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Resident Evil 6 Thoughts on Agent Hunt .......


sometimes dead is betta ..(Jud Crandall)
It is a new idea for the resident evil series and its cool to be a zombie or a B.o.w of couse, but it stops there for me...Ive played this mode maybe five times. There is no trophies , unlockables, or residentevil.net things associated with it. To me it offers no incentive to the player at all ! It is a copy and paste of sorts from left4deads multiplayer mode, but not as good . If they could of gave unlockables for doing it, or gave the choice of what creature you want to be I feel it would of been so much better !! -Not to mention controlling the creatures isnt too great and awkward.


Tʜᴇ Gᴏᴅ
Theres special perks to level up and medals exclusive to this mode to acquire. Cant say theres no iniciative at all.
Maybe the mode has its issues but its a first for them and i believe its still pretty well made.
As for choosing the enemy type, there is a way to choose ur type in fact - specific enemy types have specific spawn locations on the map so if you know those you can spawn as the creature you wish to be.


Veteran Member
pretty much everything you said boils down to why I'm not a fan of the mode.

1.You earn nothing useful out of it.
2.Controlling the enemies feel "awkward" and at times becomes frustrating due to controls
3.No choice in the creatures you have to play as

I only played the thing once and haven't been back to play it since then.

I'd much rather stick to mercenaries mode instead.


I like it, but you should be able to search through games and join who you want, instead of being forced to join a specific chapter and campaign. (Leon's gets chosen all the damn time, I want to find a Chris or Jake game so I can play as J'avo!

Edge Stylez

Advanced 3d Artist
Totally a shame of game mode, i was expecting some kind of "Agent Hunk" or something, also i was thinking the secret archievement is doing something there "Killing many players" anyway.


Well-Known Member
I thought this was a fun extra. Gives you more on the game to do, even if it is just mindless rampaging as a zombie or whatever.

I suppose if you want to make the campaigns a little more challenging too, then allowing player-BOWS is a fun way to do that.

I think it's cool.


Good idea, horrible execution. In L4D you could actually do SOMETHING before getting killed, this gives you really nothing to do whatsoever. I've played as a shovel weilding graveyard zombie, a shrieker, bloodshot, an arm-blade boat J'avo, and a showy mountain crow creature, all of them went horribly.

When i was the zombie, all i could do was trail the path untill leon and helena finally stopped for a second, only to turn around and kill me in one hit, it was a 5 minute chase for nothing. I later got to play as a shrieker and a bloodshot when leon and helena were trying to enter the cathedral, but that really sucked. All i got to do as a bloodshot was struggle getting out of the grave and over the fence, getting shot and dying when i landed, and as a shrieker do the same thing, except charge up my shreik first, never getting to actually use it.

When i was a boat J'avo, I noticed that all of their attacks take like 5 seconds of standing there charging up before they do anything. I jumped of a ledge behind chris, and pressed the slash button, but my guy reeled back and charged up for 5 seconds. Chris just casually hit me once to break the stance, and i was incapacitated from there, helples while he pummbled me. I spawned again, but it took me like a half a minute just to crawl out of a hole, and by that time chris and peirs were running faster than my character could follow so they made it to the end without me even seeing them again.

The crow was the most useful of them, but that doesn't say much. When flying around, you can't controll your altitude, it's like you're not flying at all, but hovering two feet above the ground. Since you can't see anything in the snowstorm, i would spend 10 minutes following the enemy marker, thinking i was gaining on them only to find out that i had been flying into a wall. Other times i actually saw that i was getting closer to the marker, only to find out that there was an invisabe wall seperating me from Jake, or that they were one story above me, and that i had to double-back across the map and take a different route to get to them. The actual attacking part was the worst. The crow stops for like 10 minutes in air before swooping down, and he was long gone by then. It got to the point where i had to plan where he was going to be 10 minutes from now, and swoop towards there, only to misproject by an inch and have to do it over again. Sometimes for no reason at all, I'd be facing and aiming at jake, when i pressed swoop, and then randomly the crow would choose a whole different random direction to face, like off to the right somewhere, and swoop out towards the middle of nowhere. Sometimes i would grab Sherry, which was also frusterating because the AI does not take damage, so that was like a wasted attack, sherry was like a meat-shield for jake.


Well-Known Member
Its funny, i like it but monsters should use 3 attributes like agent does.
Hopefully soon Ustanak wont die with 1 magnum shoot in predator-mode


He's a mental giant, TECH N9NE!
Agree with the 'great concept, terrible execution' opinions.

On paper it sounds amazing, but honestly it's boring. You die really easy, can barely do any damage whatsoever and i seem to spend most of my time running around to catch up with someone.

Not really for me.

Gar Bageman

The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll
Finally tried Agent Hunt today; I have to say, it's pretty fun! I don't know how often I'll play it, but it's a nice change of pace.
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