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The E3 2017 Thread


Rocket Trash Panda
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread regarding E3 (the biggest gaming event of the year) yet especially considering the inactivity on these boards.

Well, as you may already know, EA's press conference was today. While it didn't provide a WHOLE lot to look forward to (and I wouldn't expect much from EA because, well, it's EA), I gotta say that Battlefront 2 reveal left me hella impressed. This game looks SO much more nuanced than the first game in terms of story and mechanics. This is everything the first game should've been and more. More than three times the content from the first game, wow.

As an added bonus, that mocap chick (I forget her name) portraying one of the new characters in the game who gave the presentation was smokin' hot.

What games do you hope to see from the remaining press conferences? Personally, I hope we get to see DMC5 or REmake 2 shown off, which there's a good chance we'll get to see at least one of the two, probably at Sony's presser and new MvC:I character reveals. And some new Sony exclusives on the PS4 side of things (Bloodborne 2 and Resistance 4 were rumored for E3, believe it or not).

Beyond that, I'm hoping for new Uncharted: Lost Legacy and The Last of Us Part II footage (which we probably won't get because it's in its very early stages of development) and hopefully a release date for the Spider-Man game and God of War 4. A small teaser for the Avengers game from Crystal Dynamics would be nice, but they probably don't have any footage to show off at the present moment. They said we wouldn't even be getting any new info on the game until 2018, so don't get your hopes up for that one. KH3 and new FF7R footage/info would be a dream come true, but I'm not holding my breath for those.

I'm hoping for some compelling Switch exclusives from Nintendo's presser. A Metroid Prime 4 reveal would be great, but I'm not getting my hopes up for that one, either.
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The King of Kings
There's a bunch of great looking games that have been announced that I'm really looking forward to seeing more of, like Mario Odyssey, Spider-Man, Avengers, Sonic Forces, God of War 4, Resident Evil 2 REmake, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Days Gone, etc.

But, what I'm really hoping for is a new Metroid since we haven't gotten a proper game in 10 years or even a proper sequel in 15 years. Personally, I don't care for the Prime name or even its first-person gameplay. I've always thought Metroid would have made more sense as a third-person action adventure game. Something like Tomb Raider/Batman Arkham City meets Dead Space or Vanquish. However, I still wouldn't mind if it did come back like a Prime game, I just don't want it be Prime 4 and have it take place somewhere else on the timeline. Hell, give us another 2D Metroid and call it Metroid 5! Either way, just give us back Metroid.

There's also been a lot of talk and rumors about Rocksteady and WB doing a new Batman and Superman game. Would love to see either of those be true. Those Batman games have always been fun and Superman desperately needs a good game.

Ubisoft has had no problem releasing a f*ck ton of Assassin's Creed and Far Cry games this generation. We've even gotten Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon but no goddamn Splinter Cell. The last 2 games have been amazing and I definitely can't wait for more smooth stealth action. This has to be the year they announce another Splinter Cell.

I was also hoping for Dead Space 4 but that doesn't seem likely anymore. But on the topic of horror games, Remedy got done with Quantum Break early last year, so hopefully they've been working on Alan Wake 2 and have something to show for it, even if just a teaser. There's been rumors of a Evil Within sequel too, so that would be cool.

Though, I'm pretty disappointed to hear that Halo 6 will be absent this year. It's probably for the best, but they usually have really cool hype trailers around this time. Hopefully they got something Halo-related though. That Halo show has been pretty quiet and I don't think there's ever been any follow up to whether or not it's still happening since Microsoft's Xbox TV thing failed really hard.


Master of unlocking...

I'm not the biggest fan of KH but I know some of you like the series :)

Battlefront 2 looks sick! Looks like a big improvement over the 1st game just from what I seen in that trailer.


The King of Kings
A couple of standouts for me so far.

A Way Out - Looks like a very unique co-op experience. My brother and I will definitely be playing this. We've often spoke about whether a co-op game could offer such a unique experience for each player without interfering with the pace or story for either player and this looks to be tackling just that.
Conker's Good Fur Day Super Lucky's Tale - I'm sure I'm not alone in mistaking this for Conker at first sight, but I still have my suspicions considering they recently tried to rebrand the franchise with Young Conker, who looked a lot more cutesy and friendly. While I still hope to see Conker make a return one day, this game still looks pretty fun and is something Xbox seriously needs. You'd think with the access they have to Rare's properties, a fun and charming platformer wouldn't be so hard to find on Xbox.
The Evil Within 2 - I still haven't played the first one, but this trailer looks very good. Just the fact that The Evil Within was able to spawn a sequel has me excited as a survival horror fan, especially with how disappointing Resident Evil has been lately and the severe lack of Dead Space this generation.

I wasn't too thrilled with EA's conference. It was overly bloated with tons of bullsh*t in between. Other than A Way Out, I don't think I saw anything I liked. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but I don't know how I feel about Battlefront II. They're definitely improving over the first one, but it just doesn't look that fun to me. I'm not too big on multiplayer, and that seems to be this game's selling point. I love that they're incorporating different eras of characters and all but I would have preferred if they did something with those characters in a campaign rather than an original story about people I don't know who possibly don't wield lightsabers. I just want to feel like a badass Jedi/Sith like in The Force Unleashed games. Even that cancelled Star Wars 1313 game looked a lot more interesting. I also don't know how I feel about Anthem. It looks cool, but I don't really know what it is. I saw some people flying and running around in some beautiful environments and that's about it...

Microsoft was a little disappointing for me. They finally won me over with some previously announced games like Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3, Cuphead still looks good, Super Lucky's Tale was a nice surprise, and Assassin's Creed: Origins looks like the most interesting Assassin's Creed since III, but I didn't really feel like they had anything hard hitting. I haven't played Ori and the Blind Forest yet, but I hear it's really good, so it's cool that it's getting a sequel but everything else was whatever. I may have to look into some of those other games at a later time to be able to judge whether I'd like them or not, but nothing really stood out to me. I think the two biggest things coming from their conference is the Xbox One X (which is really cool, but holy sh*t is it expensive) and original Xbox backward compatibility. Not bad things to boast but still left me wanting more.

Bethesda was pretty weak too. They spent most of their time stroking their dicks and selling us old games that I don't care about. Aside from The Evil Within 2 and maybe Wolfenstein, there wasn't much here for me.

Ubisoft is probably going to show off more Assassin's Creed and Farcry, but hopefully they got a goddamn Splinter Cell up their sleeve. I have a strong feeling that Sony is going to pick up the slack this E3 with some heavy hitters like The Last of Us II, God of War 4, Spider-Man, Resident Evil 2 REmake, etc. Hopefully Nintendo does too, but I honestly don't know what to expect from them aside from more Mario, Arms, Splatoon, and Zelda DLC. Hopefully they got some big surprises packed into their 25 minute direct.


Rocket Trash Panda
^Good to know I wasn't the only one thinking "Conker's Bad Fur Day" LOL.

Anyway, for Sony's E3, I'm willing to bet Capcom will show off either Devil May Cry 5 or REmake 2. As much as I'd love it if they revealed both, I know they'll most likely only show one of the two and save the other for TGS or PSX. If I could only pick one, I must admit a very small part of me hopes they show off DMC5. As awesome as REmake 2 would be, it's largely a familiar game just with current-gen graphics, (potentially) a new story bit or two added like the Lisa Trevor arch in REmake and some areas redesigned/expanded here and there whereas DMC5 would be a totally fresh game where it's literally anybody's guess as to what we'll be shown, well, except that the REAL Dante is back (hopefully).

A dream come true would be REmake 2 at Sony's and DMC5 at Nintendo's presser with a Switch release, but I know that most likely ain't happenin'.

I'd also love to see new FF7R footage along with a release date for the first episode, but SE recently dropped a bombshell and has said that they're just BEGINNING to hire talent for the first episode after all this time, so it's most likely not coming out anytime soon especially with Nomura being tied up in two games at once as director (KH3 AND FF7R). You'd think it would be nearing completion by now, it's been 2 whole years since its reveal FFS. Now, it most likely won't be out until the next console generation (PS5), and that's just for the first episode, nevermind the full game. Which BTW, we were originally told would be out in 2019. Again with the misleading reporting getting our hopes up!


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'm really happy to see that The Evil Within 2 is in fact real!
I have yet to beat the DLCs of the first one, but I was looking forward to this announcement.
I'm also curious about Life is Strange: Before the Storm, the first one was ok, but I always thought that it could have been done better.

Other than that, I also hope to see something regarding DMC5 or the Resident Evil Saga.
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Rocket Trash Panda
Also, the DOOM VR port (DOOM VFR) during Bethesda's conference makes me wanna see an Alien: Isolation 2 at Sony's presser or at least a VR expansion of Alien: Isolation.

Dat Xenomorph in VR, holy sh!t.


Master of unlocking...

Well this looks like my kinda game. Although you just know that the final version of the game won't look this good.

I'm looking forward to Sony's press conference the most. I think they have the best line-up tbh. TLoU 2, GoW, Destiny 2, Spider-man and possibly REmake 2 & FF VII Remake.


The King of Kings
Some personal standouts from the Sony conference.

- Looks solid but I can't help but feel a little disappointed. I guess my expectations were too high and while there's still plenty of time for the game to wow me, what they showed just looked way too similar to what we've gotten with Spider-Man recently, just a lot more prettier and cinematic.
God of War - I'm still looking forward to this one and I'm still very intrigued by how different it is compared to its predecessors. But... it hasn't really gotten me any more or any less excited for the game despite having had a great showing and I think that has to do with how well they showed the game off already last year.
Days Gone - Which brings me to this game. It still looks excellent, but I don't really feel like what I saw really got me excited. They already did a great job showcasing the gameplay last year so I don't feel like I learned anything new about this game. A traditional trailer rather than another drawn out demo would have been far more appropriate here. That way we could get a wider look and a better idea of what the game is in much shorter time.

With that said, Sony's conference was rather disappointing. They had some strong showings but mostly for things they already showed us last year, which isn't exactly too exciting since we're still going to be waiting for these same exact games again. Whatever I saw in Detroit Become Human last year wasn't here this year for some reason. Uncharted Lost Legacy was already revealed before E3 and it's well, another Uncharted and that's fine, but not exciting. I might actually give Shadow of the Colossus a chance now that they're remaking it. Marvel vs Capcom is still Marvel vs Capcom. But other than that, what the hell? I swear, they had such long demos/trailers for certain games that their conference felt cut short. Just when I thought they were getting started with Spider-Man, it was over. Where's REmake 2? Where's The Last of Us II? Red Dead Redemption 2? Final Fantasy VII remake? I guess no new Batman from WB or Rocksteady? What happened to the surprises and big hits this year?

This whole E3 has felt rather lack luster. Sure, there's plenty to look forward to but nothing that I'm greatly anticipating. Most of the games I'm looking forward to I've already known about and while it was great seeing more, it's just didn't feel like enough. My excitement for a lot of these games have already calmed down since last year and I don't feel like I saw anything worth being hyped for again. Hopefully Nintendo can lift my spirits but after all this, I'm having my doubts. Also, f*ck Ubisoft for no new Splinter Cell.
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Master of unlocking...
Well no REmake 2 or FF VII but not really surprised since they were only rumoured to be shown. But nothing about TLoU 2? Wtf I'm disappointed about that :sad:

Sotc remake is cool but I was hoping for something else like Bloodborne 2 or even a new DMC. Oh well.


Rocket Trash Panda
All press conferences were rather lackluster this year. No REmake 2 OR DMC5 as rumored, but I guess there's still TGS or PSX for those. Yeah, there's a new Monster Hunter coming to non-Nintendo consoles, but other than that, not a whole lot of big surprises.

At least we now know Metroid Prime 4 IS coming to the Switch, though they didn't have any footage to show off.


Master of unlocking...
All press conferences were rather lackluster this year. No REmake 2 OR DMC5 as rumored, but I guess there's still TGS or PSX for those. Yeah, there's a new Monster Hunter coming to non-Nintendo consoles, but other than that, not a whole lot of big surprises.

At least we now know Metroid Prime 4 IS coming to the Switch, though they didn't have any footage to show off.

Yea it was fairly lackluster this year. I think it's because so many of the games had already been revealed before e3. So there were no surprises left. Just more of what we had already seen.

But there are still some nice games to look forward to in the next year or so.


The King of Kings
Thank you Reggie!

Super Mario Odyssey
- You can never go wrong with Mario. This game still looks amazing and I can't wait to play it. Lots of unique ideas here for a Mario game and it all just looks so cool. I find it pretty funny though how Nintendo's new "break the conventions" philosophy for both this and Zelda involves dressing the character up in different clothes. Can't wait to play as mobster Mario and jumping Trump's wall Mario.

Metroid: Samus Returns - Holy sh*t. F*ck yes! I'm so excited that we're getting another 2D Metroid game, and it's exactly what I've envisioned. I knew there was still a lot they could do with the side-scrolling formula on the 3DS. This was long overdue and the game we should have gotten before we ever got crap like Federation Force. I'm also happy it's a remake of Metroid II. That game was in desperate need of one and probably the hardest game to pick up in the series. Also, now we know why Nintendo shut down AM2R and I'm glad they did so with the intent of actually making it themselves.

It's hard to say Nintendo's E3 was disappointing when we've got 2 Metroid games on the way, but aside from that, it was rather tame. Kirby and Yoshi both look great and are going to be excellent additions to the Switch library but they're not exactly major announcements for me. I'm happy to see more Mario but honestly, if it weren't for Samus Returns, this would have been another dud for me. It's great that Metroid Prime 4 is being made, but that seemed kind of obvious and it's kind of hard to get excited when all you're given is a logo. I'm just glad that we got at least one surprise in there. Anyway, Nintendo is not done yet, so hopefully they got some good games to show off tomorrow.
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