Where is Jill?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2019
What do you think, when will we get to see Jill again or when will she at least be mentioned again? And I don't talk about the rumored RE 3-Remake, I'm talking about Cancom actually continuing her story, her whereabouts AFTER RE 5. I don't get why Capcom decided to develop a game that had almost nothing to do with the previous events and characters (RE 7) instead of putting Jill into it and picking up her story. She wasn't even mentioned in RE 6 which pretty sucks and she hasn't made an appearance in any cgi movie yet. The e-mail to Barry was written right after she came back from Africa, so basically we don't know what Jill was up to in the RE-universe since 2009!
Probably capcom will let her return in some future game...
It seems That right now leon and Chris are the top fan favorite and Capcom favorite to make money out of the series...

Its since resident evil 4 that Capcom make re game whit new story, the only one that was connected to the First re game was re 5

Also, in my opinion, Chris and Jill story ended in re 5, their character have really nothing more to tell, they defeat umbrella and killed wesker, their story arc is over...
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Personally, I would definitely like to see Jill again. Whether or not it'll happen is another issue.

I think perhaps the only way we might see her again is in another Revelations game, if they ever made one.

Probably capcom will let her return in some future game...
It seems That right now leon and Chris are the top fan favorite and Capcom favorite to make money out of the series...

Its since resident evil 4 that Capcom make re game whit new story, the only one that was connected to the First re game was re 5

Also, in my opinion, Chris and Jill story ended in re 5, their character have really nothing more to tell, they defeat umbrella and killed wesker, their story arc is over...
I actually disagree with this. Just think, Chris and Jill have a wealth of experience and knowledge of these sorts of situations, so when a new bioterror threat emerges, they'd probably be the first people to be called to the fight.
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Actually, Jill's story might have a new beginning now. If Capcom decide to approach her feelings of what happened to her between Lost in Nightmares and RE5. The trauma she suffered was stronger than what happened to Chris in RE6 and Leon in Vendetta, so Capcom really have the chance to explore how Jill could overcome what happened, maybe getting grips with doing her job again (We can assume she's on some sort of leave and that's why she didn't appeared in RE6 and it makes sense. Poor Jill needs a lot of therapy.). At the end of the day, Capcom finally have a chance to give Jill some personality beyond the soldier-cliché she shared with Chris (and Chris already moved beyond that,t thanks to RE5 and 6, with some credit to Roger Craig Smith).
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Actually, Jill's story might have a new beginning now. If Capcom decide to approach her feelings of what happened to her between Lost in Nightmares and RE5. The trauma she suffered was stronger than what happened to Chris in RE6 and Leon in Vendetta, so Capcom really have the chance to explore how Jill could overcome what happened, maybe getting grips with doing her job again (We can assume she's on some sort of leave and that's why she didn't appeared in RE6 and it makes sense. Poor Jill needs a lot of therapy.). At the end of the day, Capcom finally have a chance to give Jill some personality beyond the soldier-cliché she shared with Chris (and Chris already moved beyond that,t thanks to RE5 and 6, with some credit to Roger Craig Smith).
I've actually just thought of something - some kind of story about Jill could be perfect for Revelations 3 if they incorporate the T-Phobos virus. Imagine Jill suffering from PTSD and then being infected with the virus that reacts to fear. It would be so perfect, especially because parallels could be drawn between Jill being controlled by Albert Wesker, and now she's at the mercy of Alex Wesker. Total head screw for Jill. There's so many different ways that that could go.

I doubt this would ever happen but it'd be amazing, at least in my head.
Personally, I would definitely like to see Jill again. Whether or not it'll happen is another issue.

I think perhaps the only way we might see her again is in another Revelations game, if they ever made one.

I actually disagree with this. Just think, Chris and Jill have a wealth of experience and knowledge of these sorts of situations, so when a new bioterror threat emerges, they'd probably be the first people to be called to the fight.
Yeah of course there is always a menace of biotterrorist, but everything after Re 5 is simply to prolong the story of Jill and Chris character and also whit little meaning in my opinion, whit re 5 they're story arc that started whit the original resident evil ended, right now Chris and Jill doesn't have any story arc to fulfill, their fight whit wesker and umbrella is over...

resident evil 6, vendetta and 7 are simply prolonging the character story but whitout giving Chris any story arc, since the story is practically the same, Chris loose his man and want mad kill the one repsonsable and the story end, right now Chris character had no goal or objective, he simply fight biotterrorism, they didn't creat a new story for him and neither for Jill, re 6 vendetta and 7 are all self conclusive and none of them really put something new to Chris character, re 6 tryed to give some character developed to him but failed misarably whit stupid story and dialogue while re vendetta, revelations and 7 simply didn't give Chris any character development or story arc for Chris...

They should create a new arc for Jill and Chris that will develop in more than one game...

Right now the main protagonist like Chris jill Clair and leon are put into situation and they Re character are driven by the story, while it should be the contrary, character development should drive the story forward

Take claire for example in revelations 2, she doesn't have any character development, in the end of the game she is the same persone as he was in the start nothing changed... While unusued and new character like Barry and Moira drastically changed during the game, Barry manage to reunite whit her daughter and find a new daughter along the way, natalia, while moira manage to fight his fear for weapon and made peace whit his father... Claire character instead is simply driven by the story
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I've actually just thought of something - some kind of story about Jill could be perfect for Revelations 3 if they incorporate the T-Phobos virus. Imagine Jill suffering from PTSD and then being infected with the virus that reacts to fear. It would be so perfect, especially because parallels could be drawn between Jill being controlled by Albert Wesker, and now she's at the mercy of Alex Wesker. Total head screw for Jill. There's so many different ways that that could go.

I doubt this would ever happen but it'd be amazing, at least in my head.

That would actually be really perfect. I was just about to tell Mr. R that while a story that deals with Jill's trauma would have been the most interesting and logical direction for the character, Capcom has already missed their chance with how far from RE5 we are now. But if they were to tell a story about fear again, they could do some interesting and trippy things with Jill's psyche that shows that she still fears Wesker and has flashes and hallucinations of him throughout the game.

Having Jill as the protagonist and Alex as the villain would be perfect as well because it kind of brings the whole Revelations series together and expands Alex's reach as a villain, just like how Wesker and Umbrella affected the entire main cast in the original games. Jessica and Raymond could even be working for Alex, which again would take the Revelations series full circle.

Also, how incredibly ballsy would it be for Alex to take over Jill's body at the end of the game? Especially if Chris is involved in this mission in a similar capacity to the first Revelations game, but would ultimately set up a brand new rivalry for the series that could span several games. Not only does it draw parallels to Jill being mind controlled by Wesker in RE5, but it would also parallel the very first thing we ever saw of the Revelations series, Jill and Chris pointing guns at eachother.

It would be so controversial but I think it has great story telling potential. It not only gives Chris a new motivation, but the idea of Alex being Jill would drive Chris nuts as he wouldn't want to hurt Jill, which Alex could hold over him and use to her advantage.
When it comes to the top RE Vixens I believe that Claire and Jill are pretty much just fan service at this point, Jill's arc ended with the defeat of Wesker and Claire just wants a normal life, usually ending up having to fight due to being a victim of circumstance.
The only top RE gal that still has a story to explore is Ada Wong, she still has a great deal of mystery to her to the point where the fanbase is still unsure whether Ada is in fact her real name.
That's also why Leon is still has major pull in the RE storyline, his run ins with Ada and her mystery is the last main unresolved arc of the OG Resident Evil canon though Capcom kinda forgot about it.

Chris is being implemented into this new arc with Blue Umbrella and The Connections as a side character, which still doesn't have a main villain.
I'd worry less about bringing Jill back just because we haven't seen her in a while and focus more on building up a worthy enough adversary for the franchise.

Turning Jill into some kind of PTSD/mind controlled adversary for Chris certainly won't happen as every single RE fan will meme it up with Jill and the "ahh s**t, here we go again" CJ meme as that play already happened in RE5.

Jill should just stick to being nostalgia bait for remakes and Raccoon City era spin offs at this point much like Claire, I'm not really eager to see a 40-45 year old post rehab Jill Valentine, it was hard enough to believe that Lady from DMC5 could look that hot after all those years.