Okay I am new here but there is always something that bugged me about RE 6... It didn't have Jill Valentine in it.... I mean I can already hear people saying " Oh but she was in RE 5.. dereeeeeerp" Ya I know but so was Chris and yet He gets to be in RE 6. Not only that but I was actually dissapointed with the role Jill had in RE 5. Yes Jill being a brainwashed sidekick for Wesker was cool and all( and it doesn't surprise me that Wesker would do something like this) but seriously it should have been Chris and Jill that finished Wesker not Chris and Sheva... I just... I felt like I was sucker punched in the stomach when that happend. I mean honestly I don't hate Sheva but Wesker is mainly Chris and Jills nemesis not Sheva. Ok sorry Im ranting. But now on to want I actually wanted to bring up. Jill being in RE 6 because I don't believe her role in RE 5 was big enough. I just feel like her being in RE 6 would have been amazing. I mean if you are going to put Chris in RE 6 when He has already been in RE 5 You might has well team him up with Jill for due justice. But what do they do? They team him up with another random ass character( and with Leon they did this to). I don't have a problem with new characters but I think this is getting out of hand. In Revelations they add in Parker, Raymond, Jessica, and a few others.. ( This is a bit off topic but I wanted to include this anyway). PS: If I ever in my life I attempt to do a RE fanfic I am going to kill off raymond, parker, jessica, and yes even sheva... I never really liked sheva.. ok that is all. Sorry if this post is really long and seems all over the place but I cant be the only person who thinks Jill is long due to have a large role in a game with a strong story line.