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Suggested Changes to the Resident Evil series


Well-Known Member
I miss the old style Resident Evil, that is, from 1-3 and Code Veronica. I put together some suggestions for future releases of Resident Evil which I'd like to see. Please be aware that I'm not really intending to "bash" the modern games, although they're definitely not for me, but these are a few ideas and like-minded players are welcome to chip in with their own ideas or give me some criticisms about mine. Here goes:

Get rid of J’avo - save those kinds of enemies for the Prototype series. Resident Evil works best with zombies and monstrous bio weapons for bosses. Zombies can still be challenging. Spawn more of them, fight them in tight spaces, have certain zombies who are faster than others. If the game returns to the survival horror style then finding weapons to deal with them should be a challenge in itself. I don’t want a fire-fight with them, although maybe some chaotic spraying of bullets with bad-aim would be alright.
Give us creepy locations again. A mansion. A police station. A hospital. A city hall. A school. Not outdoors, there’s too much freedom and it isn’t as scary because an escape seems too probable. Also, there isn’t a lot of room for lighting effects to control the player’s mood.
Get rid of your co op partner. Maybe for brief sections of the game I wouldn’t mind a partner, but it’s just not Resident Evil to have a mule/bullet sponge/button pusher with you the whole time.
Get rid of skill points. Or at least as they are in their current form. I don’t want to have to route through boxes to find skill points, that’s just stupid. If the player is to level up, have it happen naturally i.e. accuracy improves with each successful hit, maybe there’s a boost for headshots. Character perks are OK, for example one character might be able to upgrade weapons with parts, another might be able to mix herbs.
Lose the fancy martial arts and wrestling moves. I don’t think that, in a panic, any character would realistically perform a carefully executed roundhouse kick on a zombie. Neither would they grab them in a headlock and do a bulldog/DDT type wrestling move. Have the melee combat suited to the game. Shove zombies to the ground or into other zombies, kick them in the stomach, hit them with the butt of your gun. Have a dodge system like in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis but a more fluid version suitable for today’s generation of consoles. The current moves are a change, but I don’t think they’re very useful, I don’t really see why I’d need to lie on my back to shoot something. Have some cool sprint/evade moves instead, they’d be much more useful.
Bring back puzzles and traps. Creepy riddles. Red and blue jewels. Mansion/equivalent building keys. Zombies bursting out of cupboards when you’ve read their disturbing diary entries. Computer controlled door locks. Rooms with poisonous gas. Collapsing ceilings. If I just want to run-and-gun through a game I’ll buy Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (which is essentially Chris’s section of the demo) or Gears of War.
I haven’t really enjoyed a Resident Evil game since Code Veronica. If the current style of gameplay is to continue, well, it’s a shame as far as I’m concerned. Heavy action could always be present in mercenaries modes to keep those type of players happy. These new games just don’t do it for me. I don’t really remember anything significant happening in Resident Evil 5 since playing it. There’s just nothing that springs to mind; not like when you first see that zombie in Resident Evil take a chunk out of Kenneth!

Anyway those are just a few ideas, there are more I had in mind but I either can't recall them right now or they're too minor to be worth noting down.


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Pretty much what everyone wants, Camera angles back, bring back survival, bring back horror, get rid of the movies, (Or at least get rid of Alice) Bring back puzzles, (Nice and hard ones, no crap like from RE4 and 5, something like the picture puzzle in RECVX.) Quit giving us so many guns, Get rid of ALL currency, No XP, no money, just find a gun like it should be, and along with guns, dont give us so much ammo, let it be like in RECVX, where you have to learn to be good with a knife, and also, keep diffuculty settings, cause once I figured out a good strategy for RECVX it just got so easyy, I guess I could learn to other stuff though. (As in try to do a knife and pistol only playthrough, only use first aid sprays, etc.)

And thats all I can think of for now, will come back later when I have more complaints.

Also I disagree with the whole "Outside" thing, I allways got scared to go outside in RE1 cause of all the dogs, and god knows what else.


Very interesting ideas. Very interesting indeed.

  • I actually enjoy the behind-the-back camera angle, but there should be an option to switch.
  • Chris and the others got experienced as the series went on, so it's not surprising that they learned to roundhouse kick someone's face in. New, inexperienced characters, however, can remedy this.
  • And while it would be nice to have puzzles, they should be used only when it would make sense. For example: It makes sense to need to find crests to open a door to a secret lab in a mansion built by a madman. It doesn't make sense to need to find a metal to get a key in a f***ing police station.
  • I agree on the Coop, Sheva wasn't really useful when she was AI controlled. Helena, Piers and Sherry were a bit more intelligent, but they only did things to advance the story. They never really helped me get out of an enemy's grasp or help me kill an enemy.
  • And while I found J'avos/Ganados/Majinis difficult to fight, I would like the zombies back. And I don't mind if they use weapons, but in a reasonable way: Ex. Cop and Army zombies holding guns can randomly fire. Civilian zombies holding axes/crowbars/etc. can randomly swing them.
  • I liked the city setting from RE2/RE3 and Leon's campaign from RE6. So many things can happen there: cornered in an alley, having to dodge people dying of infection while they just so happened to be driving cars, panicking citizens, wackos like Irons, Alfred, Nicholai


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Very interesting ideas. Very interesting indeed.

  • I actually enjoy the behind-the-back camera angle, but there should be an option to switch.
  • Chris and the others got experienced as the series went on, so it's not surprising that they learned to roundhouse kick someone's face in. New, inexperienced characters, however, can remedy this.
  • And while it would be nice to have puzzles, they should be used only when it would make sense. For example: It makes sense to need to find crests to open a door to a secret lab in a mansion built by a madman. It doesn't make sense to need to find a metal to get a key in a f***ing police station.
  • I agree on the Coop, Sheva wasn't really useful when she was AI controlled. Helena, Piers and Sherry were a bit more intelligent, but they only did things to advance the story. They never really helped me get out of an enemy's grasp or help me kill an enemy.
  • And while I found J'avos/Ganados/Majinis difficult to fight, I would like the zombies back. And I don't mind if they use weapons, but in a reasonable way: Ex. Cop and Army zombies holding guns can randomly fire. Civilian zombies holding axes/crowbars/etc. can randomly swing them.
  • I liked the city setting from RE2/RE3 and Leon's campaign from RE6. So many things can happen there: cornered in an alley, having to dodge people dying of infection while they just so happened to be driving cars, panicking citizens, wackos like Irons, Alfred, Nicholai
An option to switch is something I forgot to mntion, I would love to play over the shoulder with a laser sight in RECVX... Or any other RE game


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think there's definitely too much choice where weapons are concerned. I wouldn't even mind if it was just handgun and knife to start off, then shotgun for the bulk of the game, then maybe a couple of powerful weapons later on (grenade launcher or Colt would be cool). A knife to the throat or environmental kills (throwing zombies off balconies or slamming their head into a wall) would be a good method to stun them momentarily while you can find an escape, and would lesson the dependency on firearms so they could make the ammunition really scarce. But yeah, like AgentZero says, the currency and XP just aren't right. How would they get the chance to buy weapons mid-game? It feels like they introduced RPG elements that didn't sit well, yet dropped the ones that were kind of cool (like RE3's ammunition crafting system).
Resident Evil 1-3 had the best locations in my opinion, if I had to choose one though I think RE2 would come out on top, like Flipqy42 says. Leon's RE6 campaign was close to that, I agree, which almost makes it more frustrating that they got part of it right but not the game mechanics. At least RE6 has more going for it than 5 though.
I actually don't mind the behind the shoulder cameras. I mean the old camera system with the pre-rendered backgrounds were cool because there was certain angles which had a voyeuristic feel to them, felt creepy and like you were being watched, and also certain camera positions made it so that you couldn't really see what was ahead which also made me anxious. But the modern camera angles I'm actually OK with, it's more the way you move your character that I don't like. As I mentioned, the lying on your back to shoot thing just doesn't seem to have any practical use what so ever. I know it might sound crazy, but even a slightly modified Assassin's Creed style control system would work out pretty good in my opinion; I like how you can sprint and suddenly pivot when you want to change direction. With a couple of tweaks I think this would make an excellent dodge/evade mechanism!


Well-Known Member
Also, what do you think they should do about characters? Which, if any, from the franchise should return for the next installment?
Which locations would you like to see?
When should the game be set?


Lurking is my jam.
I miss the old style Resident Evil, that is, from 1-3 and Code Veronica. I put together some suggestions for future releases of Resident Evil which I'd like to see. Please be aware that I'm not really intending to "bash" the modern games, although they're definitely not for me, but these are a few ideas and like-minded players are welcome to chip in with their own ideas or give me some criticisms about mine. Here goes:

Get rid of J’avo - save those kinds of enemies for the Prototype series. Resident Evil works best with zombies and monstrous bio weapons for bosses. Zombies can still be challenging. Spawn more of them, fight them in tight spaces, have certain zombies who are faster than others. If the game returns to the survival horror style then finding weapons to deal with them should be a challenge in itself. I don’t want a fire-fight with them, although maybe some chaotic spraying of bullets with bad-aim would be alright.
Give us creepy locations again. A mansion. A police station. A hospital. A city hall. A school. Not outdoors, there’s too much freedom and it isn’t as scary because an escape seems too probable. Also, there isn’t a lot of room for lighting effects to control the player’s mood.
Get rid of your co op partner. Maybe for brief sections of the game I wouldn’t mind a partner, but it’s just not Resident Evil to have a mule/bullet sponge/button pusher with you the whole time.
Get rid of skill points. Or at least as they are in their current form. I don’t want to have to route through boxes to find skill points, that’s just stupid. If the player is to level up, have it happen naturally i.e. accuracy improves with each successful hit, maybe there’s a boost for headshots. Character perks are OK, for example one character might be able to upgrade weapons with parts, another might be able to mix herbs.
Lose the fancy martial arts and wrestling moves. I don’t think that, in a panic, any character would realistically perform a carefully executed roundhouse kick on a zombie. Neither would they grab them in a headlock and do a bulldog/DDT type wrestling move. Have the melee combat suited to the game. Shove zombies to the ground or into other zombies, kick them in the stomach, hit them with the butt of your gun. Have a dodge system like in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis but a more fluid version suitable for today’s generation of consoles. The current moves are a change, but I don’t think they’re very useful, I don’t really see why I’d need to lie on my back to shoot something. Have some cool sprint/evade moves instead, they’d be much more useful.
Bring back puzzles and traps. Creepy riddles. Red and blue jewels. Mansion/equivalent building keys. Zombies bursting out of cupboards when you’ve read their disturbing diary entries. Computer controlled door locks. Rooms with poisonous gas. Collapsing ceilings. If I just want to run-and-gun through a game I’ll buy Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (which is essentially Chris’s section of the demo) or Gears of War.
I haven’t really enjoyed a Resident Evil game since Code Veronica. If the current style of gameplay is to continue, well, it’s a shame as far as I’m concerned. Heavy action could always be present in mercenaries modes to keep those type of players happy. These new games just don’t do it for me. I don’t really remember anything significant happening in Resident Evil 5 since playing it. There’s just nothing that springs to mind; not like when you first see that zombie in Resident Evil take a chunk out of Kenneth!

Anyway those are just a few ideas, there are more I had in mind but I either can't recall them right now or they're too minor to be worth noting down.
This is more or less the Catacombs of Re6

Small area
Tough Enemies
(Slight) Puzzles


Through that door, is a seperate reality.

You can't call it "Survival" If you can 1000 different weapons, and being able to just upgrade as you please can you?

Also, as for the characters, bring back old one's that havn't been mentioned for a while, and I know that if any of you know me your probally thinking "He's gonna go on and on about Claire." Well I am. But not yet.

Carlos- Carlos hasnt even been mentioned since the Raccoon city incident, What happened to him? Did he quit Umbrella? Is he fighting Bio-terrorism? Whats up?

Rebbecca- Same thing with Carlos, Whats up?

Barry- Now I know that Barry's old and can't really fight, but he deserves some kind of mentioning right? I mean he was like what, 40, When the mansion incident took place? He still deserves to be mentioned.

Claire- Okay, last time Claire was mentioned was in Degeneration, I saved Claire for last because, while she is my favorite character, It hasnt been THAT long since she was mentioned. I just feel like Capcom can tell us whats up in notes, like they did with HUNK in RECVX.


Goddess of the Dead
What would I change about the RE series?
Well, I can't say it often enough: Capcom should stop feeling forced to have the events of the games take place at the same time the respective games are released. If RE6 hadn't been set in 2012/13 only because it was released in 2012, we wouldn't face the problem of characters getting too old.
Take Leon as an example. The last time we saw him in a canon game (before RE6) was 2003. His whole RE6 campaign is set in 2013. What the hell has been doing in those ten years? I wouldn't mind Capcom going back in time to tell a story from his past that is set in, say, 2006.
The same applies to Chris. In his case, it's actually eleven years, and he's even older than Leon. We know about the Revelations episode in 2005 or so, but really, that can't be all he has done in all that time. And don't even get me started on Claire.
If I was the mastermind behind Resident Evil, the first thing I'd do is change the dates so the various events are no longer so far away from each other on the timeline. Second, I would replace Ashley with Sherry. I don't dislike Ashley, but I realise she's just another pointless one-off character, and putting Sherry in her place would add more coherence to the series. For the same reasons I would also replace Sheva with Rebecca, Parker with Barry, Carla with Excella, and perhaps Keith and Quint with Piers and another BSAA soldier who reappears in RE6 (such as Marco).
And, of course, I would put more focus on the sexual tension between Chris and Wesker, but that's just a personal preference. :p


wordy agronaut
I really just want them to end the series already and get on with remakes of 2 and 3. I don't care what style they're in.


Well-Known Member
Claire would be a welcome protagonist for the next installment. To be honest I think any of the characters from 1-3 would be good candidates. Interesting points Hel about the chronology of the series, and it's something I definitely think Capcom should consider.
I've just played the RE6 demo again, and there are some things I didn't pick up on the first time around. I'll start with the good. The camera angle is done pretty well I think, and I'm going to be bold and say I wouldn't protest if this camera angle was to be used in the remake. Not to say I'd prefer it, but I don't think I'd mind either way as long as the gameplay was up to standard.. The animated melee kills using weapons are quite cool, I suppose a little variation wouldn't go amiss (I think I only counted two different animations) but they'll do. The mood of the game is definitely getting there - I'm mainly talking about Leon's part of the demo here. Dark rooms, eerie silence (although a shocking wasted opportunity for jumpy moments), hollow sounding footsteps, an old style building... all nods to the first few games, and I think perhaps a more blatant (in a good way) reference was the burning police car towards the end, blocking the path.
Now, the bad... Again, controls let it down, it just isn't how I'd move if I was trying to escape from zombies, the characters have a turning circle similar to a bus. The inactive zombies got repetitive and predictable REALLY fast, and it's annoying the way you can't shoot them while they're in this state; instead you have to walk near them or perform a task/go to another area so that they get up and you can shoot them. There's no surprise element here either, because every single "sleeping" zombie I encountered later reanimated. And why is there a objective marker? I didn't have these in any of the previous games, why all of a sudden do I need guidance on where to go? Part of the excitement was exploring, but now that's pretty much taken away. I don't want to begin to sound like a broken record, but I can't help saying again that the martial arts kicks need to go. It's so cheesy to watch two characters simultaneously roundhouse kick a set of double doors open, feels like a bad 90s action flick. I'm half expecting a guitar solo and a close up of the characters slipping on some sunglasses or something. Support should seriously be scaled down too - I'm talking co op time taken down to a minimum and definitely get rid of the radio system where you have that lady giving you support. Reminded me too much of Syphon Filter.


wordy agronaut
Yes, I do.

In anime, I really enjoy series like Death Note and Cowboy Bebop because they have well-thought-out, cohesive stories. I also enjoyed Bleach; however, the series just went on and on and on... I only kept watching because I had grown invested in some of the characters, but then, it just got to to point where I couldn't take any more.

I'm starting to feel the same way about Resident Evil. The character's are aging, and the doomsday story can only be played so many times. The longer the series continues, the worse it's going to get. That doesn't mean there can't be remakes and spin-offs--there should be--,but for the best, I feel the main story should be concluded before Chris turns the big 5-0.
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Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Yes, I do.

In anime, I really enjoy series like Death Note and Cowboy Bebop because they have well-thought-out, cohesive stories. I also enjoyed Bleach; however, the series just went on and on and on... I only kept watching because I had grown invested in some of the characters, but then, it just got to to point where I couldn't take any more.

I'm starting to feel the same way about Resident Evil. The character's are aging, and the doomsday story can only be played so many times. The longer the series continues, the worse it's going to get. That doesn't mean there can't be remakes and spin-offs--there should be--,but for the best, I feel the main story should be concluded before Chris turns the big 5-0.
....Or they can introduce new characters.


Goddess of the Dead
[...] but then, it just got to to point where I couldn't take any more.

I know what you mean. I felt the same way about Sailor Moon and Charmed. Both used to be my favourite series at some point in my life until they (especially Charmed) ended up with too many seasons, one more ridiculous than the other. Fortunately, I don't feel this way about Resident Evil yet... maybe because it keeps changing.


wordy agronaut
Quality and quantity are usually directly proportional

At least the games are better than the movies. The first couple of RE movies were okay, but I stopped watching after the third one because it's like... everyone's dead, who cares anymore? :p And, I read an article the other day that said Milla is out after the sixth movie. The series was going to end at 6, but Anderson or whoever said "if there's a profit to be made in continuing the series, I will continue the series without Milla as the main protagonist." I rolled my eyes!

I just don't want to see the game end up like that. RE is art (to me at least), not a ****ing cash cow.
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