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The evolution of Wesker's accent.


The watchful protector.
Am I the only one confused by the fact that in RE1, REmake, and Code Veronica Wesker had an American accent? Then by the time RE0 came out he had a slight accent, and he only got more and more british from then on out? I find it humorous but also kind of odd that Capcom didn't think the fans would catch onto this.

In RE1 he obviously had a slight "robot" accent, but definitely America/Canadian! LOL:
I guess I'm hearing a slight accent in Code Veronica...:
But in REmake his accent goes back to an American one! LOL:
This is when his accent becomes distinctly "british"... Notice my quotation marks on British:

Then you have RE5 where if you hadn't played RE until RE5 your guess would be that he is not American.

Anyway, just wanted to point this out and see if anyone else has any thoughts on this and/or an explanation?


Kahnum of Outworld
Wesker's accent and nationality have been a much talked about topic on REN and no one really has an explanation for it. The unexplained change is quite annoying, though.


Sexually Active Member
I suppose you could say that he only used an "American" accent while he was working with the S.T.A.R.S. members as a cover up. It would have been less explaining on his part of where he "came from".

In RE0 it's slightly there but he is not with S.T.A.R.S. during that time, and then of course after the mansion incident there was really no need to hide it anymore.

D.C. Douglas absolutely did the best voice for Wesker. Just sayin.


The watchful protector.
I probably should have checked the forums to see if I was creating the same thread. Sorry! D: My guess is the Tyrant who impaled him in RE1/REmake was obviously of british decent and once that blood is in you you become it.

Wesker must...



The watchful protector.
I suppose you could say that he only used an "American" accent while he was working with the S.T.A.R.S. members as a cover up. It would have been less explaining on his part of where he "came from".

In RE0 it's slightly there but he is not with S.T.A.R.S. during that time, and then of course after the mansion incident there was really no need to hide it anymore.

Good theory! I never really thought of that... This could perhaps end the argument of the dude in RE6 being Alex Wesker as well, because he clearly has an American accent (and you would assume all the Wesker children came from the same place)... Unless he is also covering it up! :O


Sexually Active Member
Well from the sounds of things Albert Wesker had no idea he was even "manufactured"- in his own words. There's a good chance he had no idea Alex Wesker even existed until Spencer told him and he came across the books and files on the Wesker Children and Alex.
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