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Resident Evil (2002) / HD Remaster (2015) Resident Evil, remake the remake?


Well-Known Member
So I think, as with most things, there will be two camps on this question. Capcom have stated that they are definitely up for this idea. I am too.

I can imagine RE1 playing like RE7, with a first-person perspective, and maybe Lisa Trevor stalking you around the mansion. I think a first-person perspective will work perfectly for RE1, because of the narrow corridors and such, you will really feel like the mansion is suffocating and oppressing you. Many are against the first-person perspective of RE7, and are annoyed it will be used again for Village, claiming it to not be 'true to Resident Evil'. But if this is the case, one could just as much be against the over-the-shoulder view adopted by RE4 and continued thereon. If this really is a problem for fans, Capcom could just make it optional. I personally would have loved RE2 & 3 remakes to be first-person.

Even though RE1 remake is a masterpiece, and even though the voice acting in the remake is far better than the original, there is still a lot that could be improved upon. For a game to be truly immersive, you need to believe the characters and the situation needs to feel 'realistic', within reason of course. This is what made Jack Baker so damn terrifying and haunting, you really believed the character, and the voice-acting was incredible. I'm also very excited to see what they do with Wesker within the new tone and atmosphere Capcom have created. I think he would need to be quite different and less cartoony in order for him to be taken seriously as an antagonist in a more serious RE universe.

What do you guys think?


You can't kill me.
So I think, as with most things, there will be two camps on this question. Capcom have stated that they are definitely up for this idea. I am too.

I can imagine RE1 playing like RE7, with a first-person perspective, and maybe Lisa Trevor stalking you around the mansion. I think a first-person perspective will work perfectly for RE1, because of the narrow corridors and such, you will really feel like the mansion is suffocating and oppressing you. Many are against the first-person perspective of RE7, and are annoyed it will be used again for Village, claiming it to not be 'true to Resident Evil'. But if this is the case, one could just as much be against the over-the-shoulder view adopted by RE4 and continued thereon. If this really is a problem for fans, Capcom could just make it optional. I personally would have loved RE2 & 3 remakes to be first-person.

Even though RE1 remake is a masterpiece, and even though the voice acting in the remake is far better than the original, there is still a lot that could be improved upon. For a game to be truly immersive, you need to believe the characters and the situation needs to feel 'realistic', within reason of course. This is what made Jack Baker so damn terrifying and haunting, you really believed the character, and the voice-acting was incredible. I'm also very excited to see what they do with Wesker within the new tone and atmosphere Capcom have created. I think he would need to be quite different and less cartoony in order for him to be taken seriously as an antagonist in a more serious RE universe.

What do you guys think?

I think REmake had held up pretty well graphics and gameplay wise. I don't think I would want to change much.

I like first person games but I don't thing REmake needs to be first person. Having the option? Yea maybe if you could swap between 1st and 3rd person. Although if they were to do that, they might as well through in the option for over the shoulder camera perspectives. I definitely don't think a remake of REmake should be designed around a 1st person perspective. (By the way I liked RE7 and I have no problems with 8 being 1st person, in fact I look forward to seeing the game.)

Honestly I didn't like Jack Baker. Actually the only character I /liked/ in RE7 was Lucas. I mean, yea, I'd be all for a less cartoonish Wesker as you put it, but I hardly think Jack should be a point of reference of character believability. Resident Evil has always had a bit of cheesiness to it, and while I very much like the remakes, RE7 and what I've seen of RE8, I think it's important to remember where these games started. Of course the dialogue is poor and hammy, especially in earlier games, but I think there's a fine line between polishing the voice acting and outright removing the kind of accidental comic appeal that the earlier games had.

It could work, making them darker. I mean Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 were so bad they were great and at the same time, the reimagining of Evil Dead was really good too, even though the tone was much different. I don't like to discount things before I see them in action, but it just seems like it would be a disservice to the OG REs if they were all completely restructured into a dark, totally serious.... thing.

I do hope to eventually see a remake of Code Veronica, and I feel like a lot can be improved there, with voice acting, certainly with graphics and some revamped dialogue. I think they need to stick close to the original story though, kind of like with REmake2, rather than how they did REmake3. And actually, the story in CV was pretty dark to begin with so it would probably fit in pretty well with he new, darker universe they're creating.

But yea, in summation I would be open to a remake of REmake, although I don't think it needs to be done, especially right now. I also think it should not be first person unless optional and they need to be careful about how much if the original charm is removed in the final product.


Well-Known Member
Resident Evil has always had a bit of cheesiness to it, and while I very much like the remakes, RE7 and what I've seen of RE8, I think it's important to remember where these games started. Of course the dialogue is poor and hammy, especially in earlier games, but I think there's a fine line between polishing the voice acting and outright removing the kind of accidental comic appeal that the earlier games had.
I know exactly what you mean here. Indeed, the accidental cheesiness added to the 'charm' of it, but for me, I loved RE despite this, not because of it. It was this cheesiness that stopped me from truly taking it seriously like other story-driven games I adore, but I always loved the franchise for the potential and also what the earlier games did for videogames in general. Capcom will never forget where the games started, it is as close to their hearts as it is to ours. For example, an achievement in RE7 is called 'The Master of Unlocking', or when choosing the hard mode for Chris' story, 'Not a Hero', the description reads 'Get ready to punch something', so they are always going to acknowledge their cheesy origins, and this is a subtle way I think they can keep elements of the original charm for long-term fans who get the references.

Also, we will always have the original games to go back to, they're not going anywhere, and neither should they. I recently played through RE4 HD, and laughed and cringed throughout, but thoroughly enjoyed my play-through because it's a goofy fun game. But, I can't help imagining how genuinely terrifying that game could be if the tone was serious and atmospheric, and the same goes for all of the older RE games. Now, RE1 is already terrifying as it is, but it could be yet more terrifying, as well as have a compelling story with complex, relatable characters.

I don't like to discount things before I see them in action, but it just seems like it would be a disservice to the OG REs if they were all completely restructured into a dark, totally serious.... thing.
This is just my opinion, but I think it would be a disservice (and a missed opportunity) if they didn't restructure the older games into something that can truly be taken seriously. Video-games are taken much more seriously these days compared to when RE started. Compelling single-player narratives are often so finely written these days that they can be compared to literary novels. RE has always been something of a cliché in the gaming world, and I would love to see it evolve into something powerful that can sit alongside other great single-player games like Last of Us, for example.


You can't kill me.
But, I can't help imagining how genuinely terrifying that game could be if the tone was serious and atmospheric, and the same goes for all of the older RE games. Now, RE1 is already terrifying as it is, but it could be yet more terrifying, as well as have a compelling story with complex, relatable characters.

To be honest, I can totally see how remaking the newer games (4, 5, 6 notably) with more serious, atmospheric horror would definitely better suit Resident Evil and its roots because once they became more action oriented, they were just like any other shoot'em up game around and really lost, for me, what made them Resident Evil. I don't hate these games, but I think if any of them need better atmospheric tweaking, it's definitely these. But I definitely see what your saying.

This is just my opinion, but I think it would be a disservice (and a missed opportunity) if they didn't restructure the older games into something that can truly be taken seriously.

See, I disagree. I think the earlier games were taken seriously in a bigger picture sort of way, because they played a big part in the birth of Survival Horror as a genre. The dialogue was bad, yea. But the characters were memorable, the locations certainly so. I could say the same about the music as well. I take them seriously, I get great enjoyment out of them and to be honest I prefer the OG RE2 far more than the remake - there really is no comparison in my opinion. That being said, I think one of the things that made REmake2 great is that it approached the source material with respect. The same can definitely be said about REmake. I don't honestly believe that the initial viewpoint when making these was, How can we turn [Resident Evil 2] into a respectable game?

This is just something I must agree to disagree on. I don't think completely restructuring the original games is needed to have them be taken seriously. If the remakes of said games are taken seriously, ok, the remakes are taken seriously. It does nothing to change the original games themselves, or their reception. I also think, for the most part, no remake they end up doing is actually going to be better than the source material. (There are always exceptions, but for example with remakes of OGs or remakes of remakes of OGs.)


Well-Known Member
That being said, I think one of the things that made REmake2 great is that it approached the source material with respect. The same can definitely be said about REmake. I don't honestly believe that the initial viewpoint when making these was, How can we turn [Resident Evil 2] into a respectable game?
I actually agree here. I view video-games as comics are viewed. For example, when Alan Moore came along and took over Swamp Thing, and wanted it to be a serious and meaningful thing, he did it in such a clever way by fully respecting what had come before, which managed to keep older fans happy, while exciting interest among people who may have had no exposure to comics before. The same is true of Frank Miller's re-imagining of Batman.

RE2 remake felt like a serious game with very memorable and heartbreaking scenes that were fantastically executed. For example, the father and his turning daughter, or the more in-depth focus on Sherry and her struggles. The only thing that really bothered me is this: if they were going for realism, then why was Ada wearing sunglasses in the dark? :p

But anyway, off-topic. If they remade RE1 in a similar fashion, I would be very happy (I'd also love a first-person RE1, but that's just me). I want RE4 and Code Veronica first though, and I'm extremely excited for Village. I'm also very excited to see how they introduce Wesker in this softly-rebooted universe. :)


You can't kill me.
Oh, definitely. I want to see CVX remade more than any of them and this point and my thought on 4 are basically I didn't like the original so it can only get better lol. And yes, like I said I do enjoy first person games a lot (spent a lot of time playing Doom when I was younger and I've enjoyed every iteration of the game this far) and would be open to a 1st person RE1 but I just feel that it needs to be optional because they would be alienating a chunk of fans who have always enjoyed the 3rd person perspective that the games largely maintained before 7 came out.

For example, the father and his turning daughter,

This was Kendo by the way. He was also present in the original RE2 where he got even less screen time lol. Yea, it was awesome that they fleshed out Kendo more, as well as Annette.


Rocket Trash Panda
I actually agree here. I view video-games as comics are viewed. For example, when Alan Moore came along and took over Swamp Thing, and wanted it to be a serious and meaningful thing, he did it in such a clever way by fully respecting what had come before, which managed to keep older fans happy, while exciting interest among people who may have had no exposure to comics before. The same is true of Frank Miller's re-imagining of Batman.
Don't forget his reimagining of DareDevil. Easily the most popular iteration of the character and really put him on the map when the series was selling poorly beforehand. He was the first one to introduce Elektra as well as making Kingpin DareDevil's archnemesis (he was originally a Spider-Man villain, let's not forget). I also credit it with the creation of the superb Netflix series as it's based off of this iteration of the character. It even ripped his black outfit straight from the Frank Miller comics.

As for remaking the REmake (no pun intended), I'd be somewhat opposed to the idea as a general principle, remaking something that's already been remade is kinda redundant and defeats the whole purpose of remaking it in the first place, especially when both times, the remakes weren't very good in the case of BOTH Black Christmas remakes (the 2019 remake somehow managing to be even worse than the 2006 Black Christmas), but I might accept it for what it is and even be pleasantly surprised by it if happened. I'd be curious to see what Barry, Chris, Rebecca and Wesker's face scans would look like (we'd already have Jill's).


Well-Known Member
I would love another RE1 remake but there are other games that needs to be made first. A remake of Code Veronica would be awesome and should be prioritized.

That said, a new retelling of RE1 could be great. As for the gameplay I will always prefer 3rd person but having the option to play in 1st person would be cool and add the the game's replayability. Maybe it could be unlocked after completing the game.

The game would need to be bigger and include new/bigger places. Locations like the garden, the aquaring and the lab could easily be expanded.

What I really want for another remake is for the game to streamline the story which could be done by reintroducing the zappingsystem from RE2.

For example:
Jill enters the mansion with Barry and Wesker while Chris is missing.
Meanwhile, Chris enters the mansion through a window or the back door.

Chris and Jill could actually meet once or twice during the game, talk through a locked door or catch glimpses of each other.

Unlike the RE2make, the characters would have different bosses or maybe even visit different locations.
Jill could fight Yawn and have access to the underground caves where she would fight the big spider.
Similarly Chris would have access to the Guardhouse and fight the shark and Plant 42. They could both face off with Lisa Trevor at different locations.

The first scenario would end, when you take the elevator to the helipad while the 2nd scenario would end after you destroy the Tyrant.

Barry and Rebecca could be playable one time each. Barry when he has to bring serum to Jill and Rebecca when she has to mix and use the V-Jolt.

An extra mode similar to Separate Ways in RE4 with Wesker would be awesome.

All in all another remake of RE1 could be awesome but I think a remake of Code Veronica is much more necessary and wanted.


Professional Sandwich Consumer
REmake is already a perfect game as it is, there's very little a remake could do to improve on it. I can see the appeal of remaking it either in third- or first person, but that's where the interesting aspects end. Besides, apart from a few pre-rendered cutscenes the game looks still looks incredibly good thanks to its 2015 high-definition remaster.

I would prefer if a remake of REmake is also a remake of Zero at the same time, with both game's stories packaged into one. I've always considered Zero to be one of the worst games in the series, mostly due to its poor story choices, and a remake could potentially fix some of those issues in order to make it a proper prequel to RE1. I could see the game working similar to Revelations 2, where you first play as Rebecca in the past before cutting to Chris in the future. Sort of like having flashbacks for Rebecca. Unfortunately, this sort of remake would have to remove Jill's story from the game completely.

The game could be huge, with vast forest areas between the mansion and training facility being exploreable. The mere thought of having a B.O.W. hunt you in the forest is terrifying.


Well-Known Member
After seeing how the gameplay worked on the remakes of RE2 and RE3, I'd say absolutely. I know I'm in the minority on this overall opinion, but Re1Remake has the perfect atmosphere...however, dear lord, the gameplay is so slow and cumbersome, to the point that even menacing enemies like hunters and chimeras are push-overs in Remake. REZero is a worst game overall, but the combat is a bit quicker and more dynamic in that game (I actually prefer the combat in the original RE1 than in the Remake). Also, by 2002 standards, the voice acting is pretty meh. Everyone seems bored except by Wesker's VA, which is pretty good and somber.

And it would be a chance for Capcom to actually make a full story of RE1, fixing Rebecca's behavior from Zero to 1 and maybe trying to make Chris and Jill's scenarios to be a little different, so they can work together and maybe, just maybe, give us the canon RE1 ending.

So yeah, RE1Remake with an over the shoulder camera, the gameplay of RE2\RE3 Remake and Nicole Tompkins as Jill Valentine? I would love to. Although, like pretty much everyone here, I think Code Veronica deserves a Remake way before a ReRemake of 1 or even before RE4's unnecessary remake.

Billy Coen

Well-Known Member
I would definitely buy it if they did it, but, honestly, I think the Rebirth is already perfect the way it, I see no reason to remake the original game one more time.

But a remake of Code Veronica is another story...

Ridley Lockhart

Well-Known Member
So I think, as with most things, there will be two camps on this question. Capcom have stated that they are definitely up for this idea. I am too.

I can imagine RE1 playing like RE7, with a first-person perspective, and maybe Lisa Trevor stalking you around the mansion. I think a first-person perspective will work perfectly for RE1, because of the narrow corridors and such, you will really feel like the mansion is suffocating and oppressing you. Many are against the first-person perspective of RE7, and are annoyed it will be used again for Village, claiming it to not be 'true to Resident Evil'. But if this is the case, one could just as much be against the over-the-shoulder view adopted by RE4 and continued thereon. If this really is a problem for fans, Capcom could just make it optional. I personally would have loved RE2 & 3 remakes to be first-person.

Even though RE1 remake is a masterpiece, and even though the voice acting in the remake is far better than the original, there is still a lot that could be improved upon. For a game to be truly immersive, you need to believe the characters and the situation needs to feel 'realistic', within reason of course. This is what made Jack Baker so damn terrifying and haunting, you really believed the character, and the voice-acting was incredible. I'm also very excited to see what they do with Wesker within the new tone and atmosphere Capcom have created. I think he would need to be quite different and less cartoony in order for him to be taken seriously as an antagonist in a more serious RE universe.

What do you guys think?
Here it is, "remake the REmake of the OG". I really don't think they ought to, it would be so EXTRA and unnecessary.

The only thing i could get from REmake playing like RE7 is being able to see the pictures and paintings on the walls of the Spencer Estate and being able to see all the tinny details of George Trevor's amazing architecture.

Otherwise i say nay!


The King of Kings
I've always been down with Resident Evil getting another remake. Resident Evil remake is still my favorite game in this series and an absolute survival horror masterpiece, but it's not perfect and leaves lots of room for improvement, especially after how far gaming has come since its initial release in 2002.

If they never remake Resident Evil again, I'd be happy with the remake we do have, but the truth of the matter is that REmake is unfortunately a niche experience and therefore, not something that is appealing or accessible to modern gamers. I know some people have this need to gatekeep from a modern audience and feel like not everything has to cater to everyone, but Resident Evil has moved on and evolved so much since 2002 and is still very much a healthy modern franchise.

There are more people playing Resident Evil today than there were anywhere from 1996 - 2005. They've already remade 3 entries in the last 5 years. Remaking the original again makes lots of sense. I never understood the resistance some people have with certain games being remade, especially when they'll no doubt be there playing those remakes day one. I know personally, these new remakes have been the most exciting and appealing games to me in this franchise in a long time and I'm at a point where I'd just like to see them remake all the classic games now, including Resident Evil 5.

The classic games will still exist and be there for me to play whenever I want, but after how incredible both Resident Evil 2 and 4 were, I know Capcom can deliver the type of Resident Evil games I've been begging for since the original RE4 released and if they can only deliver those type of experiences through remakes, I say give them to me. Sure as hell beats bitching about the numbered entries over and over again.

Ridley Lockhart

Well-Known Member
I've. I never understood the resistance some people have with certain games being remade, especially when they'll no doubt be there playing those remakes day one. I know personally, these new remakes have been the most exciting and appealing games to me in this franchise in a long time and I'm at a point where I'd just like to see them remake all the classic games now, including Resident Evil 5..
I can't speak for anybody else on this subject. I can say why i personally am not jumping on the "Hey let's remake every game we've already made" bandwagon. I'll try and make this a compliment sandwhich, something positive, something negative as filler and top it off with a positive. Here we go.

RE2R i believe was superb, i very thoroughly enjoyed it. OG RE2 is an amazingly classic game I've played through so many times on Ps1 and Gamecube. I also enjoyed the Darkside retelling of RE2 In the "Memories Of A Lost City" scenario. Paul Mercier(Leon in RE4, Degeneration, Darkside Chronicles) and Alison Court(Claire in RE2, Code Veronica, Degeneration, Darkside Chronicles) voicing their respective characters, even Jack Krauser's voice actor reprised his role. And while RE2R did change those details, fresh new voices, characters look and sound slightly different it seems to me it stayed pretty loyal to the OG, my complaints on that one are very few and far between.

Now, what i take issue with very simply put, they're gonna mess it up. It won't make the OG games not exist anymore like some kind of Mandela Effect, but I'm a devout RE fan and yes I'm going to play it and i don't want to see my favorite game put through the ringer and be a crappy poor excuse for a remake of a masterpiece. I couldn't help but to notice how you mentioned with how incredible both Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4 were, but no mention of RE3R. RE4R is one i haven't personally played but it looks good. The gameplay, graphics, mechanics the whole 9 yards. Some of the characters 'new' voices sound like ass and nothing like their character...that is especially annoying to me. When i heard and saw Ada and Wesker in RE4R holy hell what were they thinking!? And most of the baddies sound pretty bland like Ramón Salazar, Osmund Saddler and Bitores Mendéz.
One of the RE's that people seem to be creaming their pants over the most is Code Veronica, arguably my favorite in the series...and while the "Game Of Oblivion" scenario in Darkside was cool overall and I'll give some of the discrepancies and mess ups a pass for what it is, a rail shooter and a retelling, not a full on remake. If that however gives any insight into what a CVX remake would come out like...Alexia and Alfred sound horrible, especially Alexia.
But the coup de grâce is Resident Evil 3 Remake I could make an entire thread on this one alone, but I'll just give the cliff notes version: I don't like it. I don't hate it, and i think it's undeniably baaaadddd...they managed to ruin my favorite character probably, she hardly looks or behaves/acts like Jill Valentine. She looks like 'The Quiet Man', her iconic outfit that she was wearing during the infamous Raccoon City Incident replaced with essentially the Tomb Raider reboot Lara Croft attire, successfully relegating Jill to the desexualizing of a strong female character. Like Lola Bunny in the new Space Jam movie with LeBron James, kind of like how Star Wars made ~Rey "I Am All The Jedi" Skywalker~ a Mary Sue who is all of a sudden is the most badass Jedi ever. I only bring the SW comparison up as a very plausible reason for Jill being changed so drastically. This WOKE thing going on nowadays. And Nemesis was kind of a let down. Nemesis hasn't been a real badass since RE3:Nemesis the OG. He was just slow in Umbrella Chronicles and sounded like a robot, I vaguely remember him using a minigun in ORC, but this RE3R version, filled with scripted events, Nemesis easily able to be taken down, we really hardly see him before he skips his original mutation and turns straight into a giant rabbid dog thing. And he got no respect, hearing Jill say, "It's My Turn Bitch!" When she tries to run him over...Jill doesn't talk that way in the games. Maybe in a live action Paul W.S. Anderson film like Apocalypse. First time we see Carlos and he shows up with a mazooka and exclaims, "Hey F*ckface!!". THIS is the big bad Nemesis from RE3?? Even Jill's line at the end in the final Boss fight...just, no. and Brad "Chickenheart" Vickers was lame IMO, lacked the same panic he had in the OG, we only see him oh so briefly, and come on, Nemesis is there for ONE THING. S.T.A.R.S. What happened to Brad's kind of iconic and memorable death? Nemesis gets zero kills against S.T.A.R.S.? Wow. Worthless. And come on Nemesis has a flamethrower, that would've have been a cool and welcome addition IMO if he would actually use it correctly. When Jill climbs back up to the street Nemesis just stands there with the flamethrower point-blank in her grill and....doesn't light her up? Then for some reason the 'smart move' is to climb up to the top of a building under construction so that you're stuck up there with a stupid killing machine burning everything but you. Including himself. Smh

Okay top bun of this Jill Complimentary Sammich. I really actually DID like basically all the other characters in RE3R namely the UBCS, Carlos Oliveira, Mikhail Victor, Nicholai Ginovaef, and Tyrell Patrick. Also nice to see Robert Kendo considering we've read plenty about him in Files in the past. I really liked how they dis the intro instead of trying to simply recreate the iconic(weird how that word keeps coming up as i describe the OG) opening with the RPD trying to fend off hordes of the undead while simultaneously the UBCS being deployed and being massacred, it's like a war zone. Kind of bittersweet when it turns into a bunch scripted events reminding me of the annoyingly slow pacing at the beginning of Leon/Helena's chapter in RE6.

Sorry if this was particularly lengthy iay have to retract calling it a cliff notes version lol almost a full on review. Anyway that generally my two cents in why I'm against can't natant REmake demands and requests. But also everybody is entitled to their opinion and i respect that. Hopefully after you digest this Jill Complimentary Sandwhich it answers your question.
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Absolute no no for me.

The idea of a remake of a remake is a path I really don't want Capcom to explore. Especially considering how much of an improvement REmake was compared to the original - which I still bloody love for what it is!

As of today, the ONLY RE game that needs a remake/reboot now is Code: Veronica. I hope that's where their focus lies regarding remakes.


New Member
I feel like the remake already exists. Not sure how much I want this. At the same time, RE1 remake is also difficult for new players not used to tank controls and fixed camera angles. If the series has a barrier to entry, then it gets harder to recommend. We may also see a Wesker Saga with Code Veronica, Revelations, 5 and Revelations 2 come from this which is exciting.
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