What's next for Resident Evil?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
Ever since '96 Resident Evil/Biohazard has been one of the top survival horror franchises in gaming history and in 2018 is still going. Its produced a long line of main storyline games and plenty of spin offs as well as movies (both ****ty and awesome) and given us so many memorable characters that have aged right along side us it seems. So all that said, is there anything left that Capcom can give when it comes to the Resident Evil series to keep it going in a positive direction? And I dont just mean *Cough Resident evil 2, 3 and Code veronica Remakes Cough* lol..
Even if the series is golden to all of us, that doesn't excuse all the bull crap that Capcom and their cohorts have churned out. About the best spin off I've played in years is Revelations 2, because both Revelations games still resemble the main games, despite a bit of a lower budget. Revelations 2 reminded me of the games from the good old days, and although Revelations 2 looks like 4 and 5, it had a very good horror tone and the enemies at least looked like zombies that had better movements, and I felt that a group of them were deadly. You couldn't underestimate them.

The new voice actress for Claire wasn't that bad, nor was her new looks. Keeping in mind that Claire should not look like she did in 1998 giving the years we never saw her at all. Nothing felt cheap about it. However, I did notice in some parts, the grass effects and all that was a bit rocky looking. Maybe they patched this. Since I'm kind of bored and don't have much to do with myself, I may actually go and play Revelations 2 again soon.

Barry-the new master of unlocking-Burton.
i've gotten to the point where now except for the remake of 2 and hopefully the other classics which God help them if they **** that up the backlash they're gonna get, I just dont really care a whole lot about the newer Resident Evils ever since they went more action(y) though I always give '4 a pass since out of all the Resident Evils that became more action based, I always found RE4 to be the most tolerable and the only one I've played multiple times and not taken back afterwards
The news site Rely on Horror needs to can it with their April Fool's jokes. Now is not a good time! :confused:

Rely on Horror happens to be a survival horror news site, but I just felt it was in bad taste to make April Fool's pranks during a less than stellar period for fans of the genre. They do this every year, so I was ready for it. Still...I didn't see the humour behind any of this stuff they posted.

One game I do like the look of, is Them And Us. It is due out soon, and looks very old school. To be honest, I don't mind indie games at all, because if we don't get good mainstream horror games any more, there's at least a market for fans in some other capacity. It's just sad how we've not had so much as one picture or clip about this RE2 remake since 2 years ago, which may even be hearsay by this stage. Even other companies like Naughty Dog have gave us a trailer by now. Capcom are slacking off.
I know this would NEVER happen in a Resident Evil game (or prob any game for that matter) but I'd love to see Capcom get the fans involved somehow, for example have a contest where the prize is getting created as a zombie in the video game. I just feel like Capcom knows the long time fans have been wanting this for YEARS and yet we still havent seen all that much. I said this in previous threads, if the Remake is as good as Resident 1 remake or even better, not only does it give the fans (myself included) what they want but imagine the cash flow they'd be raking in as a finacial success.
That'd be swell, but Capcom won't do it. To me, the series died in 2005 and everything since has been a resurrected, action series, with its name.
same here, Resident evil 5 may have had the title but nothing more..thou kudos for setting it in Africa, nice to have a change of scenery
Those fat soldiers that get off the elevators before you fight Wesker, are so annoying. They're like the Mario brothers, only they're on steroids.