With how different Chris & Jill play in RE Remake, there is a simple way to look at which character is more fitting to play as...
Are you a Careful, Strategic Survivor?
An Improvising, Combat heavy survivor?
Jill is for the careful, brain oriented, strategic player. She has more cutscenes than Chris, focused more on Story than uninterrupted Gameplay. She also has an extra puzzle that allows her to use her brain to defeat a boss, instead of always using force. Her lock pick also compliments her strategic playstyle, being able to navigate more easily than Chris to escape from enemies, if there's a simple locked door. Which is great since she dies more easily than Chris.
Chris is for the Improviser, Combat heavy player. While Jill is able to kill things, Chris is more efficient in all combat aspects: Faster Running, Faster Shooting, More HP, Higher Crit Chance, etc. His Lighter also allows you to start burning bodies to prevent Crimson Heads as soon as you find the Fuel Canteen. His extra HP fits the Improviser playstyle since if he gets caught in a bad spot, he can get away in better shape than Jill would. Also if you can't unlock a door & have to fight your way out, Chris being more Combat Efficient fits this playstyle.
Are you a Careful, Strategic Survivor?
An Improvising, Combat heavy survivor?
Jill is for the careful, brain oriented, strategic player. She has more cutscenes than Chris, focused more on Story than uninterrupted Gameplay. She also has an extra puzzle that allows her to use her brain to defeat a boss, instead of always using force. Her lock pick also compliments her strategic playstyle, being able to navigate more easily than Chris to escape from enemies, if there's a simple locked door. Which is great since she dies more easily than Chris.
Chris is for the Improviser, Combat heavy player. While Jill is able to kill things, Chris is more efficient in all combat aspects: Faster Running, Faster Shooting, More HP, Higher Crit Chance, etc. His Lighter also allows you to start burning bodies to prevent Crimson Heads as soon as you find the Fuel Canteen. His extra HP fits the Improviser playstyle since if he gets caught in a bad spot, he can get away in better shape than Jill would. Also if you can't unlock a door & have to fight your way out, Chris being more Combat Efficient fits this playstyle.
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