It's not necessarily a typical versus battle as I don't see many of these fun threads on here but this is also questioning as to fans still considering Alexia remaining superior due to a lack of difference between Wesker in CV and RE5, Some say it's the upgraded tech that video games received that made Wesker look much stronger in future titles while others say he did in fact get more powerful as the timeline progressed.
What is the verdict here, Would he still get punked out or did he surpass Alexia in terms of pure combat feats?
I initially thought Wesker and his experimental virus matured and somewhat upgraded as he may have been still getting used to his newfound superhuman genes in 1998 compared to 2009 but anyway it's a little mind boggling.
What is the verdict here, Would he still get punked out or did he surpass Alexia in terms of pure combat feats?
I initially thought Wesker and his experimental virus matured and somewhat upgraded as he may have been still getting used to his newfound superhuman genes in 1998 compared to 2009 but anyway it's a little mind boggling.