What's Your History with Resident Evil?

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Jan 30, 2019
Mine was possibly the most rough roads, compared to other stories of how people became fans...

I never got the luxury to play the classic Resident Evil games. I heard about their legendary enjoyment, but never experienced it then.
I never got my hands on one to actually attempt until RE 6, sadly. I hated everything about it.
Then, I tried RE 4, but wasn't into that. I wasn't a fan of the amount of sway Leon had & babysitting Ashley was the last thing I wanted to do.
Then, I tried RE 5. I enjoyed it as an Action game because that's what it is. I didn't judge it as a horror game. My favorite part was the Lost in Nightmares DLC.
I finally got to try RE 1 Remake after that. It immediately became my favorite game in general for a long time. I played through it 6 times, I think.
I played Revelations 2 for a co-op experience with friends after playing RE 5 a lot. It was alright, but couldn't top RE 1 for me.
Now, I have RE 2 Remake & I enjoy it very much. I'm on my 7th playthrough. Actually currently attempting Claire A on Hardcore. If I beat it, I'll have gotten every trophy in the game. Originally I wasn't going to. Not typically that kind of player.
Great thread Murrdogg93! I am glad you've found enjoyment in the series. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum, and my story begins in 1998.

I had never heard of the original Resident Evil. In 1998, my Uncle and his friend had purchased RE2 and brought it back to my grandmother's house. He was probably about 18 at the time. I was just 10, but he let me watch him play it. And I was horrified. But curious. The next day, while I waited for him to get back to my grandma's house, I decided I would try it out for myself. I fell in love and ended up beating it before he did. Of course, I was 10 and played it on easy mode.

Since then, I was infatuated. I played RE2, RE3, RE Survivor, RE Dead Aim, Outbreak 1 and 2, and CV.

I decided that RE4 didn't look like a real RE and didn't have a Gamecube, so I decided to skip it.... until my younger brother's friend brought it over. I asked him if I could borrow it and DESTROYED IT within a week. I borrowed his copoes of ZERO and REmake afterwards and loved them.

In college, I played through RE5 with one of my roommates CJ. I graduated and beat RE6 with my brother which made it more enjoyable than the game actually was. My brother, Nick, and I also beat Darkside and Umbrella Chronicles.

I now live in a split level with my fiancee and have played through Revelations, Revelations 2, RE7, and then RE2 REMAKE and will continue playing until the series ends or I do. haha
In 2003 I got a GameCube for my bday. So far the only games I played were jump'n'runs and adventures, so I wanted to play something more... "mature" and since I was really into horror books and zombies, I decided to buy Resident Evil 0. Turns out no matter how hard i tried (and I tried, believe me! I tried!) I just couldn't get a hang of the controls. I always bumped into the walls or walked back an forth until I was soooo frustrated and got headaches. I think it took me ~6 hours just to get out of the train (already said I really, really sucked)! I eventually sold the game and it wasn't until RE6 (PC) that I played RE again. I admit, I loved that game! Still do. I got hooked and bough RE4 (yeah, I really like Leon :lol: ), then Darkside Chronicles (Wii) and RE5 (PS3). When REmake was announed with alternative controlls I was in HEAVEN! It was the first time I played a classical RE and it was awesome! And when Zero HD came out I could finally play that one, too.
I also played both Revelations games, Dead Aim and a good friend gave me Outbreak and Umbrella Chronicles. Oh, and my husband and I got O:RC and Umbrella Corps via humble bundles and steam sales. I even tried classical RE2 (bought the PS1-Version for my Vita) and didn't even get to the first saving point, for crying out loud! Damn you, controls - I wish I could get my hands on a copy of RE2 for N64.
Oh, and I have RE7. Never played it much. I hate being followed. But being followed in VR? Nooooooo!

Although I love it, I don't play the RE2 Remake as much as I would want to. Since I had a kid and especially since I started working again, free time is a rare thing and I have a cold twice a month, because my daughter brings home all the germs from day care :razz:

What I love about RE most is the characters. Although the story isn't that logical or deep, I still love every one of them and they (and the horror/zombie setting) are the main reason I play the games. Okay, and because I'm a Leon-fangirl, I admit it! :redface:
Really looking forward to the remakes of Nemesis and Code Veronica - come on, Capcom!!
My dad played the OG PS1 trilogy with me when I was a tiny child. I'm pretty sure I mostly learned to read to read the strategy guides.

I tried out RE2 for myself when I was around 8 or 9. I also played around with RE4 and Dead Aim. The first time I played an RE game on my own to completion was RE1 remake on GameCube, I was roughly 12/13. And then boom. Here I am at 20 something or other. A fan for life.
I had a fleeting memory of seeing REmake from my friend when I was a kid. All I really could remember was the name. A plain, RESIDENT EVIL.

Few years back, I saw Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition.

"Meh why not."
I decided to pick it up. And I really enjoyed the game. On a game-play and graphical standpoint at the time, I thought the game was damn amazing because of how over the top unexplainable all the BS the characters put up with was. The story was quite literally all over the place but it was so cheesy and campy that I just adored it. It just ran with it and I loved that.
Played the game's Mercs for years, At one point I decided to take a crack at the other games in the series, Even though I didn't really do much research into it, I knew quite a bit about the OG games so I already knew what to expect.

But by design and concept and because of the flexibility with how almost literally everything in the RE universe is, I will always gravitate towards the more action orientated approach to RE.
But I do have some appreciation for the classic RE games. Mainly how they made Wesker vs Chris remotely captivating despite how absolutely terrible the writing and VA has been throughout the years. With their first two times where they do GOOD, being absolute on the tier of G.I Joe levels of ham.
I wonder at times myself, how I came to love RE as much as I have.
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Great thread Murrdogg93! I am glad you've found enjoyment in the series. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum, and my story begins in 1998.

I had never heard of the original Resident Evil. In 1998, my Uncle and his friend had purchased RE2 and brought it back to my grandmother's house. He was probably about 18 at the time. I was just 10, but he let me watch him play it. And I was horrified. But curious. The next day, while I waited for him to get back to my grandma's house, I decided I would try it out for myself. I fell in love and ended up beating it before he did. Of course, I was 10 and played it on easy mode.

Since then, I was infatuated. I played RE2, RE3, RE Survivor, RE Dead Aim, Outbreak 1 and 2, and CV.

I decided that RE4 didn't look like a real RE and didn't have a Gamecube, so I decided to skip it.... until my younger brother's friend brought it over. I asked him if I could borrow it and DESTROYED IT within a week. I borrowed his copoes of ZERO and REmake afterwards and loved them.

In college, I played through RE5 with one of my roommates CJ. I graduated and beat RE6 with my brother which made it more enjoyable than the game actually was. My brother, Nick, and I also beat Darkside and Umbrella Chronicles.

I now live in a split level with my fiancee and have played through Revelations, Revelations 2, RE7, and then RE2 REMAKE and will continue playing until the series ends or I do. haha
I was originally going to play through RE 7, but then RE 2 released. I actually just Platinum RE 2, which I wasn't initially intending. I never do that with games.
I do wanna get RE Zero, CV, maybe even Revelations 1 to play through those, since those are the only ones I don't have that I can get on PS4. Assuming I can take a break from RE 2.
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I was at my uncle's back in 1999 and watched him play games such as Dino Crisis and RE3: Nemesis, but it was Nemesis that caught my attention the most. Me and my cousin then played the game when my uncle wasn't there, and managed to complete the game over the course of several weeks during Christmas. At this time I owned no video game console myself and had only played PC games in the likes of RollerCoaster Tycoon and SimCity. So, Nemesis was my first contact with the survival horror genre... and it gave me nightmares. One time I had such a bad nightmare about Nemesis that I cried and told my mom about it, and I still remember that my mom actually called my uncle and scolded at him for allowing me to play it. Lol.

Still, fate said otherwise when I bought my first console in 2004, the PS2, and I got into Silent Hill. I then became a massive Silent Hill fan and played through all the games, and my interest in Resident Evil kind of faded away - perhaps mostly because of the infamous rivalry between SH and RE. In fact, I was so deeply into Silent Hill that I began to ignorantly mock the Resident Evil games, viewing them as inferior games to Silent Hill.

It mostly continued like this throughout my teenage years and well into adulthood, until Silent Hill basically became a dead series after the cancellation of Silent Hills back in 2015. I gave up hope on Silent Hill and realized that we might not see another game in the series for several years to come, mainly because Konami is such a ****ty company. My thirst for survival horror was briefly quenched with The Evil Within the same year, a game which I absolutely loved. I was looking forward to the sequel and bought my PS4 at the end of 2017, The Evil Within 2 being one of my first purchases. I was however extremely disappointed and thought the game was crap, so I began searching for other things to play. By accident (or should I say luck) I saw an advertisement on the PS Store for Resident Evil: Revelations 2, and I thought to myself "Well, perhaps I should put my prejudices aside and give it a try". Besides, it was free, so I had nothing to lose right? I was expecting myself to play through the free episode and then move on to something else.

Long story short... I ended up buying ALL the episodes for Revelations 2. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the game A LOT, and I thought to myself "Is this what I've been constantly overlooking for so many years?". I quickly decided to do some research and found out that most of the older RE games were available for a cheap price on the PS Store, so I was like "Boy, I've got lots of catching up to do". The remastered REmake was my obvious first choice, and that was basically the moment where I fell in love with Resident Evil. I was HOOKED. I completely fell in love with the spooky Spencer Mansion, the history behind the virus, the tension. It was a true survival horror masterpiece. The fixed camera angles brought back many memories and I felt very nostalgic even though it was my first time playing the game. Like I mentioned a little while ago in my New Member-thread, I felt like I had finally come full circle since RE3: Nemesis was my first survival horror experience. After almost two decades, I've finally returned to Resident Evil.

I still have a long way to go though. I've only been through Nemesis, Revelations 2, REmake, Zero, and RE2 remake and I've accidently spoiled myself through RE7 by watching streamers. I'm still planning on playing through Code Veronica, Revelations 1, RE4 and possibly RE7 when I get the time. I've also been advised to try out the Outbreak games if I can find some old copies for sale online. I have currently no interest in playing RE5 or RE6.
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Actually im a person who mainly played car games on PS1 my mum at the time did not allow any violent games hence why I had to stuck NFS or Gran Turismo or the occasional sport game also played spyro with friends.

But I actually wanted a gun game as I got sick and tired of playing car games wanted something new hence why I stumbled upon Resident Evil 2 for the PS1. But damn that game scared me and what an experience that was ever since then I got into Resident Evil.
My first Resident Evil experience was in 2000 or so, watching a family friend play Resident Evil 2 on PS. I didn't get to play it much personally at that time though, it was maybe a year later when I got my own PS that I played it and loved it. Eventually I also got RE2 for the N64.

Soon after, I played RE1. I wasn't as big of a fan of the first but I still enjoyed it.

I bought a GameCube specifically to play RE0 because a friend of mine at school owned it but didn't like it, and he said he would let me have it for free. It was pretty fun.

I then bought Code Veronica X and I absolutely loved it; it was a close second favorite after RE2.

I believe the next game I bought was RE4 for GC and I remember thinking it was really weird and kinda hard to adjust to the new controls. It wasn't my favorite game but I played it enough to unlock everything. I pretty much stopped playing after I unlocked the Handcannon.

I then played RE5 which I was really excited for. It wasn't bad but not quite what I expected an RE game to be. I played a lot of online multiplayer with a regular buddy of mine but eventually I sold it.

I finally played Nemesis after downloading the PSN version on PS3. After 1 completion, I stopped playing. Did not enjoy.

I also downloaded Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles but controls we're abysmal on PS and I never finished them.

I got Revelations 2 and 6 some time later. I enjoyed co-op on both more than I enjoyed single player.

I bought 7 on day one and enjoyed it. I ended up getting the Platinum and put it away though, as I don't feel it had a lot of replay value.

And I suppose that brings be to getting RE2 remake and running it constantly. I love it. I'm still a few trophies away from Platinum as I hit snags in hardcore (likely because I want the S+ on my first go) but I finally beat HUNK and tofu. :D
Jonipoon - Back in the day, I had a personal conflict between Silent Hill and Resident Evil. When I played one, I always thought "WHy Did I EVEn PLaY ThE OtheR?" But Resident Evil continued to produce gold. And Silent Hill started to slip HARD.

The first 3 Silent Hill games are amazing and so DEEPLY haunting. But Resident Evil was always more fun. Capcom knows how to adapt. Konami knows how to disappoint. But honestly, do try all the RE games you can. You never know which one will spark inside you.
Jonipoon - Back in the day, I had a personal conflict between Silent Hill and Resident Evil. When I played one, I always thought "WHy Did I EVEn PLaY ThE OtheR?" But Resident Evil continued to produce gold. And Silent Hill started to slip HARD.

The first 3 Silent Hill games are amazing and so DEEPLY haunting. But Resident Evil was always more fun. Capcom knows how to adapt. Konami knows how to disappoint. But honestly, do try all the RE games you can. You never know which one will spark inside you.
I've never been a fan of shooter games in general, so I'm not sure I'd like RE5 and RE6. We'll see. I heard you can see a quite exposed Ada in RE6, though.

Honestly, I only consider Silent Hill 1 to 4 to be canon, and they are the only ones that manages to create a unique sense of dread and atmosphere that feels "dreamy" and "otherworldly". The other games feel like they are taken straight out of a low-budget American horror flick that lacks any soul or artistic value whatosover. That's what you get when a cheapass company like Konami outsources a brand to small inexperienced Western studios...
Started way back when the first came out and liked it ever since, I'm a big Wesker fan it sucks he's out now.
My 1st re game was re6, ı learned the game's existence in 2013 while playing l4d2. After that ı slowly started to learn about the other re games. I beat all of them with the exception of mercenaries 3d before the release of re2 remake. Of course ı also beat re2 remake shortly after its release.