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Revelations 2 which virus do you think will be involved


Pencil Artist
As the forum title suggests, which viral sample(s) do you think are going to reak havoc?

I have a slight theory.
Lets examine some of the base viruses first though:

T virus:
Made from the progenitor with leech samples.
This virus takes over the hosts cells and completely replaces them with copies of their own. If already deceased the corpse reanimates with instincts to attack and feed.
Upon "killing" the corpse enters a dormant state if not killed by decapitation or incineration and will mutate into a V-Act (crimson head / licker) this makes the host more aggresive by nature and deadly, though takes the toll on the virus as killing again will stop the virus from reaninating and die off.

G virus
Made from varied testing from Lisa trevor involving the T virus, and manufactured parasites.
The G virus is a step above the T virus and adds regeneration abilities.
The cost of very low control and mutation side effects though (commonly additional eyes)
The spread of the virus is low too as only embryonic insertions will spread the virus. In which the embryo will be rejected if not blood related.
Although a complete virus accepted transfer has not happened yet as Sherry was cured from virus progression.

Tveronica virus
Make from the Ancient virus and the progenitor virus
This virus adds great strength and less loss on inteligence. However the virus will extremely likely take over the body with animalistic behaviour unless the body has time to adapt it (Alexia) side effects include combustible blood.

Made from an adaptivr virus found in deep sea fish and the T virus. This virus like the veronica makes the host retain a higher level of intelligence. However varied adaptive mutations affect different beings.
Humans to ooze / seacreepers (globsters if unsuccessful)
Hunters to farfellos

The C virus
Made from an enhanced version of the Tveronica virus Carla made (the enhanced version neglecting the need for incubation/cryo sleep)
And trace samples of the remaining adaptive G virus within Sherry.
This virus if administered via injection will allow regenerative abilties. Side effects include extra eyes (common G virus trait)
Eventual progression if compatible will encase the host into a cocoon where dramtic mutation occurs.
(samples from Jakes blood neglects the cocoon stage)
Administration through Gas inhalation creates zombies with high intelligence.

What we have seen from the infected showcased in revelations 2 so far.
Humanoid, agressive, sickly looking zombie like people.

Possible viruses:

Manufactured abominations sown together with full functionality. Insinctively attack and possibly eat their victims too.

Possible viruses:

From the barry gameplay creature video there was a creature completely invisible.

Possible viruses:
Farfarellos can turn invisible through Tabyss adaptation.
C Virus infected snake could also turn invisible.

My theory:
I think this viruses in this game are going to be:
T abyss or a tveronica enhanced abyss
G Virus
Possibly a mixture of the 2.

The C virus doesnt properly exist yet at this stage and the veronica virus progressed into making C.

This leads to my theory that Tricell have something to do with this game:
They have a sample of Tabyss from Jessica and a sample of G from Curtis Miller.
I know they were disbanded at the end of 5 but anyone could hold a grudge in rezzy.

This is all speculation though but its my theory
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Kahnum of Outworld
I honestly think it will be connected to the T-Veronica Virus in some way. I mean so far the game seems to have many references to Code Veronica that it would make sense for the Veronica Virus to make a return. G-Virus isn't out of the question, though. Whatever it is, I feel like Claire will have faced it before; I don't think it will be something from a title she wasn't in.


Pencil Artist
With that new trailer there more virus stuff to look at
There's a tyrant
And uroborus / veronica looking tentacle looking things.
The virus is also bright pink.

Im still backing my theory about it having something to do with Tricell (backed up more so by the photo of Wesker)
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