Make teams. Make a list of your top five heroes, and your top five villains. They can be from ANYTHING. Comics. Movies. Cartoons. Video Games. Even people that truly existed, like Ronald Reagan or Gandhi. And again, they're teams. Think about how well they would function together, if they were to be put into action.
5. Meg (The Demon from Supernatural)
4. Juggernaut (The Marvel Villain)
3. Light Yagami (The Main Character of Death Note. Debatable is he is a hero or villain)
2. Albert Wesker (No Explanation Needed)
1. Carnage (The Marvel Villain)
My team of villains would work because Albert Wesker wants a stronger breed of creatures. Humans or not. And he wants to be rid of all humans to do it. So Mutants, Like Juggernaut would be of appeal to him. Meg, a demon, wants the same death and destruction of humans. It would truly help him if Light Yagami, a man that can kill ANYBODY simply by knowing their name and face were working with him, AND there would be someone to have intelligent conversation with Wesker. Finally, you have Carnage. The Symbiote that is so sick and twisted, it will do ANYTHING for death and destruction. The perfect potential for a new Virus.
5. Spider-Man (Marvel Super Hero)
4. Goku (Dragon Ball Z Main Character)
3. Han Solo (Star Wars)
2. JB (Jack Black's Character in Tenacious D)
1. Drizzt the Dark Elf (Character in Dungeons & Dragons Novels)
You've got Spider-Man, the brains behind the operation with an above genius IQ and advanced knowledge of Bio-chemistry. The brains to rival Wesker, and a secret identity and a mask so that he is immune to Light Yagami. You have JB, who would be the comic relief, but can right music so powerful that it defeats the devil himself, making him the perfect combatant for Meg. Goku is clearly the embodiment of justice for the innocent, and strong enough to destroy the entire galaxy, but can still be killed by the Death Note if NOTHING else. Han Solo would be the go to guy for transportation and quick getaways. As well as being a general and sharp shooter, he is a brilliant battlefield tactician.
5. Meg (The Demon from Supernatural)
4. Juggernaut (The Marvel Villain)
3. Light Yagami (The Main Character of Death Note. Debatable is he is a hero or villain)
2. Albert Wesker (No Explanation Needed)
1. Carnage (The Marvel Villain)
My team of villains would work because Albert Wesker wants a stronger breed of creatures. Humans or not. And he wants to be rid of all humans to do it. So Mutants, Like Juggernaut would be of appeal to him. Meg, a demon, wants the same death and destruction of humans. It would truly help him if Light Yagami, a man that can kill ANYBODY simply by knowing their name and face were working with him, AND there would be someone to have intelligent conversation with Wesker. Finally, you have Carnage. The Symbiote that is so sick and twisted, it will do ANYTHING for death and destruction. The perfect potential for a new Virus.
5. Spider-Man (Marvel Super Hero)
4. Goku (Dragon Ball Z Main Character)
3. Han Solo (Star Wars)
2. JB (Jack Black's Character in Tenacious D)
1. Drizzt the Dark Elf (Character in Dungeons & Dragons Novels)
You've got Spider-Man, the brains behind the operation with an above genius IQ and advanced knowledge of Bio-chemistry. The brains to rival Wesker, and a secret identity and a mask so that he is immune to Light Yagami. You have JB, who would be the comic relief, but can right music so powerful that it defeats the devil himself, making him the perfect combatant for Meg. Goku is clearly the embodiment of justice for the innocent, and strong enough to destroy the entire galaxy, but can still be killed by the Death Note if NOTHING else. Han Solo would be the go to guy for transportation and quick getaways. As well as being a general and sharp shooter, he is a brilliant battlefield tactician.