Hey all, I'm stuck on RE5 as you already might of guessed. Does anyone know how you kill that huge monster which can fly? It's on the bit where you find Irving but someone jumps through the window in a black cloak and rescues him and them two escape. Then, after that cut-scene you must fight your way through all of the zombies, there's also a zombie firing a turret at you so you have to kill him in order to get further on in the mission, then after you get past that round of zombies you must then run up the hill and take out more zombies, then you jump off the ledge and then you are on the bit I am stuck on. Another cut-scene then shows with a truck coming at fall speed towards you, then it skids along the road and the driver (zombie) dies, and the back of the truck opens were a giant monster comes out of the truck and it flies and everything, but I don't know how to kill it. Any help is greately appreciated.