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The Great Gaming Deception


Stray Jedi
For a long time there has been a rising force that remains unknown to most gamers in this industry. Shrouded in the darkside is one so powerful, so cunning, so deceitful that when it shows it's true face... Its power will shock the industry as we know it. Nothing will EVER be the same again. Some ask if they should be fearful of this presence? Or if it is something that should be embraced. I will let you answer this question with the following: Are you please with that idea of being a gamer who is unknowingly being played in a grand social experiment by a group of powerful men? If you are okay with this idea then there is good news. Play their game. Play it well and learn from it. Some might ask. How long will this charade last? No one outside of this secret group knows for sure, but some claim that if gamers were to come together and make peace with one another collectively. Perhaps it will stop. Another rumor is that this has been planned for a very long time and is broken up into three phases. We are only in phase 2. The gamer advanced much further in phase one than the masters have intended. This time they want you to know that THEY are in control. THEY have power over YOU! They are in charged of this game. The game that you don't even realize you are playing. Even if you willingly participated in the grand experiment. According both download and sales figures.... close to 9 to 10 million gamers have participated in this experiment. This is a very productive number that proves that the experiment is successful and holds great interest to the gamers who are being played by their puppet master. Nothing is as it seems, and your delightful tears always compliments a good breakfast meal.

This game is very winnable should the conditions be met. Understand that this game is one that extends both your game and reality. A genre in its own right. Some may be more familiar with these concepts than they would like to admit. Others may not even be participating at all. This is a whole new genre of gaming

Just who are the players behind the drapes?


The Prophet/King


The man behind everything. He is both a King and a Prophet. He the mastermind behind the whole operation and has been driving this secret agenda for years. He is the puppet master that puts on a magic show as you play by his rules. By his games. By his word and law. You think you are in control, but you are not. You are blinded by the reality that he controls. You are a subject of his grand social experiment. Just do not ever forget that he loves you all. His most loyal servants are most deeply recognized and cared for. You are his sons.

The High Priest/Speaker of the Prophet


Every powerful deception needs to be controlled. The one known as "The Ally" is the essential key to the whole operation. Without him, none of this would be possible in the first place. His job is to control the media of the grand project. He controls the flow of information from the Prophet to the people while the real agenda is pushed in the background. His identity is to remain secret as he wields a lot of influence in the gaming industry. He is the one who entertains you as the trick is being played. Only when the Prestige occurs will the truth be known. The grand majorities opinion of this "Project" is dictated by him. He abides by the script that his been written for him. You abide by the scrip that has been read to you.

The Queen


Wait.... what the drag is going on here? Something isn't right.... wtf?

The Secret Ace Card


No one knows who the top secret Ace card is. No one except the King himself. Which leaves us all at a loss.... but there are some who have a theory about who he could be. After all a man once said something around the lines of "The greatest frauds are the ones on a grand scale!"

Some believe him to be a star. That he is Guy. He was the Wolf who howled the loudest on the darkest nights of this deception. For if the King was his Emperor he would say "Good, good! Let the hate flow through you". And with pride and false prejudice, he embraced your anger with silent laughter that camouflaged itself in a global system that connects the world in a world with web.

Some say that it is another man. One who wore his face like a dirty slithering slime ball. But he was his face. They were two faces on the opposite side of the same coin. But you have no proof. No one knows if he was the Wolf or if he was the victim. At the end of the day. He is the one whom is loved by all.

The False Prophet


The False Prophet has been forgotten by many. However his recent resurfacing is the reason I am creating this article. He is nothing more than the Kingly Prophet wearing a mask. Much like the Jedi order... he orchestrates his symphony in the shadows like Palpatine did as the Emperor himself. His power grows stronger with every passing day. And now... he has reached a level beyond any comprehension. He has become more powerful than any Jedi and any Sith Lord. There is no hope... there is only THE GAME!

The False Prophet is rumored to have recently made a few moves across the Twitterverse. It seems he has both his friends and enemies in his sights. Some speculate that he has a hand in both sides of this grand illusion. Manipulating multiple angles in order to control the outcome and secure a desired future.

The Five/Six

It is unknown how many of these followers actually exist. The number five and six is nothing more than a mere theory. We don't even know who their identity's are and what role they play. We know that the members of this secret group use a certain key phase along with hidden hand symbol as subliminal message. Understand that the hand gestures are simply symbolic and are being used to programing the participants into believing a certain concept and reality. From what I have seen, the results simply speak for themselves and it's quite fascinating. It's amazing how emotions can effect how people react to a certain situation. Rather rational or irrational. So far it's all been positive and the gamers are loving it. Let us take a quick peek of some of these major players and who they could be. Some even believe that the gamers will extract their revenge on these men. However there is no fundamental evidence that this is planned for the grand experiment.

The Pearl Man - No one knows if he is truly involved in this agenda. What would be his benefit? For fun? How did he get tied up into this mess? There has been a cookie trial of evidence of this man that leads straight to the Kingly Prophet himself.... yet he has been spotted with the Queen multiple times over the past decade. This makes no sense. Yet he clearly trout's the hand signal of the this very secret society. The evidence puts this man dangerously busted to being a HUGE player in this great deception. However we can only keep this as a theory for now until he is busted.
However there is speculation that this man can bring unbearable limits of pain upon his enemies.

The Dead One - Who is the dead one? Has death claimed him? There lies a belief that he operates in another dimension and influences from there. That he is a master of time and space itself. Stranded in his own dimension. This is just absurd. That is likely just a cover for is real identity. Whoever that may be.

The man in the chair - There is a main in a chair who seems to be tied with the Queen. He also is rumored to be apart of this group of underlings who serve this grand scheme. Just who is he and what does he want? Evidence of his involvement is purely speculated and very vague. It's possible he was at the right place at the wrong time.

The Star - No one knows a thing about the Star except for the highest levels of the group. Who is she? What role does she play? Some believe that she is a joyful soul who seeks to bring peace. Others believe she is a very difficult person to read. All eyes should be kept on her because she is said to be a major player. History shows that there seems to be difficulty in interrupting her philosophies.

The Madsman - A man of great mystery. There is much speculation on his role. Is he a fallen angel? Is he a soldier of fortune? Or is he just a man with great power and influence. There are even rumors that deep within his soul there is great hurt. Sadness overcomes him and he can't help but cry at the most random of times. Others believe that he may simply be a man filled with Madsness. No one can be certain at this point, but there is one certainty. With him there comes a hunger. Even the Greek Goddess Limos is afraid of this man.

The Reminder - Who else is involved? We know that there is at least one other player that operates on this level. It is believed that there are more. But who are they and what are their roles?


There are indeed other major players involved. Other people who are in the know to ensure that this grand deception can continue as planned. YOU ARE THE GAME AND YOU ARE BEING PLAYED BY THOSE WHO TAKE GREAT PRIDE AND ENJOYMENT OUT OF THIS! Or maybe there is nothing really going on and I'm the red herring.... fishy, fishy, fishy. GO FISH!
"It's in your head, in your head." Don't lose it!

There is one rule with this game. Have fun. Even if you don't know where you're going. *evil laugh*


Stray Jedi
(An earlier piece that connected to the above)

Greetings gamers. I hope you all enjoyed the show. Every year the show goes by and the excitement is always high. Though this year marked something truly special. The Ally sang a good tune as the puppet was controlled by his puppet master. Attached are strings that run deep in grand experiment, one that is perhaps only in it's second phase. This great gaming deception may or may not be a three phase project. A trilogy. Let's call it a social experiment in which many of us have unknowingly taken part in. Strings are attached to those who have submitted. Some may ask the juicy question as to how they have participated. Well perhaps they played a game that was part of this experiment? Or perhaps they indulged themselves in a certain console exclusive activity that took the world by the storm a while back. Or perhaps they were following a very well constructed narrative to lead them to walk into the shadows. In all roads there is an outcome. The path splits into two. And from there... Two are born. A reality, and a false reality.
Don't think to hard or you might get caught up in the:


But in the grand scheme of things. Can you tell what is real, and what is not? Open your eyes. Perhaps then, even with but one. You will see the light within the darkest of nights. It's all in your head, and it is all very real. Just try not to lose it.

You are both the gamer and the game. In time this will become clear, but until the time comes for you to play the game. The master will play you!


Stray Jedi
Boredom can make a person do weird things. This is one of them.

Nope! Not bored. I had to get this done in a time frame so I kind of may have rushed a few points but tons of subtle clues are all there. I have fond memories of people on this site discussing the some of the games that are part of the grand experiment. This is something that has been in works for a very long time. It's an idea that spans I believe 3 game projects. So a trilogy. The Grand Master deemed the 1st phase a failure because the gamers saw through the concept. The trick didn't last long, but it was very cool. So no this phase needs to be re-rigged against the players. There is a script and the gamers are to follow that script. This will continue until gamer come together on a certain platform and make peace. That includes the trolls that are participating.

(PS. I apologies if this particular reply doesn't make much sense. I'm about to pass out and can barely read what I am talking about. I'll return after the events tomorrow. Cheers! Nice to see you again Turo602.


Stray Jedi
I don't know if it's because I'm sick and half asleep, but... I'm confused. xD

No worries. It's intentionally confusing. Even edited out some close calls. Anyways today was awesome! And they released some new clues. I'm debating if I want to potentially drop a big spoiler with all the clues or just cookie crumb over the next while. It sounds like all the cool guys are ****ing with everyone else for the next year.

The funny thing is.... there is a bit of a freebie in the OP. But nothing is free if you have to work for it ;)

Anyways today was AWESOME!!! So many good games and I'm so excited just WOW!


RE Mania
For a long time there has been a rising force that remains unknown to most gamers in this industry. Shrouded in the darkside is one so powerful, so cunning, so deceitful that when it shows it's true face... Its power will shock the industry as we know it. Nothing will EVER be the same again. Some ask if they should be fearful of this presence? Or if it is something that should be embraced. I will let you answer this question with the following: Are you please with that idea of being a gamer who is unknowingly being played in a grand social experiment by a group of powerful men? If you are okay with this idea then there is good news. Play their game. Play it well and learn from it. Some might ask. How long will this charade last? No one outside of this secret group knows for sure, but some claim that if gamers were to come together and make peace with one another collectively. Perhaps it will stop. Another rumor is that this has been planned for a very long time and is broken up into three phases. We are only in phase 2. The gamer advanced much further in phase one than the masters have intended. This time they want you to know that THEY are in control. THEY have power over YOU! They are in charged of this game. The game that you don't even realize you are playing. Even if you willingly participated in the grand experiment. According both download and sales figures.... close to 9 to 10 million gamers have participated in this experiment. This is a very productive number that proves that the experiment is successful and holds great interest to the gamers who are being played by their puppet master. Nothing is as it seems, and your delightful tears always compliments a good breakfast meal.

This game is very winnable should the conditions be met. Understand that this game is one that extends both your game and reality. A genre in its own right. Some may be more familiar with these concepts than they would like to admit. Others may not even be participating at all. This is a whole new genre of gaming

Just who are the players behind the drapes?


The Prophet/King


The man behind everything. He is both a King and a Prophet. He the mastermind behind the whole operation and has been driving this secret agenda for years. He is the puppet master that puts on a magic show as you play by his rules. By his games. By his word and law. You think you are in control, but you are not. You are blinded by the reality that he controls. You are a subject of his grand social experiment. Just do not ever forget that he loves you all. His most loyal servants are most deeply recognized and cared for. You are his sons.

The High Priest/Speaker of the Prophet


Every powerful deception needs to be controlled. The one known as "The Ally" is the essential key to the whole operation. Without him, none of this would be possible in the first place. His job is to control the media of the grand project. He controls the flow of information from the Prophet to the people while the real agenda is pushed in the background. His identity is to remain secret as he wields a lot of influence in the gaming industry. He is the one who entertains you as the trick is being played. Only when the Prestige occurs will the truth be known. The grand majorities opinion of this "Project" is dictated by him. He abides by the script that his been written for him. You abide by the scrip that has been read to you.

The Queen


Wait.... what the drag is going on here? Something isn't right.... wtf?

The Secret Ace Card


No one knows who the top secret Ace card is. No one except the King himself. Which leaves us all at a loss.... but there are some who have a theory about who he could be. After all a man once said something around the lines of "The greatest frauds are the ones on a grand scale!"

Some believe him to be a star. That he is Guy. He was the Wolf who howled the loudest on the darkest nights of this deception. For if the King was his Emperor he would say "Good, good! Let the hate flow through you". And with pride and false prejudice, he embraced your anger with silent laughter that camouflaged itself in a global system that connects the world in a world with web.

Some say that it is another man. One who wore his face like a dirty slithering slime ball. But he was his face. They were two faces on the opposite side of the same coin. But you have no proof. No one knows if he was the Wolf or if he was the victim. At the end of the day. He is the one whom is loved by all.

The False Prophet


The False Prophet has been forgotten by many. However his recent resurfacing is the reason I am creating this article. He is nothing more than the Kingly Prophet wearing a mask. Much like the Jedi order... he orchestrates his symphony in the shadows like Palpatine did as the Emperor himself. His power grows stronger with every passing day. And now... he has reached a level beyond any comprehension. He has become more powerful than any Jedi and any Sith Lord. There is no hope... there is only THE GAME!

The False Prophet is rumored to have recently made a few moves across the Twitterverse. It seems he has both his friends and enemies in his sights. Some speculate that he has a hand in both sides of this grand illusion. Manipulating multiple angles in order to control the outcome and secure a desired future.

The Five/Six

It is unknown how many of these followers actually exist. The number five and six is nothing more than a mere theory. We don't even know who their identity's are and what role they play. We know that the members of this secret group use a certain key phase along with hidden hand symbol as subliminal message. Understand that the hand gestures are simply symbolic and are being used to programing the participants into believing a certain concept and reality. From what I have seen, the results simply speak for themselves and it's quite fascinating. It's amazing how emotions can effect how people react to a certain situation. Rather rational or irrational. So far it's all been positive and the gamers are loving it. Let us take a quick peek of some of these major players and who they could be. Some even believe that the gamers will extract their revenge on these men. However there is no fundamental evidence that this is planned for the grand experiment.

The Pearl Man - No one knows if he is truly involved in this agenda. What would be his benefit? For fun? How did he get tied up into this mess? There has been a cookie trial of evidence of this man that leads straight to the Kingly Prophet himself.... yet he has been spotted with the Queen multiple times over the past decade. This makes no sense. Yet he clearly trout's the hand signal of the this very secret society. The evidence puts this man dangerously busted to being a HUGE player in this great deception. However we can only keep this as a theory for now until he is busted.
However there is speculation that this man can bring unbearable limits of pain upon his enemies.

The Dead One - Who is the dead one? Has death claimed him? There lies a belief that he operates in another dimension and influences from there. That he is a master of time and space itself. Stranded in his own dimension. This is just absurd. That is likely just a cover for is real identity. Whoever that may be.

The man in the chair - There is a main in a chair who seems to be tied with the Queen. He also is rumored to be apart of this group of underlings who serve this grand scheme. Just who is he and what does he want? Evidence of his involvement is purely speculated and very vague. It's possible he was at the right place at the wrong time.

The Star - No one knows a thing about the Star except for the highest levels of the group. Who is she? What role does she play? Some believe that she is a joyful soul who seeks to bring peace. Others believe she is a very difficult person to read. All eyes should be kept on her because she is said to be a major player. History shows that there seems to be difficulty in interrupting her philosophies.

The Madsman - A man of great mystery. There is much speculation on his role. Is he a fallen angel? Is he a soldier of fortune? Or is he just a man with great power and influence. There are even rumors that deep within his soul there is great hurt. Sadness overcomes him and he can't help but cry at the most random of times. Others believe that he may simply be a man filled with Madsness. No one can be certain at this point, but there is one certainty. With him there comes a hunger. Even the Greek Goddess Limos is afraid of this man.

The Reminder - Who else is involved? We know that there is at least one other player that operates on this level. It is believed that there are more. But who are they and what are their roles?


There are indeed other major players involved. Other people who are in the know to ensure that this grand deception can continue as planned. YOU ARE THE GAME AND YOU ARE BEING PLAYED BY THOSE WHO TAKE GREAT PRIDE AND ENJOYMENT OUT OF THIS! Or maybe there is nothing really going on and I'm the red herring.... fishy, fishy, fishy. GO FISH!
"It's in your head, in your head." Don't lose it!

There is one rule with this game. Have fun. Even if you don't know where you're going. *evil laugh*
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