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Which Resident Evil Characters that YOU think has met offscreen an has or not has a friendship.

Mark Mane McIntyre

Well-Known Member
There is many Resident Evil characters that we want to see meet. So im here to give who I think has met offscreen and has or may not a friendship
1.For starters since we know Chris, Jill, and Barry are good friends. I think Chris and Jill have met Barry's family Kathy, Polly, and Moira. I don't think Chris and or Jill have a friendship with either three of them. And if they do its not has close as Claire and Moira.
2. Leon and Jill - No friendship. The way these characters could meet is at a Christmas or a Thanksgiving party and Chris introduces him to her.
3. Leon and Barry and his family - No friendship. While at any Holiday party Chris introduces to Barry and he them meets his family
4. Carlos and Leon and Ark Thompson - Friendship. After RE3 Jill and Carlos become good friends. Jill sometime IDK 2007 Carlos meets Leon and his best friend Ark. Carlos and Ark decide to work with Leon in the government
5. Rebecca and Claire - No friendship
6. And last but no least Claire and Jill. Since Christopher and Jill are such good 'friends'(cough cough lovers) they would have to have met around maybe 2001-2002. I think Jill would say to Claire 'Your the sister I never had.


Well-Known Member
In my "headcanon" (to use fanfiction terms) they all know each other and meet every year at the end of September. Not really to celebrate, but to be with people who understand what they've been through.


Rocket Trash Panda
Yeah, Claire and Jill is pretty much a given given that Chris has close ties to both.

But IF RE7 is a go, they may give us a grand finale by making every character playable, hence every RE character of note will have met eachother. They're saying RE7 will be the last game in the numerical series, so I could definitely see it happening.

umbra aeterna

Well-Known Member
Yeah, Claire and Jill is pretty much a given given that Chris has close ties to both.

But IF RE7 is a go, they may give us a grand finale by making every character playable, hence every RE character of note will have met eachother. They're saying RE7 will be the last game in the numerical series, so I could definitely see it happening.

Until another reboot

But yeah, it's about time


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
They're saying RE7 will be the last game in the numerical series, so I could definitely see it happening.
Can I ask who has said this? I'm not trying to dispute you, I'm just wondering. :)
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