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were gonna redo it


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Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Okay so were setting all the votes back to zero and this time I'm gonna include a poll sorry I don't know how to delete my other topic


After a meal there's nothing like a good cigar.
resi code veronica, if the controls are as ****ty for the xbox and ps3 version for 4 as they were for the ps2 verson (r1 aim, x shoot) then im not getting it.


You can't kill me.
No contest whatsoever.

CVX had a better story, better characters overall, better music, better just about everything except graphics.


Almost a Jibble Sammich
Again, like your last thread kristoffer, it's a basis of opinion. There isn't an answer of which is the best one. Only you can decide which one you prefer :) However I will post the differences between the two games so that you can decide. Or maybe get BOTH? :)

Choosing between the two partially depends on if you prefer classic RE style or new RE style. Then it depends on which story interests you more.

RE CODE: Veronica employs the classic RE style - static camera, the infamous (but beloved) 'tanky' controls, more puzzles, T-Virus zombies (the kind that eat your brains!). Set in 1998 (after the destruction of Raccoon City) it follows Claire Redfield who is searching for her brother Chris at an Umbrella facility. However she is captured, imprisoned on an island run by an unhinged aristocrat. She wakes up on the island to find it has suffered a biohazard, and needs to escape so that she can find her brother... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdNHCth8t2k

RE4 employs the newer RE style - over the shoulder camera, more action than puzzles, Las Plagas zombies ('Ganados' - intelligent, use weapons). It follows Leon in 2004, who has been employed by the government as a special agent. His assignment requires him to go to rural Spain to investigate the kidnapping of the US President's daughter, Ashley Graham. What he finds there is a new kind of evil compared to what he found in Raccoon City all those years ago... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ORc25vZo54

Both games have been very highly regarded, and RE4 especially as it is often on 'best games ever' lists.

IMO I prefer CVX to RE4 but that's because I grew up with the older RE games. I love its story, the characters (apart from STEEEEEEEVE), the villains more than RE4's and it has my favourite soundtrack in the RE serious. But I love RE4 too, they're both amazing games, and both worth checking out :)

Whats wrong with the controls?

Not entirely sure why wesker_awesome is irritated with the controls, as every single RE game (RE5 aside) has employed R1 aim, X to shoot controls?


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
all right guys call it off I'm gonna do them both at the same time.
just called the last of my equipment i need from amazon it says it will get here OCT 4 so hopefully the videos will be out OCT 5 you guys can expect videos soon :)


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
forget my mic breaking whole freaking capture card came damaged and now I have no money


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
okay my parents sounded for sure last night when i told them about the dazzle dvc 100 that they can get me one so hope full late late december
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