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Revelations 1 Revelations HD Review Thread


Goddess of the Dead
To all who have played the PC/console port of Revelations, share your impressions here. I just finished the game and this is my spoiler-free opinion:

+ Capcom prove they’re still able to deliver the classic RE atmosphere and gameplay even with the more action-packed games of the series around. Revelations is what Leon’s RE6 campaign promised to be.
+ Raid Mode is fun and doesn’t get boring with all those characters, abilities, guns and customisations you can use. Your assignment is mostly getting from point A to B, but some stages also require you to solve a puzzle or defeat a specific enemy.
+ I’ve read several times that if you can’t remember the music in a game, it means the composer did a good job. Well, I can’t remember anything apart from the main theme and the "Previously" theme, so I guess that’s good.
+ Although most of the badass guns are exclusive to Raid Mode, there are some you can unlock for the campaign as well, for example by scanning hand prints.
+ Unlike in RE6, you can use the characters’ extra costumes in the campaign once you’ve beaten it and unlocked the costumes in Raid Mode. (Although to a limited extent, see cons below.)
+ Overall an enjoyable game whose main campaign will keep you busy for over ten hours the first time, with three difficulty settings and Raid Mode providing further challenges to keep you entertained. I for one am pleasantly surprised.

- Repetitive puzzles (I don’t remember how many control boxes I had to fix to get doors open, but hey, at least we have a few puzzles!)
- Controls are sometimes slow and unresponsive: The reloading animation cannot be cancelled whatever you do, dodging only seems to work at random, and I sometimes had to press buttons twice to change weapons or equip the Genesis.
- Don’t rely on the new 3D map when you get lost, it’s not very helpful.
- No chapter selection even after beating the game, no possibility to watch cutscenes from the main menu.
- Some (if not most) cutscenes are pre-rendered, which means you can’t see any extra costumes in them. This is especially annoying for me as a modder.

I can't make any comparisons to the original 3DS version because I didn't play that, and I'm not sure what to think of the story yet, so that's it for now.

Mantis TabogganMD

Everything Hel stated above pretty much sums up how I feel. But I'll throw in a few more pros/cons into the mix.

- Although previously touched on above, I can't stress enough how important I find atmosphere in these games.I loved the interior of the ship, even though the Mansion idea is kind of stale at this point, it just gave me that classic feel.
- I liked a lot of the enemies in this game, not that there was a lot of variation, but the Ooze were fun and pretty much behaved like zombies with another "skin", so to speak. Also, the Scagdead was bad ass, reminded me of something from John Carpenters "The Thing".
- Raid Mode is surprisingly fun. Not the usual staple of Mercenaries, so it was a nice change up. There's also a ton of characters to unlock, so if you're like me and like to have absolutely everything, this'll keep you entertained without getting boring.
- Great pacing IMO. I never felt either overwhelmed with action, or that I was just walking around fiddling my thumbs, and the backtracking helped me enjoy it all the more.
- It was also nice to play as Jill again other than the brief Lost in Nightmares scenario.
- Jill's butt.

- Jill's face, this is serious lolz. While I warmed up to it eventually, and I don't really think it looks bad, why change something so iconic and recognizable? Just doesn't make sense.
- No option for the laser sight. Just, why? With the cross-hair not being on point with the gun, I feel the option to have the laser would correct aiming issues.
- As mentioned above, the puzzles. The key/item hunting were cool, but the wire puzzles were just too repetitive and not much of a challenge.
- This is a minor complaint, because I know its a port from a handheld so its expected, but it was a little short. I was expecting this, for reasons I just mentioned but I just wanted to throw it out there.
- And lastly, the final boss. So. Damn. Annoying. Really neat character design, though! Looked badass ^_^

All in all this lived up to its hype for me, and I enjoyed the sheet out of it. Also gonna be addicted to Raid Mode for the foreseeable future, lolz. I'll give it a 8.5/10, most fun I've had playing an RE game in a while.
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