Resident Evil: The Experience (Or Would It Work As A Live Action RPG?)

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If there was a interactive Live Action RPG of RE, would you spend the time and money to play it?

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"Doth Mother Know You Weareth Her Drapes?"
Apr 26, 2016
Manchester, UK
This is an idea that's been rattling around the old noggin for the last year or so, and I thought I'd share it and see what everyone thinks. (Apologies if there's similar threads elsewhere that I haven't noticed.)

The basic premise is the construction of the Spencer mansion, the RPD building and the labs underneath both of them, as well as at least a few city blocks of Racoon City, in real life, for the purpose of creating an interactive, escape-the-room type scenario, only on a grander scale.
Anybody participating would be given a four day experience, as either a member of the S.T.A.R.S, the RPD homicide squad, or an Umbrella retrieval team.
Day one would focus on weapons training (all weapons would, of course, be paintball guns dressed to look like the weapons they're supposed to be), basic combat tactics, and familiarising yourself with the area; day two, for the S.T.A.R.S and RPD, working on the"Cannibal Killer" case that starts everything and doing some investigative work; for Umbrella, research on your target and infiltration of the city; day three, the first major outbreak and subsequent fight for survival; and day four, the desperate escape.
Along the way, you would encounter many of the characters and creatures from the first three games (depending on technological limitations, or course). You'd receive a uniform of your choice at the start that would be included in the price of the ticket and yours to keep after the experience ends (which would be useful for Halloween), and there would of course be various merchandise to purchase as well.

Before anyone points it out, I'm aware this is the definition of a pipe dream. It'd be way too expensive to create, and even if it could be built, Capcom probably wouldn't let the attraction use the license. I just like the idea of this happening.

What does everyone think?
This is an idea that's been rattling around the old noggin for the last year or so, and I thought I'd share it and see what everyone thinks. (Apologies if there's similar threads elsewhere that I haven't noticed.)

The basic premise is the construction of the Spencer mansion, the RPD building and the labs underneath both of them, as well as at least a few city blocks of Racoon City, in real life, for the purpose of creating an interactive, escape-the-room type scenario, only on a grander scale.
Anybody participating would be given a four day experience, as either a member of the S.T.A.R.S, the RPD homicide squad, or an Umbrella retrieval team.
Day one would focus on weapons training (all weapons would, of course, be paintball guns dressed to look like the weapons they're supposed to be), basic combat tactics, and familiarising yourself with the area; day two, for the S.T.A.R.S and RPD, working on the"Cannibal Killer" case that starts everything and doing some investigative work; for Umbrella, research on your target and infiltration of the city; day three, the first major outbreak and subsequent fight for survival; and day four, the desperate escape.
Along the way, you would encounter many of the characters and creatures from the first three games (depending on technological limitations, or course). You'd receive a uniform of your choice at the start that would be included in the price of the ticket and yours to keep after the experience ends (which would be useful for Halloween), and there would of course be various merchandise to purchase as well.

Before anyone points it out, I'm aware this is the definition of a pipe dream. It'd be way too expensive to create, and even if it could be built, Capcom probably wouldn't let the attraction use the license. I just like the idea of this happening.

What does everyone think?
That sounds amazing. I would, without a doubt, spend money on this. Sadly, however, I doubt it would ever happen.
Resident evil was always supposed to be a remake of Sweet Home on NES. Making an RE game with RPG elements will be like going full circle, though i have not played Parasite Eve games aside from 3rd birthday PE1&2 seem to have a mix of survival horror and live action RPG combat, especially those fixed camera angles we rarely see in any games.

Personally, i think the RE series is in a dire need of a new direction, REmake pretty much perfected the traditional survival horror, RE4 perfected the horror themed action game. and we need something new.. like RPG or something focusing multi-player like the Outbreak series.
Resident evil was always supposed to be a remake of Sweet Home on NES. Making an RE game with RPG elements will be like going full circle, though i have not played Parasite Eve games aside from 3rd birthday PE1&2 seem to have a mix of survival horror and live action RPG combat, especially those fixed camera angles we rarely see in any games.

Personally, i think the RE series is in a dire need of a new direction, REmake pretty much perfected the traditional survival horror, RE4 perfected the horror themed action game. and we need something new.. like RPG or something focusing multi-player like the Outbreak series.

It's been a pipe dream of mine since high school to design a Resident Evil demake using Sweet Home as a base.
I would be the first in line for that. I honestly think Capcom would support something like that if they seen that fans would be willing to pay for it and that they'd profit from it. It would be a good business opportunity for them and it'd also get them some positive fan buzz.
If there was such a live action RPG I would want it to be in the Mansion and my first preference wouldn't be in RPD STARS or Umbrella I would be the Tyrant I would paint my skin grey walk on stilts and wear prosthetic muscles and a claw arm and who ever kills me can take my place next time as a reward and then I would be a Human or a different monster.

Also if any of the main characters were to appear in the RPG I would want them to be played by the actors in the first games cutscenes because it cannot get more Resident Evil than that.

I agree that it's a little far fetched but we can all dream can't we.
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Also while paintball is a good idea I think airsoft would also be a good option since Capcom licensed replicas like the STARS Samauri Edge (too bad I live in a place where real guns are perfectly legal yet airsoft of any sort could land you in prison).
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