known Member
Hi guys/glas,

Does anyone know when online co-op (Raid Mode) for the Xbox One is due out? I have messaged Capcom and the Revelations page via twitter but to no response. I believe PS3, 4 and the 360 have the update. It h quite frankly ridiculous to us to have had little to no feedback.


Pencil Artist
Everyone should have been able to last week.
Has your game had any updates at all in the last week?

Grant C

Well-Known Member
The update for Xbox One users isn't out yet!

Read the news from IGN last Tuesday. It says "shortly" for Xbox One.

I can't post the link here yet as I haven't posted 10 times.

Sam Malcherczyk

Well-Known Member
I've had an update for a while and I can't see anywhere on the game where I can invite or start an online game with another player. :(
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