What if leon was the only protagonist in the resident evil franchise?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2018
Ok this gonna sound stupid But me and my friends made a discussion each one presenting a scenario where how the game would went if there was only one protagonist For me it was leon and this is how I imagine the story would have went
Resident evil 1: it would have the same premise but leon would be the new member of the s.t.a.r.s team only a 18 years old like Rebecca and that would be his first mission with the team and his story would be a mix of jill and chris scenarios both receiving support of Rebecca and Barry but the story would progress where the both would die Rebecca killed by being shot in the head by wesker and barry being found death after his betrayal and then leon escapes alone being the only survivor (Including Brad but who cares about brad) http://residentevil.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kds5l3.jpg
Resident evil 2: Again same premise but only a different start After returning to raccoon city right after the mansion he tried to reveal everything about umbrella and mansion incident but he didn't had any proof or evidence about it so nobody belived hím and Brad denied everything he said out of fear then the police chief decided to remove hím from the s.t.a.r.s and the police force also informing umbrella of his knowlege Leon unsured of what to do or how he could adquire any proof he decides to seek advice from his father that was a former goverment agent who lived outside of town During this visit his father told him not to get involved and that he should hide because they were a very influencial corporation and they could have hím killed without anyone noticing Unfortunatly umbrella sent a hitman to dispose of hím to remove any loose ends from the mansion His father manage to kill the hitman but getting injured on the process and dying from it Leon infuriated decides he will destroy umbrella no matter and plans to go to europe after the proof he needs he then decides to go back to reacoon city to prepare hinself for the trip So the opening happens the same way only removing Claire and hím having a different outfit http://residentevil.wikia.com/wiki/File:2_Leon_Costume_3-1.jpg The scenario would be a mix of Claire and leon scenarios a and b mixed he would meet both ada and Sherry and the ending would the same only without Claire
Resident evil 3 Code Verônica: it would start off where the 2 end it After leon escapes raccoon city with sherry the both were aproched by umbrella agents taking Sherry away and sending leon to rockford island he spend a week there as a prisioner with a booked execution to happen Then the Rest of the events go out the same but rather than enconter steve he encouter Claire redfield as a prisioner there and the story goes out the same exept that he takes chris part of the story and of course a gender reversal on the parts Claire would have steve personality as well impulsive and rude but very likeable with objetive of avenging her brother
Resident evil 4: i would put the original consept of resident evil 4 with the beta show on e3 leon in europe to rescue sherry from umbrella the story would be a mix bag
esident evil 5: After leon rescued sherry umbrella used their connections to brand hím as a wanted terrorist turning leon into a wanted criminal But leon would meet a goverment agent that was a old friend of his father And wanted to help hím take prove his innocence and take down umbrella She then inform leon about the location of Ozwell E. Spencer the main founder of umbrella and say to leon that he is the key for destroying umbrella
Resident evil 6: at the ending of resident evil 5 Spencer reveals a plan of infecting the entire world with a vírus called the z-virus which was a mix of the t,g and verônica víruses He also used his conection to have several political figures assasinated in order to cause chaos and mayhen around the world Leon then discovers that there only one sample of the z-virus that is at the hands of Dr.James Marcus the original creator of the t vírus and the father of albert wesker Leon then Rush to his base at Rússia in order to stop hím from producing more of the vírus and destroying umbrella once and for all
This was just some poorly writen fan fiction
Sorry if you wasted your time reading this
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Kay, first of all, I can't stand Leon, but I guess that's irrelevant. Second, creativity is always good, and I like the idea of fanfiction and getting a feel for your creative center and learning how to really write (I wrote fanfiction in high school to keep me sane and later moved on to a rather large collection of original flash fictions mixed with a novella or two and even a novel, though I wasn't crazy about the novel). And lastly, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. If you took the time to come up with all of this and post it here, it means that this concept means something to you and that you are passionate about it, at least to a degree. You should never apologize for this. Please don't think that you have wasted anyone's time and that your creation is a waste. :(
This was not poorly written at all, this is after all a website where we have simple discussions it's not like a serious script or anything, I thought it was a good read of how the franchise could've been different if they came up with Leon as a character but earlier and it reminds me of a thought that I had a couple of years ago which was how would Resident Evil be like if one of the non canon endings with only 1 or 2 Characters surviving happened instead during the events of the original game, I always imagined how strange it would be if the ending where Jill died happened and Revalations and 5 happened with Rebecca in Jills place instead or inagine if Chris died or if only he survived and none of the other characters, this would be pretty interesting to explore in a non canon storyline like how they do this a lot in comic books.
While I understand Leon is a popular character, the series just isn't scary if Chris, Leon and similar characters keep on showing up. If they want to make the series to be mainly about horror again, we need to focus on new characters that don't have such a decorated background and who are just thrown into a nightmare where they have to learn how to survive and fast. To me, Leon is way too experienced and cocky now, that the series will stay an action series at this stage should he keep being a primary protagonist. Although I don't see why they cannot still have the main characters involved in a small capacity. That's what 7 did well, because Ethan was the main person you played as, with found footage characters playable, then Chris was in the external stuff.

Maybe Leon could still be in the spin off games and animated films, but I would rather the series tried to be terrifying again. That way, it's not distracting us from the horror aspects.
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While I understand Leon is a popular character, the series just isn't scary if Chris, Leon and similar characters keep on showing up. If they want to make the series to be mainly about horror again, we need to focus on new characters that don't have such a decorated background and who are just thrown into a nightmare where they have to learn how to survive and fast. To me, Leon is way too experienced and cocky now, that the series will stay an action series at this stage should he keep being a primary protagonist. Although I don't see why they cannot still have the main characters involved in a small capacity. That's what 7 did well, because Ethan was the main person you played as, with found footage characters playable, then Chris was in the external stuff.

Maybe Leon could still be in the spin off games and animated films, but I would rather the series tried to be terrifying again. That way, it's not distracting us from the horror aspects.

Agree, I still think though that the games can still be scary with the classic characters if they are placed in more challenging circumstances, Resident Evil 6 had a good setting for that but the game itself was more of a typical third person linear shooter than survival horror, not saying the game itself was good it wasn’t but the setting was, but that is what would work for me it wouldn’t satisfy everyone because it’s very obvious that’s some people may never be scared by Resident Evil (or similar games) again because they’ve been desensitised, to be honest I have been playing so called “adult” “scary” and “violent” games since I was probably 4 years old and now not a single video game has ever scared me since, I support recreating the second game but even ifs its faithful to the 90s version I still don’t think it would scare many old timers unless the game play is just as realistic as the graphics, specifically when a game feels too scripted or predictable it takes away the horror , pretty much none of us feel scared playing the old games decades later because we have seen it all before, I think one of the best ways to improve the franchises horror elements is to make the games more randomised to a extent so no play through feels exactly the same as the last, so make it harder for the characters (whenether they are classic or new) and make the game unpredictability scary (not just jump scares) and that might bring the horror element back.