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Resident Evil 6 Was Ada's campaign needed?


Well-Known Member
well. i considered it sort of a bonus thing, like separate ways but longer and more fun,
it also fed us the answers to wether ada was evil or not,


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Is there a reason why it shouldn't be there? The only question I believe is did she need the partner?


Pencil Artist
It answered the following:
Who Derek spoke to before rushing off onto a plane for China
The real truth that there was an Ada clone
Carla's actual demise
A deeper understanding on her feelings towards Leon
Backstory on her mission aswell as a hint to future appearances from her

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
It was a good campaign and helped to tie up loose ends.

It was almost my favourite... but way too short. Kinda felt like an add on and not a proper full length campaign to me. Also i think it can be completed in about 5 hours which to me is too short.

however two things annoyed me with that update. They shouldn't be allowing people to play as her campaign first. Play the other stories then hers to not spoil the whole Carla thing. It was fine when it first released, but i felt they made this update to further 'casualise' the game for noobs.
Its almost the same how they made mercenaries unlockable from the start. I would prefer people complete the whole game before Mercs is unlocked. Made it worth something and stopped complete noobs playing mercs before they've learnt basics like herb management and melees.

Same with the partner. That was so lame how they added him. He should have been there from the start or not at all. It was terrible execution. He wasn't in any cutscenes and doesnt even use the zip hook things. His character is nameless and means nothing to Ada. They should have made her a proper partner who has some dialogue and cut scene features or dont bother at all. I was hoping he would be Hunk but he turned out to be a rookie sounding Agent...


Well-Known Member
It answered the following:
Who Derek spoke to before rushing off onto a plane for China
The real truth that there was an Ada clone
Carla's actual demise
A deeper understanding on her feelings towards Leon
Backstory on her mission aswell as a hint to future appearances from her

Agreed. That, and I really liked Ada's campaign.


Pencil Artist
The only thing I will say though is I was a bit disappointed on her final boss.
I thought she would have at least an extra section after the bit where he pushes simmons, Carla felt a bit more final boss like.


La Vita Nuova
um BIG SPOILERS comin if u haven't played ada? though I dunno it might be obvious to most of you here.... I'll white it out anyway :
I think Ada's story was actually the pivot point of the entire game. WO( I mean Simmons cloning her basically was a catalyst to every event afterwards as Carla became the head of Neo Umbrella. And the entire idea of cloning was obviously done specifically for the "omg wtf" factor when "ada" infects all of chris' men. Which worked on me, anyway lol. I think the big mistake here is not making a bigger deal about cloning. Ada only does something "bad" in Chris' game, and it would have added to the horror factor IMMENSELY imho to create this new class of "what if my friend is my foe" sort of zombie weapon. Kind of...village of the damned?) End WO
I really liked the idea, just not entirely how it was executed. And they could've taken the intersections of the stories a lot further. Like...the choices you make playing the first 3 campaigns affects ada....

The agent is.....stupid. IMO. But I'm not a co op fan either. It's just capcom tryin to appease the (apparantly) hordes of co op fans. Big mistake to me....he's just so entirely illogical it kills me. Also, I agree, big mistake making her playable from the start. Her story ENDS every other story, and RUINS every other story if played first lol. But you know Capcom these days, tryin to please everybody. I guess they found from RE.net that people weren't finishing it, and wanted to give them something else.
Having said that I really liked her campaign. It was also the hardest after gettin used to relyin on a silly invincible AI lol.


Well-Known Member
A deeper understanding on her feelings towards Leon
Um, not really, regarding her feelings and relationship towards Leon it was just as blank as it was in any other games/movie with them in in together. IMO

To answer the main question to this topic. Since she's unfortunately an important part of the story in this game. The campaign was necessary. Although I thought the whole idea with Carla, Ada, and Derek was lame, but that's another matter. :oops:


B.S.A.A. Agent
i will say that the "Agent" character wasn't a nessesary (i misspelled i know ha haa), but it was done to make Ada's campain a co-op, in which i say that Ada Wong works alone :)

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