This is a thread for Doctor William Birkin, the creator of the powerful and coveted G-Virus, obviously if you have undercover agents and stuff like Ada and HUNK trying to steal it for their organizations or whatever. Birkin was an interesting character, and him & Wesker were a couple of my favorite duos.h Especially seeing them both shaking like a leaf in RE Zero, when confronted by the Queen Leech(James Marcus, one of the original nal founders of Umbrella). Not exactly sure the logic behind that...if anybody can maybe throw me a bone on that subject. But anyways this is a sort of appreciation thread for Birkin.
Now this is the William Birkin i know, from the OG RE2. A man obsessed with his research with viral stuff, T, G Progenitor, all of the above. Absentee father, and becomes his own creation. I dislike a lot of the later ways in which they show him...just like making him Wesker's bitch or lackey. Umbrella Chronicles he sounds like such a ****, "we can cweate a more powufil viwus". Legit they made him sound like a prepubescent boy. SMH.
Resident Evil Zero Birkin

Resident Evil Zero Birkin

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